One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » people really need to relax geez » 2018-07-22 19:17:31

Replies: 23

People, you really need to tone it down a bit, not everyone who makes a weapon is a griefer.

Yesterday I helped a settlement get on its feet. I helped them make the farm, brought seeds and eggs and even had a baby girl. But I wanted to kill some bears that were nearby and were endangering our community so I made a bow and I put it there in plain view for all to see that I was making that bow so no one would think I was going to kill anybody. So I prepared my bow and my featherless arrows and I went to gather some goose feathers that I needed but then I come back and I find two people (one holding my arrows and the other one holding my bow) calling me a griefer, saying that I had stolen some axe and saying they were going to kill me. Then they start chasing me around the camp and finally kill me with a vengeance for something that I did not do.

All in all, I just want you people to know that it's getting out of hand. I know there are griefers, I know we all hate them, but NOT EVERYONE WHO MAKES A WEAPON IS A GRIEFER, especially if they have helped out around the settlement.

Ridiculous and utterly disgusting attitude from some of you, you can't judge someone before he commits a crime.

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