One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Reaching Big Bell Town Impossible » 2018-08-11 00:57:42

On a horse I foudna rough guide was 1k every 3 minutes

#3 Re: Main Forum » A beautiful fucked up family - the Summers » 2018-08-03 18:21:26

Think my moment was as a Fury. had a main town. i had a side part back up and a southern town. SOmeone built a road. It was pretty successful. I played a few lives there. 2nd time the southern town had been bandoend but was in great shape. So I dropped a few daughters there haha. First time tho I was crusiing aroudn wiht a bow, think somethign shady or somene so was looking for boar or wolves. When the northern village..all about 5 of them big_smile were chargin thru the forest. One armed wiht a bow I was like uhoh its on, someone is pissed I bet. And yep someone had apparently stolen from the southern village, so it was pitches and torches time hahaha, it was awesome. So I marched wiht them. looked better two bows yeah? So we all charge into the village, there was 4 of them. Dont think some of them even knew the nrth village existed. So after all that. the other guy with a bow was out for blood right or wrong. And some I think innocent girl got shot, she became the peace offering. Then we agreed to terms and They went home again. hahaha Would be cool to seemroe long term villages. I find multiple places works best. Away form the crazy babies for real setup, and the mad house of the main incubation area hahaha. I abandon al males atm. Unless its really cruisy. As they cant continue the line so pretty pointless in that regards and thats the hardest thing. But what Im finding is other males adopt them and raise them big_smile
IF Im not out in the wilderness when they are born Ill see them later on tagging along behind uncle lol. Im always noticing in case they want revenge! None have yet. Some boys have even respawned back as girls and saved the village. Ive noticed the few times we have all been put in the one server was when towns went really big. And lasted. I watch how many plaer sin server so I have noticed a big difference. When it goes over 50 in a server the big places seem to survive.

#4 Re: Main Forum » A beautiful fucked up family - the Summers » 2018-08-03 18:12:58

Is that sheep confusing a dog for a wolf lol XD   Its kinda fun going for griefers. SOme seem oblivious of them. like THEY GONNA KILL UR BABYMAKERS!!!! oh well? Tho I read a tip, hold the mouse button down! Griefers behaviour does become obvious if u know what they are up to. Mostly the problem is the sheep killing the dogs after they kill the wolves hahaha. Oh man that happens nearly everytime, if they kill a griefer near town someone stabs them. Now they pretend they are sorry but as I write I wonder if they do it jus for the kick really wink

#5 Re: Main Forum » Conection lost - Santa family » 2018-08-01 11:23:40

Oh and thats funny cos when I crowned your sister the younger one I wa slike hope this doesnt cause grief cos the older sis should prob have it hahahaha Seems it did big_smile

#6 Re: Main Forum » Conection lost - Santa family » 2018-08-01 11:22:36

I alwasy run in damin mode seems to not lose connection liek that for some reason. In the Quest family now. BUt sent out two girls on horseback to see if they can get to the bell tower. 23k away, how long on horse will that take? They were young so hope they get there and combine families big_smile My marker was alrdy set when tower rang hmm

#7 Re: Main Forum » Mini guide: berry farming » 2018-08-01 09:27:37

Hahaha yeah Ive been calling it forge wars. Need ahoe, go to forge, light a fire, Suddenly there 3 mothers and 12 babies running evryrwhere aroudn the fire. THEN the bakers hsow up and fill all the space. So then I have to get basket move all the bakers stuff, if I can while they try to put it back. Then when I finally tihnk Im going to forge something, a kid will pick up the tongs wondering what they are till the fire goes out. But IM stubborn and get their eventually

#8 Re: Main Forum » Conection lost - Santa family » 2018-08-01 09:24:45

Ah that was you! Dont really need the lock room tbh big_smile I was your Mum then grandaughter. The last remaining hope of the Santa clan survived. Went back as your Granddaughter for another life. Was mainly making compost wheat carrots big_smile So did u kill the kid just cos he had a knife in his backpack? No remorse? lol

#9 Re: Main Forum » Deliberately lagging server out » 2018-07-30 00:04:06

Haha yes I noticed you had been playing last camp in the stats, My tag there was wolfv big_smile The people you run into hey big_smile

#10 Re: Main Forum » Deliberately lagging server out » 2018-07-29 15:09:51

I dont hide weapons. I was mistaken and confused as to who the murderer was. As in I wasnt going to allow the griefer to grief more and I killed the guy anyway. Lorenzo. Which was  funny re another post as one of my kids warned me of him I swear it was that run. Said lorenzo was a griefer and would grief and had been tom white I think! in a previous town they had been in and killed everyone.   PS catfive seems a unique name. U didnt play ww2ol did u?

#11 Re: Main Forum » Deliberately lagging server out » 2018-07-29 14:19:59

I was there, wiht a pick axe, new player couldnt figure out how to break the wall wiht it, Didnt seem to work and couldnt find anything about the walls in wiki lol. Not that it mattered. A griefer killed everyone. Well basically lorenzo was killing. I saw a murder victim , and a guy wiht a bow n arrow. I manged to grab his arrow and run away, ALAS it turned out he was about to hunt the killer. Who appeared soon enough and killed the guy who had had the bow. Which then left me with the bow. I took the arrow out of the dead guys corpse. The griefer thought he was hiding behind a tree. Oh wait no that was another town. That griefer died. This one had aknife I warned the last females. Who tried to give me thier knife just as the griefer appeared. it felel on the ground butas I had osmethign in my hand and about ten tiles of seeds around me I couldnt get to it. then I thought the female picke dup the knife but I guess not as I watched the griefer chase her and the baby for a couple minutes till they died. Anyway this story ends with me and only the seed griefer left, Still dropping seeds, wiht no one else left. So I let myself die as wella s I was male. gg

#12 Re: Main Forum » What's the most advanced society you've lived in? » 2018-07-18 14:38:30

Played about a week, Few before last update, htin soil got changed have to say since thing nothing. Not even milkweed comes back the way the manual says. Only thing to do really is so how far one gets in one lifetime as an Eve or her kid because its all over pretty quickly. Seen maybe 1-2 places have people actually making the compost effieciently and then not for long. Only thing I can think is try the game on a private server where its not near impossible atm. Only way I can think would be to have one person per green biome on berries and trade with neighbours eventually, ie one makes wheat one carrots one sheep one extra berries then trade. Hace baby send them to new green biome .That way each person can survive just on auto food nearly and no pressure of instant near death.

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