One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » people really need to relax geez » 2018-07-24 03:41:11

In the defense of some people, accidentally killing is a real thing. I remember I had an amazing life and got a lot accomplished. As I was handing over my gear to my next of kin, I accidentally killed them with my knife instead of dropping it on the floor. I felt so defeated and it felt as if my life now meant nothing because i killed the one who was going to be the future shepherd of the village.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Should I get this game? » 2018-06-01 13:33:44

Since the new update, this game has been nothing but good times. Everyone is super friendly, lots of corn talk, and a bunch of interaction with other people. It's become very peaceful and the communities feel like an actual community now. People talk to one another, mess around talking about the corn god, and everyone has a great time. I most certainly would buy this game now. These past few games have been the most fun i've had in this game to date. You will not regret buying it.

#3 Re: Main Forum » To my darling Athena and my friends in Popcorn town » 2018-06-01 13:11:56

Alleria wrote:

I think you were my uncle. If we played together, I was your niece who told you the shrooms were south. Shrooms are sacred to those who follow Centeotl. CORN FOR THE CORN GOD! POPCORN FOR THE POPCORN THRONE!!!

I was your uncle, the one with the cart full of knives and bows and all that. I never did end up finding those shrooms, did you ever bury my body for the corn god?

#4 Re: Main Forum » To my darling Athena and my friends in Popcorn town » 2018-06-01 12:16:03

I was the local crack whore. I was tripping mad balls on a new supply of shrooms I got and couldn't tell what was food and what wasn't. thank you for trying to feed me but I died due to starvation while running around shouting food please.

#5 Re: Main Forum » My take on the new Corn update. » 2018-06-01 11:30:54

TrustyWay wrote:

Would you be interessted to become a cultist of our mushroom CULT !

No thank you, I am a follower of the Corn Gods

#6 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-06-01 07:40:42

Two ideas that the game could deal with this.

Serial killers are people who have killed 3 or more people. If you kill 3 or more people in a lifetime, then the next life you spawn with a distinctive birth mark of some sort. This mark stays with you until you die of old age without killing anybody or until a certain amount of hours have passed. One problem with this is that no one would want to keep a baby with a birth mark so i'm not sure this would work, however it would greatly discourage mass killing.

Another change that could happen is that after you kill someone, blood stays on your body/hands for a set amount of time, say 10 minutes. This would give people the chance to see that you are a killer and question you about your murder.

The second option is a better option if you want to keep the policing in the hands of the people instead of by 1s and 0s.

#7 Re: Main Forum » My take on the new Corn update. » 2018-06-01 07:26:34

This life was definitely one of my favorites to date. Also my mother named me after our sister Lilly after you killed her. I now know that I was named after an aspiring serial killer haha. It was unfortunate that Michael died, lets hope that the knife he had got into the right hands.

#8 Re: Main Forum » My take on the new Corn update. » 2018-06-01 07:07:46

Oh my god, I was the shroom dealer! Also I completely agree with everything you said. Everything was very relaxed and didn't have the same rushed feeling it did in the past. Food was very sustainable because of the new popcorn, and now it feels like you can do more of the things that you want to in the short life that you have in this game. Overall, amazing update.

#9 Main Forum » Dear Pop Pop » 2018-06-01 06:52:37

Replies: 2

Dear Michael, better known as Pop Pop,

I was the baker by day and shroom dealer by night. I was Lilly Jr. When I heard the sound of someone being shot I was shocked. I was even more shocked to see my corn on the cob headed friend screaming through blood, "POP POP." Blue was the one that killed you and I believe one or two more after you. I killed her with her own bow and the very arrow that she used to tragically kill you. I'm sorry you didn't get to live as long as you should've. I know you would've made many more bowls of popcorn. I hope you see this.

The Shroom Dealer,
Your Avenger,
Lilly … _id=207527

#10 Re: Main Forum » New objects - Rivers/Oceans/Fireworks/Gold Wearables » 2018-06-01 00:47:55

I like the idea of large bodies of water being added. Imagine having to send people out with a boat load of food on a 20 year long expedition to gather rare materials from the sea. I can definitely see this being a big part of future civilizations. Great idea!

#11 Re: Main Forum » New idea: twins » 2018-06-01 00:44:49

Read about half of the suggestions before I thought of this, so sorry if you already said this. Maybe they could spawn in as Adam and Eve? It would make starting a civilization a lot easier because they can communicate and build at the same time.

As for spawning as twins and all that goes, I'm mixed on the idea as most of chat is, because this could enable griefers to destroy generations and generations in a fraction of the time. Another problem is with the mother. I know that if I was an eve that had twins I would have no idea what to do. Raising one child is hard enough, raising two would be an absolute nightmare

#12 Re: Main Forum » I have one request to all the tween girls playing » 2018-05-30 20:02:52

I agree with Traddy and Alleria, I dont mind lol and lmao, but it hurts me a little on the inside when i see an xd or rofl. lol just seems like a more sincere haha and lmao is like the next level of lol.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Why i leave civs » 2018-05-30 06:45:21

just a couple hours ago, i spawned as an eve and named myself Eve Moon. … &id=181887
I had an amazing place, a 3x5 carrot farm, a 3x3 milkweed farm, and the beginning of a wheat farm made by my grandson Davie. When I passed away, i spawned literally one tile below my skeleton. I am going crazy with excitement because of how cool it is that i can see where my family goes after i die. In my excitement, i say I was your gma then I am eve moon and because of that it named me: … &id=182029
didnt have any kids of my own because wanted to just work on civ, starved myself because all that was left was boy and old woman. still cool to spawn in the civ you created tho.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-05-30 06:11:37

To my biological big brother months ago, I was your little sister. Our mother had a cart and many clothes. We were running north, trying to find some place to call home. On the way, mom died. We took the cart and continued onward, eventually coming across a nice little place with trees and milkweed growing around. We started to build up a farm, you being the soil gatherer while i collected carrot seeds. Eventually the soil stopped coming. I kept bringing seeds hoping that maybe you just had to stop for some food. A couple of years pass and there is still no sign of you. The worst thoughts started to go through my head, but I told myself that surely you would return soon. I went out to the patch where you collected soil at to try and find you only to find your clothes and a skeleton lying on the ground. I walked back to camp unsure of what to do. I lost the only other person I had in this world. I got the carrot farm up and running and eventually had a kid. I think it was a boy. I built a fire and kept a steady supply of carrots coming to him, making sure he was fully fed and well. He called me the best mom ever. Soon enough, he becomes old enough to work. I tell him to stay by the fire and let me work until he has enough hunger to comfortably work. We're talking by the fire when suddenly he stops talking. He just stands there unresponsive. I ask him if everything is ok. Then in front of my eyes, he dies. The last and only child I had. I was too old to have more kids so i felt defeated. I lied the bones of my brother and child next to the carrot field toward the end of my life. I set the cart that my mother had next to them instead of her bones as they were far back from where we originally came. I stood next to the graveyard and ate carrots until I finally died from old age. To my brother, I'm sorry you died and didnt get to see your nephew. He was a great boy and I'm sure he would have been a great worker as well. To my child, I believe you lost connection, and I'm terribly sorry that happened to you. Thank you for calling me the best mom ever, that motivated me in my final days. I'll miss you guys.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-05-30 05:52:50

To the man months ago who i called brother. We had a good run. We lived in a huge civilization and we made many carrots and many articles of clothing. We did everything together since the rest of our civilization died. One of us suggested that we go try to find a woman, but I said I could not come as I was too old. You waited with me by the fire, talking about what a great time it was to be brothers doing all the work around the town and setting it up for the next people to come across it while i counted down the minutes until my death. You got your cart filled with food and everything you would need for the long journey while we reminisced about our time in the village. I hope you found a woman to carry on our legacy. I will never forget the amazing time we had way back then.

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