One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » End of the apocalypse, and lag fixes today » 2018-04-08 16:25:08

Hi. I registered on the forums just to make this post. There seems to be a lot of long thought out posts here and I hope that Jason has the chance to read all of them, including this one. As I am typing it to him basically.

I have been playing for a while now and have been intrigued by the game, which is why I purchased it. It is a very interesting concept and I like to imagine, from week to week, what new things will be implemented when it’s update time.

This last apocalypse update (unfortunately I wasn’t playing when it happened to experience it) seems to be causing a rift / divide in your player base. Not to say, there wasn’t already one before the update since as it seems there are more than a few of the 14,000 people who have stopped logging in, but I may just be speculating on that. Who is to say they will even come back though, and by the time you hit the apex of what you want the game to be, will they even be interested in the game anymore by the time the frequently mentioned 2 year update cycle completes?

It would seem a lot of the people are disappointed in the monotony of the beginning grind. Which is as they describe. Spawn as Eve, run around for a decent spot, try and start a family. Maybe your kids work out, maybe some die, maybe they all die and that’s it...

But… what if they survived?

That’s the question I always ask myself when I’m getting close to dying of old age. Will they work out? How will they live and die? Will they struggle and eventually prosper? Or make a stupid mistake which dooms the whole tiny group of family we struggled to feed and protect?

Currently how it is, this doesn’t even matter. As if you are lucky enough and possess the tenacity to push forward and survive until old age by developing a tiny tiny campsite, cause that’s what it is(a campsite) at these early repeating stages, it doesn’t feel like it matters. I establish something, anything, teach my children, help my grandchildren, then die, spawn, what is it 7000 tiles out(?), and start the process all over again.

I honestly think that maybe a good thing to "try out" would be to implement a very simple solution to this: allow for another spawn option; spawn to lineage. This would be in addition to have the choice of the ‘get born’ option. But only if there are surviving members of your family.

I’m not sure how it could be implemented, but that’s why it’s just an idea. Maybe choosing this option would cause a little bit of a wait to mash up with the ready for baby pregnancy cooldown, but I think it would be worth it to be reincarnated with my family. Maybe see my granddaughter all grown up, knowing I was a good mother and provider. This would help me feel that sense of belonging and accomplishment that I feel a lot of people also desire. Granted, the apocalypse trigger can still be in place so that would continue to be an interesting factor as well.

This may or may not be something that will contribute to what your vision for the game is. But I personally think it will help combat the wave of discord and dissenting opinions that nothing matters. Because it really is just a 1 hour reset now. Some people are fine with that, others, as you can tell, aren’t so ok with this. Me personally, I don’t mind the random starting over after getting to the point where we are actually surviving because this helps me refine the fundamentals of surviving in your game and learn new things, mostly on my own unless a kid of mine knows how(this is pretty weird though to have kids much smarter than you when they haven’t even reached child rearing age, like they come out of me knowing how to forge without ever doing it as if they had inherent generational intelligence programmed into them genetically somehow).

Granted, when born to a sprawling civilization you had the option of learning higher up techs if someone took the time to teach or you just watched. I loved telling my new babies, when they asked for a job or what to do, that they could be anything they wanted to be. Since all the options were there, in the event you spawned somewhere established. Maybe they want to be a doombringer and work toward another apocalypse. Maybe they wanted to start a Templar group to protect against the apocalypse. Maybe they just wanted to mash up carrots and rabbit to help make pies.

In the end, we are working toward the same goal; to establish something and survive.

I don’t really know how to end this, so if anyone read it all… thanks for taking the time. I’ll continue playing and watching what comes of this game. I’m interested to see what happens next.

See you all out there.

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