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#1 Re: Main Forum » The town of Saint Eva » 2018-04-29 22:59:06

I just got reborn into that town - and guess what: the berry bushes (about 25!) are bearing fruits and there are around 20 fields of carrots, and every time I get there at least three are flowering!! LOL Plenty of carrots stored in carts and baskets. Only thing uncertain is soil, while I was there a guy made compost. There are grown sheep East of town, the lambs poop when growing I guess (?), he made about 5 compost tiles. It's used up now, I told my people to get back to composting, but there is no shovel around and no one smithing at the moment. I hope someone cares for that... I had many children... I had no name, but my sister got the crown from my mom, guess I just wasn't a wanted daughter. My daughter Pooja found another crown and wore it, my sis gave her crown to our reincarnated-baby-mother called Leti.

I told the people in town it's called town of Saint Eva, maybe they'll read this and add to the story. To the guy making or at least caring about the wells when I was in the town two hours ago: all were dry, but there were now six of it! Two new shallow wells, not dry yet, but soon-to-be I guess.

Let's see how long this town will be around, it survived many famines and one griefer I know of!

#2 Re: Main Forum » The town of Saint Eva » 2018-04-29 21:24:22

Let me add to this story, as I was (one of?) your sisters - I was definitely younger than you, as you died before me and I was partaking in the "Saint Eve"-event of your death. I don't remember my name, but I was born in that town twice.

First time I was born I had no name. When I was old enough to grab stuff, an old lady in the carrot fields asked me if I wanted a job. So she asked me to grab snares and get rabbits, East of town. I did as she told me, there were many rabbits far East and many wild carrot seeds. Later when I was grown-up the first famine hit, always people picking rows destined for seeds... same old story. I grabbed my backpack and basket and ventured East to bring back seeds. I did that thrice! My seeds almost always were the only ones left in the fields. Stupid villagers always picking carrots! Then all was good for a while, until some dude killed three or four of us with a knife and I died when I wanted to kill him with a bow, wasn't fast enough. Fatally wounded I saw another one picked up the bow and I guess managed to kill him.

I was born again in that town after letting myself die two times as a baby to wild Eves. Guess I was your younger sister, don't remember my name though (Ally or something?), no last name either. You were Eva. Again, when I was old enough I ventured East to bring back seeds, only did that once, though. When people kept picking carrots from fields that were to seed I grabbed my two kids (Asses and Bollocks - don't know what names they really got, I ended up having two daughters called Asser, the Bollocks daughter whose real name I forgot, and one son Fatima) and left town some tiles to the East, wanting to wait out the famine and death of all villagers. Miraculously when I returned carrots were planted and many still alive, so YAY all good I thought...

But again people kept picking from all rows, although our dear King tried his best to define which rows were for seeds. You died in the meantime, but the seed problem was still there. I was fed up. Ventured into the wild, explored a bit, found a great berryfarm not far to the West from town, a "life task" from a dear great Uncle (saw him there) or so. No berries yet, though. Got back only to see our King saying "this row for seeds!" and not long after a girl called Destiny picking from just that row. ... Well, all my two lifes I was witnessing this shit, people not listening, only caring for their hunger bars, even when there was enough food all around, not far into the wild, and even some pies around. I snapped!! I grabbed a bow and shot that bitch. I knew I would be killed by the King, as he was carrying a knife all his life - I wondered why he let people grief the carrot fields by picking and even planting two rows of Milkweed there, but oh well. I killed her, I didn't even try to escape or say "oops!" or some shit, and the King stabbed me to death - which was ok for me, at least I got that Destiny killed, too. Will teach her, I  hope. My life was almost over, too, nearing the shrinkly-old-fart-state. I managed to get reborn into that town twice as a boy during the next five minutes, but no one cared for me, I saw an almost empty carrot farm, few people, maybe famine hit again. Gave up and began writing down my story to add to yours. Once the berry farms with at least 20 berrybushes to the West are bearing fruits, life will become easier, even with idiots picking "seed rows". Maybe someone can add to our story, if the city survived?

PS: just read your entry, Karltown! Good to know my daughter Asses got the crown and was protecting the seeds! I hope they managed to live long enough to make good use of that 20-something berry bushes to the West...

Oh, and English is my second language, so please excuse my grammar and spelling!

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