One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-31 20:16:30

I was playing this game today. Got born into a thriving village as a girl. Helped farming and started making pies as the first. Then I started getting babies. 3 daughters, 1 son. Told them to make pies or go farm or hunt. When i finished nursing my youngest one, my son, one of my younger daughters told me suddenly there was someone with a knife running around killing folks. I had seed 3 knives in a basket when a gave one of my offspring a tour, but I didnt really react. I had never experienced murder, though heard of it. I am a rather new player. I think it was one of my daughters who, as soon as sh could hold it, ran around killing everyone. Thankfully I reacted quickly, as I had seen an arrow lying around. After first running away, I quickly decided that I had to find that arrow and a bow, and kill that son of a b*** (hehe). I did find the bow, and I shot the b*stard. I and two of my daughters were left. They were still young, I old, so I hope they continue to carry on the legacy. I gathered all 3 knives and ran away with them till I died. I ran fast, dont think they will be found.

I kind of think it is stupid to compare a game to real life. Sure, its kind of realistic. But it still stupid that anyone with a bit of money can walk around murdering honest player.

Like gosh, I have a very busy life. Im a student, I will have exams in a month. I just want to relax for an hour, and feel like Ive accomplished something (since reading is not the thing, as you see). It stupid that some 8 year old kid can take that enjoyment away from me or anyone else....

My two cents

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