One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Gluck dynasty » 2018-10-25 14:11:24

I was April, your Great Great Granddaughter. Had a couple of female daughters and Grand kids running around when I popped my clogs. Bit of a slow start but finally got all of the tools!

#2 Re: Main Forum » Child has a new last name?! » 2018-10-18 17:54:28

WalrusesConquer wrote:
ShyRetirer wrote:
WalrusesConquer wrote:

Vi had  a mom called eve otting! I was orla and unfortunatly died after misjudging how close a boar was

I'm usually Eve Otting. Orla and Etta are definitely some of my names. smile

Ma! I did try to find the bell, (darn boar)

Those sneaky boars!

#3 Re: Main Forum » Child has a new last name?! » 2018-10-18 15:31:41

WalrusesConquer wrote:

Vi had  a mom called eve otting! I was orla and unfortunatly died after misjudging how close a boar was

I'm usually Eve Otting. Orla and Etta are definitely some of my names. smile

#4 Re: Main Forum » Child has a new last name?! » 2018-10-17 12:26:08

Tramax wrote:

When clicking through some family trees to see how things've progressed for my descendants I came across Eva Otting, Who unlike all my other descendants, has a different last name. How did that happen?

I found her all alone and when I named her, that happened! I wasn't aware unnamed babies took your surname too!

#5 Main Forum » What became of the Hurst family? » 2018-09-26 12:38:15

Replies: 3

I was Darla Hurst, born into the third generation of the Hurst family. Sorry for leaving you, mother, but I wanted to start a town of my own. I grabbed a bowl of berries and wandered off into the wilderness to find somewhere to make my home, finding a lovely little spot with some interesting terrain, plenty of water and food nearby and I set about creating a little camp for myself.

I had lots of children, most not surviving past infancy but Ewan and Orla did me proud! I had to beg Orla to stay with us and stay alive, but she did, and I had a grandchild soon enough. Thank you for continuing the line, Orla, it's the longest continuation of a line where I've chosen the camp location!

Does anyone have any screenshots of what the town looked like later on? I'd love to see how it developed after I was gone. We'd just crafted an axe and started clearing some space by the time I left you.

Well done everyone, it's been brilliant looking over the family tree! Very proud! … id=1149964

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