One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-05-23 19:54:13

denriguez wrote:

To the old lady who, when I insisted that 6-wide carrot rows without gaps for baskets is inefficient, said "LOL R U RETARDED USE MORE SPACE FOR CARROTS" and shot me with an arrow, and who killed me again when I immediately respawned in the same place to accuse her of murder one baby letter at a time: have fun spending your lives running across farms carrying single carrots to likely full baskets. Also: you're a mean person.

OMG this is the funniest but sad story ever. Whoever that old lady was, she definitely was bitter. I hope you can avenge your deaths in another life somehow... hahahah!

#2 Main Forum » I AM A BAD MOTHER » 2018-05-22 23:47:54

Replies: 1

I'm sorry to the child that I left willingly in the wilderness...
I could've given you a chance but I didn't and I apologize. … _id=108169

#3 Re: Main Forum » Wont open/unplayable » 2018-05-22 21:43:38

Somehow after unchecking and running it as admin it worked. BUTTTTT it only works with 640x480 Screen resolution. Idk if thats just how it is or whatever but yeah...

#4 Re: Main Forum » Wont open/unplayable » 2018-05-22 21:11:01

I'm having somewhat of the same problem.
I just paid and downloaded the extractor and extracted the game onto my computer today (Windows 10).
I've tried all that I could read online to help in making it work but I still can't make it seem to work... *cries*

I'm not even sure if it's the read-only problem but it does seem like my computer just keeps rechecking it every time I uncheck it.

I run the exe. and all I get is a black scree without any errors or anything, any others having this same issue?
Please someone help lol I really wanna play this game because it looks fun and it's not cheap haha

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