One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Craptastic 3D mod for OHOL » 2019-04-25 13:26:25

The photo post reminds me of this topic! Did you use the 3d thing to make the photo work or is this something you came across by accident trying to get the photo to work? big_smile  Either way, it's awesomely weird and weirdly awesome!

#2 Re: Bug Discussion » Possible disconn bug? » 2019-04-21 23:28:16

Was watching Phbee's (not sure if that's spelled right) stream and many times when someone died on her screen, she would disconnect.

Hope it gets fixed for you guys soon! :-(

#3 Bug Discussion » Possible disconn bug? » 2019-04-21 13:45:02

Eve Bear
Replies: 6

Hi! A guy in my game last night complained they disconnected each time someone died. I thought it strange but a problem isolated to him.
But just now watching Twisted's most recent OHOL video, he kept disconnecting and though I did not witness anyone dying on screen, perhaps they were dying off screen? For an example in his vid, go to 36:00 timestamp.
So I'm putting two and two together and thinking that there may be a problem with people d/c upon others dying in game.
Is that a thing? Just throwing it out in case other people search after having same problem and can discuss here.
Hope that helps!

#4 Re: Main Forum » Lily Tanaka! I made it! » 2018-11-06 03:43:38

It is I, Henry Tanaka.. last of the Tanaka line. I just died and with me, so did Casino town, North Town and East town. :'(  May an Eve pop there and fill it once again soon. (Only with less drama/murder next time I hope)

#5 Re: Main Forum » The Little Lenser that Could » 2018-10-27 13:43:22

Heya! I was Gen 13 Lenser and by that time, the family was peaceful, happy and working together. It was a wonderful town and had much potential! I really enjoyed growing up there and my mom Kiana was really great. I had one daughter who died to a bear she was attempting to kill, very unfortunately, because I only had one other daughter who decided at age 20 something she'd like to suicide. I begged her to stay because she was the only fertile woman at that point, but she refused and I assumed we were doomed.

It should have ended the family right there. But wait! Jason added code that kept people alive after they quit... I thought she was AFK not realizing the change. So I saw the chance and begged my nephews to help keep her alive until at least one baby popped out that would save the family. I was getting older quickly and started a count down... three grandboys and I was about to die. Nooo, we needed a girl! I offered to let the boys live but without a girl, no much reason to so the three wisely bowed out.

Then, just as I was dying of old age, I spotted a new baby pop. And I saw just before everything dimmed, it was a girl. The family was saved! Well done nephews who kept her alive long enough. You saved the family for at least a few more generations. You didn't quit, you didn't let your ancestors down. I'm so very proud of you!

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