a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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So I've found this https://kazetsukai.github.io/onetech/ and it's helped me learn alot of crafting. I've also read a few forum posts and learned about things like temp and finding decent spots to settle.
But my children keep dying one way or the other. Most of them suicide cus I'm an Eve!. I always settle near water and berries but they still suicide/starve. Even when I have a farm setup.
I know that everyone wants towns but Eves can't get them setup if everyone suicides.
.elpmis taht ton s'tI
I won't give it up that easily.
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Translates from binary to:
"Don't talk behind my back on discord. Stop acting like I know something, your all lying!! Spoooky coded message lol."
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Anyway I do intend to try to get better. I'll do some research and try to improve. Even if I'm not welcome i still have the right to play. Wish me luck!
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Condescending and Rude, Lovely!
Sorry that I'm not good enough for your towns. Why do you people get so angry at something like eating the wrong carrots, it's a common mistake not griefing.
I don't know how I'm supposed to convince everyone I'm new. I'm considering asking for a refund but I'm going to try for a bit longer.
It's easy to use the axe, Literally you just pick it up and left click an actual 2 old could learn how. Once you guys started insulting me I ate your farm out of spite.
I get why your pissed, I just don't think this game is very kind to new people. Especially when none of the so called hardworkers were willing to teach the new children anything. Veterans might not need teaching but how many of kids are really going to be veterans?.
I've seen the anti noob sentiment around and it worries me. How can I learn anything if no town takes new players. Isn't it better then the long run to teach new plyers like me instead of letting us die.
I might be a burden but I'll learn a little after each life but only if I'm given a chance.
That was me and I actually was new. To tell you the truth I got pretty frustrated with this game. In most of my lives so far I have been left to die over and over. I've even been killed in a big place, My mum just said she was "Busy".
One time I was asked if i was new, I said yes and A man repeatedly picked me up and my didn't bother feeding me
So then I end up in your town, I still have no clue how to play. So I accidentally ate the wrong thing and I had insults thrown at me and you guys assembled a lynch mob against me. I'm sorry but HOW THE FUCK WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW. Nobody ever told me anything, Am i expected to know everything.
So i got mad and ate your carrots on perpose. Then I grabbed an axe and cut some trees and starved in the woods. I apologize for what happened but you shouldn't treat new people like this.
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