One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Helpful, simple tasks for new players? » 2018-03-05 15:29:42


What's the consensus on how long a child should wait before jumping into a role?

Should it be when the child can eat on their own? Actually, I'm unsure if this child can be breastfed. Can they? And if yes, what's more beneficial? Should the child remain by mother to be breast fed until it reaches a certain age (what's that age?)?

Basically, I never know how long I should remain by a fire before I feel like I'm a burden for just hanging around.

I once had someone feed me like twice and then tell me I was too old for milk. I could still drink breast milk but she was technically right. I was able to eat berries from a nearby bush she showed me. It was the earliest anyone encouraged me to do so.

(I wish I hadn't done something stupid and died of starvation before I learned more about the game from this wise person. Still shake my head at my mistake there).

#2 Re: Main Forum » how to controls? » 2018-03-05 00:59:46

Twinsen wrote:
CMH wrote:

I see food in a basket. I pick up the basket. I click on myself. Nothing happens. I try to click on the actual food in the basket. I click on myself. Still nothing happens.

I die of starvation.

How do I eat?

you don't pick up the basket. You instead right click the item in the basket instead. Further, you could be an infant that you can't pick anything up.

This helps too. I figured out how to eat, but didn't know I had to right click on the item in the basket. Thank you

#3 Re: Main Forum » how to controls? » 2018-03-04 05:39:24


I'm doing something wrong and can't figure it out. Can anyone help?

I see food in a basket. I pick up the basket. I click on myself. Nothing happens. I try to click on the actual food in the basket. I click on myself. Still nothing happens.

I die of starvation.

How do I eat?

#4 Re: Main Forum » Forget About "Always leave one carrot" - MAKE SECRET GARDENS » 2018-03-03 19:43:26

Twinsen wrote:
CMH wrote:

How does this benefit the future generations if they cannot find the carrots?

I'm still very early and confused with how to play and do anything but die, so perhaps my comment means nothing.

Sometimes, you are trying to save one patch of carrot for seeding; with people hungry and then people eat, you would never be able to save carrot seeds. Frankly, you really can't save everyone. Some players are smart enough to leave the settlement when food doesn't go well.

I will take this knowledge with me. Thank you!

#5 Re: Main Forum » Forget About "Always leave one carrot" - MAKE SECRET GARDENS » 2018-03-03 19:34:50


How does this benefit the future generations if they cannot find the carrots?

I'm still very early and confused with how to play and do anything but die, so perhaps my comment means nothing.

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