One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Players quitting at birth » 2018-07-28 05:12:43

family tree

chased the kids with their mother but they kept running and getting away.

Utah was my mother, I was Adam. Final words were "Eve came family" Was about to take my life as the last remaining member of my family before an eve spawned in.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Eve calling device? » 2018-07-28 04:51:37

I was the last male alive and was almost ready to take my life before I heard the "POP" of an eve in the dead center of my little town.....Lets just say I took on the role as Butler for the Turner Family and had an amazing time serving their family. Best life so far. Stick it out till the end of your life, you never know what surprises the game may throw your way.

#3 Main Forum » Players quitting at birth » 2018-07-28 04:45:49

Replies: 3

Same person spawned into my family over and over and kept quitting out of the game. Is there not something in place to stop this or just unlucky? Reason im posting is because my blood line died because of this.

edit: Base was small but established. Small but full berry farm. Stew was just made and we had sheep / tools

#5 Re: Main Forum » Players who run or quit at birth » 2018-07-20 01:36:39

I know its just a game but I like to think that if you're born into a family you should at least try to help and roll with the punches

#6 Main Forum » Players who run or quit at birth » 2018-07-20 00:26:36

Replies: 15

I think there should be a penalty for players that run away or quit out of the game right as they spawn. I've had countless bloodlines die out because of this and it hurts my soul to see my last and only daughter quit the game or run off before I even get a chance to pick her up.

#7 Main Forum » Dear Foul Mouthed Greifer » 2018-07-19 04:38:32

Replies: 0

You spawned three times into my small family of 2 daughters and instantly started yelling "F" "U" "C"U"N"* and twice I told them to let you die which they did. The third time you remained silent yet secretly I knew it was you by the way you acted. My daughter raised you and took care of you and when you got old enough you ran into the woods. We worked hard to get the farm going and we lived peacefully without your foul mouth. I checked the family tree and see that you returned and killed my daughters and their babies. I hate you whoever you are.

Our last remaining girl wrote this:

Emily Delgado
14 years old
23 minutes ago
Killed by Henry Delgado
Final words: "Asshole"

#8 Re: Main Forum » Any way to track who let the bear out? » 2018-07-19 04:24:47

cursing is dumb. Half the time you can't even spell their complete name

#9 Re: Main Forum » Assholes ... » 2018-07-19 04:14:30

Now that the kids are home for the summer, there is an influx of foul mouthed players with bad attitudes

#10 Re: Main Forum » Status update » 2018-07-19 01:22:21

Any chance these bugs have been causing the server lag issues? It's really bad right now at the time of writing this 9:20PM EST, lag spikes of 3 seconds or more.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Here's a thought, how about we do away with sledges? » 2018-07-17 16:07:21

Nothing better then the sweet sounds of 2 or more sledges being carted around

#12 Main Forum » Server Lag » 2018-07-17 16:05:18

Replies: 1

This is still a big issue

#13 Re: Main Forum » Here's a thought, how about we do away with sledges? » 2018-07-17 01:54:18

well, not a lot of new villages have made the tools to craft wheels, its still nice to have a cart of some sort, even if its slow

#14 Re: Main Forum » PRAISE ZULU » 2018-07-17 00:55:55

Your blood shall feed the almighty cactus plant. Zulu commands it

#15 Main Forum » PRAISE ZULU » 2018-07-17 00:43:36

Replies: 5


#16 Re: Main Forum » [DOWNLOAD] Windows Client with additions (updated over time) » 2018-07-12 14:57:10

how often does this get updated and is this something we can fix ourselves? Doesn't work right now with current update

#17 Main Forum » Influx of New Players » 2018-07-07 04:20:59

Replies: 0

I was an were all treasured new was abundant in my little piece of home....1 by 1 you all died with food in your hands...your corpses  laid to rest around our oven...silently watching me as I eat the pie I made for you with care...mommy loves

#19 Re: Main Forum » Implementation plan 3 for the curse system » 2018-07-06 04:35:37

A Vote system! Here's my 2 cents to make this work. There should be a "Family Info Window" in the corner of the screen (boarder opacity should be set to low) so that you can receive updates about who in your family has just died and who in your family has been injured, example: Richard Eve was bitten by a snake!...Emma Eve was stabbed by Billy Eve!...Mary Eve has died of starvation!) The "Family Info Window" is for events only and not a chat bar.  If you attack someone within your family, the [Family Tab] itself will change to red indicating someone in your family is a murderer. The attackers name within the [Family tab] will also highlight red which can been seen by selecting the [Family Tab] at the bottom of the "Family Info Window" to open a drop down list of all your currently alive family members) The attackers name will forever be highlighted in red regardless if they run away. It is a mark of "Bad Blood". This "Bad Blood" will persist even if they happen to die and re spawn into your family again. Voting should ONLY be allowed against players with the "Bad Blood" mark and I feel that there should be a warning in the "Family Info Window" when a vote to kick has been initiated by a family member. thereafter a 30 second timer begins giving your family the chance to vote whether the player with the "Bad Blood" mark will be kicked or pardoned.

If someone can do the math for a vote calculator that would be great.

T = Timer
F = Total Family Votes
K = kick
P = Pardon

A pardon clears the player of "Bad Blood"

I feel like this is a great place to start and can help stop players from going on murder sprees within your own family as well as adding a quality of life update for your family. ( I hate wondering if little Tommy is still alive after he went searching for milkweed )

Side note;  a [Rival Tab] beside the [Family Tab] would be very helpful for when an outsider decides to attack your family. You would see the event on the "Family Info Window" (Different last name would indicate a rival: "Emma Eve was stabbed by Jhonny Sol") but it would be up to the other bloodline to kick the murderer. The [Rival Tab] would hold the name of anyone who attacked someone in your family that is not blood related making it easier to identify who's a threat.  I do agree that territory takeover by different bloodline should be a thing.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind ~ M. K. Gandhi

I hope you find this helpful, would love your feedback


If you equip a knife or bow/arrow please don't click on a family member. There is no line between accident and intent.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Saving the game from evil killers, and this idea isnt about stew » 2018-07-06 04:24:09

A Vote system! Here's my 2 cents to make this work. There should be a "Family Info Window" in the corner of the screen (boarder opacity should be set to low) so that you can receive updates about who in your family has just died and who in your family has been injured, example: Richard Eve was bitten by a snake!...Emma Eve was stabbed by Billy Eve!...Mary Eve has died of starvation!) The "Family Info Window" is for events only and not a chat bar.  If you attack someone within your family, the [Family Tab] itself will change to red indicating someone in your family is a murderer. The attackers name within the [Family tab] will also highlight red which can been seen by selecting the [Family Tab] at the bottom of the "Family Info Window" to open a drop down list of all your currently alive family members) The attackers name will forever be highlighted in red regardless if they run away. It is a mark of "Bad Blood". This "Bad Blood" will persist even if they happen to die and re spawn into your family again. Voting should ONLY be allowed against players with the "Bad Blood" mark and I feel that there should be a warning in the "Family Info Window" when a vote to kick has been initiated by a family member. thereafter a 30 second timer begins giving your family the chance to vote whether the player with the "Bad Blood" mark will be kicked or pardoned.

If someone can do the math for a vote calculator that would be great.

T = Timer
F = Total Family Votes
K = kick
P = Pardon

A pardon clears the player of "Bad Blood"

I feel like this is a great place to start and can help stop players from going on murder sprees within your own family as well as adding a quality of life update for your family. ( I hate wondering if little Tommy is still alive after he went searching for milkweed )

Side note;  a [Rival Tab] beside the [Family Tab] would be very helpful for when an outsider decides to attack your family. You would see the event on the "Family Info Window" (Different last name would indicate a rival: "Emma Eve was stabbed by Jhonny Sol") but it would be up to the other bloodline to kick the murderer. The [Rival Tab] would hold the name of anyone who attacked someone in your family that is not blood related making it easier to identify who's a threat.  I do agree that territory takeover by different bloodline should be a thing.

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind ~ M. K. Gandhi

I hope you find this helpful, would love your feedback


If you equip a knife or bow/arrow please don't click on a family member. There is no line between accident and intent.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Latest griefing idea, still riddled with problems » 2018-07-04 03:45:15

Vote system is great! But here's my 2 cents to make this work. There should be a "Family Info Window" in the corner of the screen (boarder opacity should be set to low) so that you can receive updates about who in your family has just died and who in your family has been injured, example: Richard Eve was bitten by a snake!...Emma Eve was stabbed by Billy Eve!...Mary Eve has died of starvation!) The "Family Info Window" is for events only and not a chat bar.  If you attack someone within your family, the [Family Tab] itself will change to red indicating someone in your family is a murderer. The attackers name within the [Family tab] will also highlight red which can been seen by selecting the [Family Tab] at the bottom of the "Family Info Window" to open a drop down list of all your currently alive family members) The attackers name will forever be highlighted in red regardless if they run away. It is a mark of "Bad Blood". This "Bad Blood" will persist even if they happen to die and re spawn into your family again. Voting should ONLY be allowed against players with the "Bad Blood" mark and I feel that there should be a warning in the "Family Info Window" when a vote to kick has been initiated by a family member. thereafter a 30 second timer begins giving your family the chance to vote whether the player with the "Bad Blood" mark will be kicked or pardoned.

If someone can do the math that would be great.

T = Timer
F = Total Family Votes
K = kick
P = Pardon

A pardon clears the player of "Bad Blood"

I feel like this is a great place to start and can help stop players from going on murder sprees within your own family as well as adding a quality of life update for your family. ( I hate wondering if little Tommy is still alive after he went searching for milkweed )

Side note;  a [Rival Tab] beside the [Family Tab] would be very helpful for when an outsider decides to attack your family. Not only would you see the event on the "Family Info Window" (Different last name would indicate a rival: "Emma Eve was stabbed by Jhonny Sol") it can work similar to the [Family Tab] in which you can vote kick

An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind ~ M. K. Gandhi

I hope you find this helpful, would love your feedback


If you equip a knife or bow/arrow please don't click on a family member. There is no line between accident and intent.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Extreme lag?.. » 2018-07-04 02:22:26

The last while the server was running smooth (No more humping trees till you die) but lately with the influx of players the servers have gone to $#!% and I'm back to thrusting against a tree. The cactus gods aren't happy

#23 Re: Main Forum » Where are all the new players coming from? » 2018-07-04 02:19:35

Yep, schools out for the summer and the kids have their parents money to spend on the game. That's why there is also a surplus of greifers and murderers. Makes sence now

#24 Main Forum » Game servers still lagging » 2018-05-28 02:25:10

Replies: 0

Not sure why the servers are still lagging.

#25 Re: Main Forum » connection problem » 2018-04-22 19:16:34

over seven Connection Lost at various ages

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