One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » has anyone suggested bees yet? » 2018-12-10 04:04:20

Replies: 2

I'd love to keep bees.  You'd have to do something to capture a wild colony, but having them would improve your farming/ berry yield and maybe you'd get honey as a bonus.

#2 Re: Main Forum » cut lasso with knife for 2 rope » 2018-11-28 22:25:54

but there would have to be some loss for the decision so that it wouldn't be too easy... like a cut rope gives you three threads.

#3 Main Forum » keep disconnecting » 2018-11-25 18:34:53

Replies: 1

I haven't made it past the age of 20 today, each life I get disconnected.  Why can't this get fixed?

#4 Re: Main Forum » One hour, hot potato. The most peskiest that happened to your camp? » 2018-11-13 14:01:02

the eve who picked a rotten place for a camp, and then every time I tried to point it out just told me to walk a minute to the south east for clay and water.  She wanted a kiln... I  made her a kiln.  It never got used.

I just left and went rabbit hunting so that when she died I could supply the remaining kids with some backpacks to go look for a new base.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Just posted this guide over on Steam » 2018-11-13 01:39:34

Sweet, now if you could make one about 'please leave a row of carrots to go to seed' that'd be great!

#6 Re: Main Forum » Baby Crisis » 2018-11-13 01:21:41

What is puzzling me is that I have gone from hitting a big town every 4th spawn or so, to spawning 20 times and not finding anything but wilderness and an eve that looks at me and says 'christ'. 

It is a little better during the week when there aren't so many players.  I was able to get to at least 3 generations is a decent spot that was warm and had lots of water. 

One way I learned to play was, when I spawned as a guy, I left town as soon as I could and practiced setting up a camp and surviving without the pressure of babies popping out ever minute.

#7 Re: Main Forum » how did you learn to play? » 2018-11-12 23:50:41

I watched a lot of youtube videos, and also read recipes online to learn things like how to make stew.
People helped, I asked questions in real time in the game. And being an eve a bunch of times was a good way to learn how to do stuff from scratch.
It took me a couple of weeks to really get the hang of it.  I'll fire clay, but I don't smith yet.  Usually if a town is big enough for a forge, there is someone who knows the craft.

I have never used the hints in the lower right corner for how to do something.  If I need in game help I google it on my phone.

#8 Re: Main Forum » OMG the nooooobsssss » 2018-11-12 22:47:54

It is a challenge.  I don't mind teaching, but when I'm a girl and I'm popping out a baby every minute it's all I can do to stuff food into my face. No time to type 'no silly, you need to fire that bowl before you can use it to scoop soil'.

I play a game at 5am on weekdays before I go to work.  Much less crowded then.  The weekends are like the Jersey Shore in July.

#9 Main Forum » what do the monoliths mean? » 2018-11-12 22:46:45

Replies: 3

On a couple of eve runs I have noticed little stone monoliths, with holes in them. They range from small with one hole, to bigger with three.
I assume these are markers of some sort, but I haven't ever seen a nearby town so I don't think the players are making them.

What gives?

#10 Main Forum » Dumb question but how do I get back to the tutorial? » 2018-11-11 00:28:43

Replies: 2

Just to see what it looks like now, and maybe try some new skills

#11 Re: Main Forum » Berry farms CAN BE TOO BIG - important for new players! » 2018-11-10 23:26:42

Thanks for posting this.  Busting butt to keep the stew farm going, while all these new players stand in the berry patch and munch, is driving me nuts. Yes I could tell them to eat other stuff, but if I have to stop my work ever 2 minutes to lecture people it gets dull for me.

#12 Main Forum » repeatedly losing connection » 2018-11-06 14:07:00

Replies: 3

Over the weekend my average life span was 18 minutes, because I would lose connection regularly.

Yesterday was great, I played a full 60 uninterrupted minutes.

Today I'm lagging, and have died three times due to interruption and have repeated inability to log in.

I hope the move to steam will force a fix for this, because steam folks aren't going to play if the system boots them out every time they get old enough to actually get something done.

#13 Main Forum » my favorite kind of life » 2018-11-05 15:20:22

Replies: 3

I was born a boy in a small town, at the end of the lineage.  As the women around me aged and died, I was left to be caretaker of the town.  I hunted, made clothes and backpacks, then set myself to preparing the place for the next eve.  I planted milkweeds, stocked the bakery with lots of rabbits, fed all of the berries, and filled all of the stew pots. There will be carrots and wheat for the next generation. I stacked the bowls and baskets, tidied up the tools around the forge, and cleaned all the bones up.  Then I died on the job at the ripe age of 60.

After a weekend of trying to play, and dying every 15 minutes due to lost connections and lagging, this was a lovely game and reminds me of why I enjoy it so much.

#14 Re: Main Forum » so tired of lagging! » 2018-11-04 17:21:28

Today is lousy again.  I have died several times, in the middle of a good game, because i lose connection.

#15 Re: Main Forum » so tired of lagging! » 2018-11-04 00:44:54

It's better today, but then I lost connection and died.  Tried to be reborn but couldn't get connected.  So I gave up.

#16 Main Forum » so tired of lagging! » 2018-11-03 03:57:38

Replies: 9

I feel like the last couple of days lagging has been a real problem.  I routinely die because I get stuck and starve. Anyone else having this issue?
It makes the game unplayable

#17 Re: Main Forum » What's going on? » 2018-10-13 14:48:55

When I'm old and sitting by the fire, eating my berries and handing my clothing and tools off to the younguns, I'll enjoy telling them about the time the gods lost their minds, and a pile of compost looked like a buffalo.

#18 Re: Main Forum » What's going on? » 2018-10-13 04:10:48

My favorite is running around with a gosling covering my junk

#19 Main Forum » Apocalypse - Jason what has happened? » 2018-10-13 02:48:52

Replies: 7

Is Jason out there anywhere?

The game has gone mad!

#20 Re: Main Forum » What's going on? » 2018-10-13 02:42:31

When I pick beans it spawns a bowl of green beans. Adding another bean it turns into a squash plant

#21 Re: Main Forum » What's going on? » 2018-10-13 02:40:44

Random objects turn into goslings. It is madmess!

#22 Re: Main Forum » What is this fuckery? » 2018-10-12 17:41:46

we call that 'irish' twins.  When a mom has two babies in the same year.

#23 Re: Main Forum » the n word » 2018-10-10 19:12:00

Good point about kidnapping.  Wasn't my kid, so I couldn't starve it. And I didn't have a knife.

#24 Main Forum » the n word » 2018-10-10 13:52:58

Replies: 37

I just know when some little baby starts calling me the N word that it's going to be trouble. I tell the other villagers... but they don't believe me.
  I warn them when I see him running around with a loaded bow... but they still act stupid.  But I keep out of the way and it's not me that gets
killed.  Police your children people.


#25 Re: Main Forum » Tarr's guide to writing on items. *patched now » 2018-10-09 19:27:55

I'm gonna get a bowl and write 'leave me next to stew pot' because it makes me nuts when people take them

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