One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » Update: The Apocalypse » 2018-04-12 02:40:36

I feel that this game you created is the first one to ever have the potential to truly explore the psychological depths of the human condition. if you let it happen that is. I was able to accurately predict certain meta developments of this game just by using actual early human history as a template. What did the beginning of humanity really look like? How did society organically evolve into the ones we see in front of us today? This game was beginning to answer some of those questions right in front of our very eyes at 525k times the speed it actually happened in our world. Sure it's only giving us a glimpse of all of the complexities of early civilization, but that microcosm it provided was still more than what any other online game has ever achieved. This was happening in the mere few weeks 1H1L has been available.

You say that the point of this game is for one family line to go from creation of a society to the end of the technology line. However, the way you designed the game currently makes that impossible, and it has nothing to do with revisiting abandoned villages. Contrary to popular belief, writing is almost as old as irrigation technology, and is even older than irrigation in some parts of the world. If you want generations to survive, there must be a way to pass down knowledge through writing. The ability to chisel laws into a stone block at the center of a village would go a long way in maintaining generations. But it seems like your fear that people will be bored, once they reach the end of the most recent technology tree, would deter you from making the game any easier for communities to thrive and survive than it already is. But therein seems to lie the crux of the problem. There is a miscommunication between the purpose for you making this game, and the reason why people have fun playing and watching it.

I agree completely with M3L4N1N
I was so sold on the idea of what i did mattering to some future person. Creating a civilization. That is what the small youtube vid shows on the home page of this game and i bought it straight away. And this type of gameplay does not take away from those that just want survival. If you want to strike out and setup your own village, go for it. You can start out as a younger girl, can take supplies or nothing at all, allowing for setting your own difficulty. This happened throughout history and is what set humans on the great expansion across the globe. I was never bored working for the next generation or the thought someone would find our village and take over.
BUT when the last female in my last village died, I was like, "oh this is pointless", I stopped hauling in iron and resources and just let myself die. Then I logged out and not back in.

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