One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Sacrifice to save my family » 2018-09-05 23:24:28

Lotus wrote:

Yes, it’s sad that people won’t acknowledge that someone is griefing unless they actually kill or do some other act of griefing. Threats, making a knife, hiding things, Black speech bubble... people don’t acknowledge it unless the person actually does something. Good on you for saving them, although it did cost your life.

edit; autocorrect

Are those the only warning signs that someone is a griefer? People have started handing me knives and telling me to guard them lately, and make sure no one bad gets one, so I figure that I should know some signs that someone is up to no good. So far I've just been asking what they need the knife for and explaining that I'm keeping it safe, and if they ask me to do whatever they were going to do instead of giving them the knife, then I'm more likely to give it to them in the future. But I'm wondering if there's a more efficient way of handling things.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Death to Tarrs » 2018-09-05 22:09:49

Tarr wrote:

Yeah I wouldn't say trapping is normally a two person job. You've got to be careful when someone asks you to go out somewhere secluded.

I thought it was weird. I was running around looking for soil, so I figured that maybe they thought I didn't know what I was doing and wanted to teach me. (Not that I know what I'm doing, entirely. But I do know how to trap.) I didn't know how to say no so I went.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Death to Tarrs » 2018-09-05 21:56:17

I was having fun in the Tarr family. Then someone killed me for no reason sad

Guess I shouldn't listen to people who ask me to come out trapping with them?

#4 Main Forum » How to remember to eat when you're old? » 2018-09-05 03:42:54

Replies: 6

Hello! I recently had a really good life. I had a good mom who taught me how to make pies, which I've wanted to learn for awhile, I got really into the roleplaying aspect, I liked my kids, two different people trusted me enough to ask me to guard knives to I guess other people liked me well enough, too. It was an all around really good life, great experience, 10/10 would play with these people again.

Now, I've never died of old age. I've made it into old age a couple times, but I always forget to eat and starve without the beeping to remind me. I was really disappointed this time because I wanted to say goodbye to people and hand off my knife to one of my children to guard (the other I handed off to a shepherd after I got it so they could kill sheep). So, how do you guys remember to eat without being reminded? Is it something you just get better at with time?

#5 Main Forum » Is this rude? » 2018-09-04 19:38:43

Replies: 12

Hello! I'm still learning how to play! I can do some basic things, like berry farming, carrots, making eggs, and catching rabbits. Whenever I see a need I can fill, I do it, and whenever people say that we need something and I don't know how, I ask them if they can teach me. But if neither of those things happen, and I'm born into a city that seems to have everything handled, is it okay to just walk up to someone and ask them to teach me how to do their job? I try to learn on my own but I'm a little slow, and learn faster when someone is showing me. Are there any jobs where that'd be more annoying to do than others? I don't see any reason why it would be rude, but I'm autistic, so these things are sometimes hard for me to judge, and I really don't want to bother anyone, so I thought I'd ask. Thanks!

#6 Re: Main Forum » Anyone else losing their faith in humanity? » 2018-08-14 19:57:57

I'm the opposite way! I like seeing people (mostly) put aside their differences and work together towards a greater goal. Yes, griefers exist, but a lot of them get killed, don't they? So at least a lot of them get justice. Yes, bad things happen in game, but that's the same as in real life. It sucks, but we need to work past it.

Then again, I put a conscious effort into looking at the good side of things. Only focusing on bad things hurts my mental health, so I tried to make it a habit to not do that. Maybe that attitude just bleeds into this game.

#7 Re: Main Forum » What to do? » 2018-08-13 00:09:02

Thanks, everyone!! I've been more useful lately. But one thing that bugs me is when I'm playing as a girl, I'll have to stop whatever I'm doing and care for babies whenever I have one, which means I have to stick close to camp, which can make my jobs more difficult. Like in my last life, I was told to make omelettes, so I had to do a lot of running around to get eggs in order to make them. But I can't run around and get eggs when I have to stick close to a baby. What can I do when I have to stay close to the babies? I feel bad just standing there waiting for them to need to be fed.

#8 Re: Main Forum » What to do? » 2018-08-11 21:53:21

I'll try that, then! The / command doesn't seem to work for me? Or maybe I'm just doing it wrong, I don't know. But whenever I try, it'll say something like "Crafting: steel ax (none relevant)" and then give me the same recipes as usual. So I google it whenever I need a recipe but it takes a minute.

#9 Re: Main Forum » What to do? » 2018-08-11 21:44:05

Alright~! Is there a way to restart the tutorial, then? I got to the hatchet part, finished making it, and then couldn't figure out what to do after that so I decided I'd figure it out in game.

#10 Main Forum » What to do? » 2018-08-11 21:22:03

Replies: 22

Hi, so I'm a pretty new player, so I'm still figuring things out! When I'm told to do something, I'm a little slow because I'm dumb but trying to learn, but I try my best. I run into problems, however, when I ask my mother what I should do and she tells me to do anything I want. I end up running around for awhile trying to figure out what we need, and then when I can't figure out what I should do I feel like since I'm being useless, I should stop bothering everyone. Then I ditch anything I might have at the edge of town and run off to go starve or get eaten by something. I know I don't learn anything that way, so it does nothing to solve the bigger problem. I don't know why I keep doing it, but I do.

So, what are some relatively easy jobs to learn how to do that are usually needed in settlements? So I have a couple things to keep in mind that I can fall back on whenever I'm told to do whatever I want?

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