One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » [Suggestion] Container interactions » 2018-03-08 00:30:30

Uncle Gus wrote:

Your first suggestion is already in game.

If you can pick up a carrot from a basket in a cart i'd like video evidence big_smile, i only ever see 'basket' on my tooltip. Trying to hover over a carrot just goes outside the bounding box for the cart.

#2 Main Forum » [Suggestion] Container interactions » 2018-03-08 00:18:15

Replies: 10

Hi Jason,
I have two suggestions that I think would reduce the "fiddliness" of doing certain things.
Maybe you've already thought about these, but in case you haven't here they are.

First, to be able to pick up items from baskets that are in carts.

Say I want to eat a carrot, which is in a basket in a cart.
To do that right now, one would need to do the following:
Pick up the basket.
Put it down somewhere.
Pick up the carrot and eat it.
Pick up the basket.
Put it down in the cart.

It would be so much simpler if you could just hover your mouse over one of the carrots, click and it's picked up immediately.

:edit for illustration:
Let me pick up my carrot directly.

Second, would be to 'use' items from containers.
Right now, the only actual use I can think of would be to put another arrow to your bow directly from your backpack instead of having to put the bow down and get the arrow out.

I'm not sure how possible these things are within the engine, but if they could be done I'm sure they'd be greatly appreciated.
(and if it's not, maybe you could space items out in baskets, would make filling three water pouches a lot smoother.)
The rest of my fellow forum members are welcome to chime in with their thoughts as well ofc smile

#3 Re: Main Forum » Does milkweed actually regrow? » 2018-03-07 20:01:02

Uncle Gus wrote:

The stump fades.

ONLY if you pick it when it is not fruiting. If you pick it when it IS fruiting, it will regrow after one epoch (60min).

edit: lol, I misread, gus knows what's up smile

#4 Re: Main Forum » Discord Server » 2018-03-05 19:22:38

There is one already made by Jason.

Of course you're free to run your own, but I think most people are gonna stay in this one.

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