One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » 1 0 0 G E N E R A T I O N S R E A C H E D » 2018-04-11 16:00:35

Nice achievement. Kudos. I do applaud the effort your team put in. But I was saddened to see what it cost to do it.

the bodies of all the other souls on server 6 that were murdered in the xenophobic paranoia pursuit of 100 generations


#2 Re: Main Forum » Picking last item destroys source » 2018-04-10 14:12:48

I get sustainability as a feature of the game, and I like that. However, I do think that it is too easy currently for griefers, morons, and noobs to really hurt a village by destroying 'renewable resources'. Cutting a wild carrot, taking the last water from a well (at least for 10 hours), draining a goose pond, digging up a berry bush. I get that survival should be hard, and griefers, morons, and noobs could happen IRL, and that would doom a real stone age village. But IRL a concerted effort by a community could also "repair" the damage... and that is missing in OHOL.

Here are two suggestions that I think still fit in the 'flavor' of OHOL.
1. Allow a wild carrots to be replanted in a new location (with a tilled row ?). This would allow you to range a further from your village to find a replacement wild carrot and bring it back. This would also allow you to plant "seeding" carrots in your village and simplify farming. Because it would be way easier to explain to new villagers that the rows of wild carrots above the farm are to be used to seed the domestic carrot farm. You could also only allow it to be replanted at an original wild carrot location, that would limit the use, but still allow you to repair the damage.

2. Add an item called a goose "call". Players could build that using advanced tools, and then they could be used to lure a new goose to a "abandoned goose pond". I suggest a chisel applied to a short shaft. That produces a the raw item that could be combined with something rare like a goose carcass to produce the goose call. Then you will need to explore further from your village to find a replacement goose, to create the device to lure one back to your village. Make it a one time use item.

#3 Main Forum » Suggestion: Well improvements » 2018-04-10 14:04:19

Replies: 3

Currently wells and cisterns are not that usable. it is far too easy to take that last unit of water from the well, and cause it to go dry. It takes 10 hours before that well can be used again, which currently might be longer then your village exists.

Personally I have misclicked and drained a goose pond several times. Which is still annoying, but at least i can chastise myself for this because there was a visual cue on the screen that it was down to one water unit. With a well there is no indication at all, so unless you are the only one using the well, and you are vigilant with your math and an external timer, it is pretty hard to know how much water remains in the well.

1. Give a visual indication that the well is about to go dry. For example with goose ponds, at least we can see before we click on it that it is on it's last water unit. With a well you don't get that. Even it if it just the hover text or name. For example "nearly dry shallow well", "almost empty deep well"

2. The 10 hour timer before the well restarts is too punishing. Allow players to be able to restart the well some how, like a pond. Add the ability to refill a dry well. Perhaps by filling it back up to full (7 or 14 units), and clicking with the shovel again. Bringing that amount of water back to a well is pretty big task.

To make cisterns more useful they should be allowed to hold much much more water. A cistern that only holds 10 units is not that useful, and with current well mechanics that is even more true. But if a cistern allowed you to hold much more water, say 100 units. Then it would make sense to build one in your village. Even double the capacity of a deep well, might be enough to make it more useful. Then you could use the cistern as a useful buffer for your wells, that smooths out the time that it takes for the well to refill over time.

3. Increase the capacity of the cistern. Or allow the cistern to be upgraded like the shallow well to deep well.

Another possibility to make cisterns and wells more 'idiot proof' and useful would be to cisterns built next to (or connected to a well with a stone pipe) to drain water from the well automatically to the cistern. That way we can "educate" villagers to use the cistern before the well.

#4 Re: Main Forum » New record 32 Generations » 2018-04-10 13:25:33

BTW. We had a great village on server 6 last night, that was started by an Eve, I was her first daughter, and was born in the village two more times that evening. Until unfortunately I could no longer be reborn at the village. I gave up after 10 reborn attempts and went to bed (sad).

I'd love to know if that village stood the test of time.

#5 Main Forum » New record 32 Generations » 2018-04-10 13:24:23

Replies: 26

I see on the main page, that there is a new record of a family line of 32 generations. That is great news.

I would really like to know more, was I involved in that record breaking family dynasty ?  Who was ? How big was the village at its maximum ? There are so many more questions I would like to ask. At least tell us which server did this occur on ?

Behind the scenes, I hope Jason is adding more capability to gather data about these dynasties when they occur, and that eventually he will add features to be able to query, and display that data.

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