One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » A Discussion on Society and Culture [THESIS] » 2018-04-14 13:26:31

I plan on writing another thesis soon, so keep your eyes peeled for more controversy wink


•Max Players: 40
Pasword: on request in discord

2. Notes:
This server is not modded and stays faithful to the original script as of now. We leave it up to the player to decide their role, but do ask of them that they withhold the ideas stated in the overview. I suppose the server could be considered "RP" but that's the point of the game. It is a learning experience!

On the Discord we discuss not only the server, but political theory and more! Please, don't be shy, we don't bite!

#3 Main Forum » A Discussion on Society and Culture [THESIS] » 2018-04-12 00:37:11

Replies: 14

I often go through lives as a humble baker, carrot farmer, or other occupations to provide sustenance to the ever growing village. Everyone, at least most of the time, work in tandem and harmony to create a society that provides for their posterity. I have noticed, however, that these aforementioned villages lack something, a vital part to the ideas that classic civilization was founded upon, as well as what sparks change in the community. Culture. It is defined as "the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively." One could argue that the progress of tribes through advancements in technology is a sign of culture, but let us realize also that the arts as well are most often referred to when in the discussion of Culture. The tribes, while mostly organized and are progressing in such a way that their offspring will have no worries in life so long as they remain vigilant in work.
  Tasks are assigned by mothers, or by choice, but this can often times lead to the demise of a village, as tasks as menial as watering crops are over looked, or the deforestation of certain species of trees. Some villages have taken to assigning a leader, either through a Maternal Monarchy or a direct Democracy. It is rare to find, but they do exist, these pockets. In these societies, work is delegated and maintained by leadership, a sense of Governance. One could again argue that the current means of dictating life are working, "why fix it if it isn't broken?" That's just it though, the same cookie cutter society works, it progresses, it grows and lives, but does it flourish? No. The ability to think, to trade and to explore are severely limited in the current model, as they maintain the striking ability to develop, but not to blossom. Like a carrot that never blossoms. It provides, but does not lead to more. More, in a sense of spreading culture.
  Culture, you may say, is not necessary, as this is a game, or possibly that the current model is in fact culture, as, yes, "many if not all people follow the same pattern." The issue is though, it never gives the sense of desiring more. Does this sound repetitive? As well as it should, as this is how the way we currently play feels.

  It is time for a change, a gradual one. A time to develop governance and a new sense of kinship, with our family clans, and the surrounding. Roads are the hope of a future like this, connecting civilization and giving a platform for new ones to be set. Progress waits for no one, and never stops.

#4 Main Forum » Nations! Server » 2018-04-11 06:16:44

Replies: 0

•Game Data Version: 73

•Max Players: 40

1. Overview:

The base idea of One Hour One Life is to create a civilization, to stand the test of time and persevere through generations. Some rise, some fall, but with each comes knowledge gained. To form culture and society is the very root of being human, and to be is a gift.
Nations! A One Hour One Life server strives to put these ideas into motion. Players are free to create a tribe as they wish, and participate in actions that change the world as a whole: forming trade routes, highways and much more. Join the Discord for more information. Civilization awaits.

2. Notes:
This server is not modded and stays faithful to the original script as of now. We leave it up to the player to decide their role, but do ask of them that they withhold the ideas stated in the overview. I suppose the server could be considered "RP" but that's the point of the game. It is a learning experience!

On the Discord we discuss not only the server, but political theory and more! Please, don't be shy, we don't bite!

(Reposted due to errors)

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