One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Future predictions for updates to this game. » 2018-09-11 14:58:19

pein wrote:

a bit variation on gameplay

I want each biome (except maybe arctic) to be able to sustain eve start alone. Maybe with a little help from a secondary biome.
Would be cool to have different, specialized settlements based on the biome they are in. Right now, the game feels too liniar with the technology progression.
But I guess it would be too much work to rebalance everything to cater this.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Discussion: Money and trade in OHOL. » 2018-09-11 14:42:59

Yeah, I didnt catch the unattended part, I mostly speed read your post.
Kudos for trying to come up with new stuff for the game, Im just not a fan of this.
Feels like we would be putting the cart in front of the horse, figuratively speaking. There is other quality of life things we need before vending machines and coin pouches.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Discussion: Money and trade in OHOL. » 2018-09-11 12:04:16

But what about the gameplay? This "trader job" is gonna be like a real world cashier job. I dont wanna sit in game at a market stall for an hour. That's not how escaping reality and fun in games works.
It would get boring really fast.

#4 Re: Main Forum » What is the average age of players ? » 2018-09-04 15:51:02

I agree the age division looked kinda odd

#5 Re: Main Forum » Money » 2018-09-01 19:17:46

I feel like this game is the most fun to play as the first few generations. Late generation, the game gets too chaotic.
As the town gets bigger the amount of clutter is so annoying. Having to run around searching for a missing item or tools. If fire goes out, having to go two bioms away or more to find a leaf.

Shouldnt more advanced towns get more quality of life stuff and the low tech should become easier to do?
I always feel like suiciding when Im born in bigger cities.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Money » 2018-09-01 15:07:01

Houses could be a reasonable step forward with OHOL updates.
Maybe instead of the current lock and key system you could claim ownership with a chat command like the /curse.
Close family members could have implicit access.
And if you want to invite a friend with another command like /house_invite_playername
Just a thought, not really sure this would fit OHOL

#7 Re: Main Forum » Money » 2018-09-01 13:23:50

Money? Interesting, but I think we need to consider that before the need of money there would be a need for barter.
So a society where specialized craftsmen would barter some of the goods they are making (that are not food) for food.
For this to work, I think we would need houses so the farmer doesnt just leave his crops all over the field where anyone can take it.

I think money or some sort of universal currency would come into play with some sort of hierarchy.
A ruler gives coins to a few workers to build him a monolith. The workers use the coins to buy food while they focus on building something that doesnt produce food.
You would also need a shop that accepts said coins.

Question is, what would make you a ruler in OHOL or give you the right to "hire" people, give orders? You would need some way of enforcing your "laws" (army?)
I think currency is just one element of a much larger and complex social structure which would be very difficult if not impossible to implement in OHOL.

Well sure, on a very small scale you can just roleplay and pretend the paper is money and have fun in one life time. But real universal currency is too complex and we would need lots of other stuff in the game for it to really work.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Game folder size » 2018-08-28 06:34:29

Sweet Jesus 400Mb .txt file lmao
Okey that helped lots, thanks for the info
I cleared the folder and will keep an eye on it


#9 Main Forum » Game folder size » 2018-08-28 05:17:13

Replies: 5

So i started scraping the barrel a little bit on my C: drive and was trying to figure out what I can delete or move to D: to make room.
I see my OHOL game folder in c:downloads, think to myself: This game must be like 10Mb, not worth moving.
Click properties and almost fell out of my chair. How is this game 7.69Gb? lol
Is this normal?

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