One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » So the Apocalypse is here » 2018-04-06 12:49:24

My boyfriend kinda just pointed it out to me but... wouldn’t four horses make more sense for an apocalypse?? Would be harder to press reset with four too. I can’t believe there’s already been three wipe-outs.

#2 Re: Main Forum » The life where I met Master Greta » 2018-04-05 18:50:03

This was so much fun to read, thanks for sharing

#3 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-04-04 11:31:11

I was a balding old man tending the carrot farm, my family and I avoided the bear for many years while I screamed at it to leave. The fact most of us were still alive was comforting however. “The bear is our pet now,” I said. Then the bear ate me.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-04-03 13:04:59

Favourite moment so far was when my mama named me Arya Stark and my sister Sansa. Of course I died of starvation in childhood so didn’t get to live up to my name... still happy!

Also had a lot of fun last night running north from a knife-wielding maniac who was attacking our hamlet, with my three infant sons. Was incredibly stressful running from her, bears, and trying to find enough food in the wild to keep us all alive. Then my milk ran out and my youngest had to be fed by hand! We couldn’t find a new settlement so eventually decided to turn back, and then I got eaten by a bear. Hope at least one of you survived!

#5 Re: Main Forum » Digging bushs shouldn't be that easy to remove » 2018-04-03 12:58:17

Last week I saw someone digging wild bushes and bringing them closer to the farm, asking how to replant them. Unsure if trolling or genuinely trying to be helpful?

#6 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-03-21 08:28:02

Two brothers with wolf hats invaded my village, one of them killing most of my family. Saw it happen but for some reason he let me live. Then he died of old age and I took his clothes and bag, collected the arrows and knife. Saw his brother was diligently helping us (me & my brother survived) plant wheat, get water etc. Every time I confronted the killer’s brother he’d just say “I don’t know what you’re talking about” and when I asked why he was helping us he’d say “I don’t know”. I told my brother what had happened and that I didn’t trust this guy, and asked if I should kill him. He said “prob”. So I confronted him again by the nearby ponds and when he said “I don’t know what you’re talking about” again, took the knife out of my bag. Was gonna ask if he recognised it but he ran so I chased him... to witness him stoically helping with our crops again.

When my daughter was born, he was an old man. I carried her to him. “Don’t trust this man. His brother murdered our family” and my little girl started screaming “MURDERER!” but—oddly—the old man just stripped off his clothes and wolf hat and gave them to my daughter. He continued to help the village that his brother slaughtered until he died of old age.

I think it just goes to show that you never can tell who’s an asshole who’ll murder your family, and who’s not so bad!

#7 Re: Main Forum » PSA: Stop dying on farm plots » 2018-03-14 08:37:08

Every time I die so close to food it’s because a bug has me stuck etc. and I’ve got a feeling this is a common problem.

Sorry to all the innumerable mamas that tried to raise me right!

#8 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-03-12 10:46:59

I really enjoyed the game I played last night when me & another Eve had a Bad Moms Club thing going. Our farm was cursed and literally all the children we were spawning were dying in infancy but we were honestly trying our best. Sort of.

(I got annoyed at the one son I successfully raised 'cause he jumped from my arms and soon as he had hair and started eating our food. There's no way he was hungry. I left him to his own devices since he wanted to take care of himself but he ended up dooming us all by stripping all the wild berry bushes for some reason, so when I was running with my new kid looking for milkweed and trying to stop at the bushes I knew along the way, they were all empty and the last thing I saw was him running and carrying a basket full of berries. My dying breath was a curse on him. I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT VILLAGE IS HAUNTED BY THE GHOSTS OF 1,000 OF YOUR SIBLINGS AND COUSINS!)

#9 Re: Main Forum » ?? Years Around the World » 2018-03-06 08:29:05

Yeah don’t make the mistake of thinking it’s 17 irl minutes. I died of starvation at age 59, after having run my whole life looking for the end of the world...

#10 Re: Bug Discussion » Objects leaving the ground then flying off screen and disappearing » 2018-03-06 08:12:41

I think this is lag, another character moving objects but their sprite not registering in time. Happens to me in big villages with lots of people interacting with objects.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Have you encountered Human Trolls? » 2018-03-05 08:29:28

TyrantNomad wrote:

But it would be better if we were able to knock them out and tie them up or something, so they don't just respawn somewhere.
They'd have to sit there and watch their character grow old tied up, while the villagers feed them every so often.

Hitting them on the head with a round stone or something and rendering them stunned for as long as it takes to move them seems like a kinder option than cold blooded murder, agreed.

#12 Re: Main Forum » The Milkweed People -- An Unbroken Line » 2018-03-04 11:49:05

Tebe wrote:

I have to say, I just lived a lovely life until I was a grey old woman. I had two sons and a daughter, and I brought an old desolate carrot farm up to functioning, added a kiln, and started milkweed farming. The daughter ran off with a bear, or something, so the place was ultimately doomed.

But it was me and my two sons, and one worked tirelessly to trap rabbits, gather the furs, and cook the meat.
The other son was hapless, but I taught him the laws and showed him the secret milkweed plots near the swamp just before I died. He kept the carrots well and learned to start fire and use the kiln.

I told them to make clothes and pouches and to leave some carrots to flower. It will be a good place when the next souls happen upon it.

A couple of hard-working sons can really do wonders for the homestead. We were kept well in rabbit meat and furs and carrots. Not a bad lil life!

Ah, glad I didn’t doom you both by running off with the water pouches!

#13 Main Forum » Final Regret » 2018-03-04 11:37:17

Replies: 1

I was born a son into a well-established but  sparsely-populated village. My mama knew the secret of fire. In my early years, she ran back and forth to the trees, bringing back branches yet keeping a close eye on me as I grew.

My first job was that of Water Bringer. I found some ponds, very far west. Then, far east . My brother helped me in the task until our carrots thrived once more.

My mama gave me small tasks. “Get stone,” she would say. Or, “Take this snare south and trap a rabbit.” I became an expert rabbit catcher. We had more fur and meat than we could ever need. But when I asked my mama for clothes, she remained silent as she worked, sewing furtive objects of her own. Still, satisfied with our abundunt lot, I took up my old role of Water Bringer. Filling a basket with our pouches, I headed east. Frowning, I saw that my brother had emptied the ponds. I would refill them, then, so that they may replenish. I headed further east, pleased to find ponds aplenty, and I filled my pouches. Yet now I hungered. I had left no room in my basket for a carrot or berry, and I had never travelled so far from home. I knew I must eat before the journey back. I kept moving east.

East, I found the remains of a fallen hamlet. Momentarily forgetting my need, I hoisted a backpack over my shoulders, filling it with pouches (full!) and clay bowls. I clothed myself in the raiments my mother had denied me. Now I had warm clothes, full pouches... tools, too, I saw there.

Yet the crop fields were barren. The bushes were bare. And it was here that I perished, after more than three decades of life, with all of my village’s water pouches and the final, desperate knowledge of my folly.

Always bring a carrot with you.

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