One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » current state of the game » 2020-04-20 23:01:00

if you understand i wish the best of luck to the new players cause they are our engine. their are out water. they is the key to everything.

fuck you old players q :3

#2 Re: Main Forum » current state of the game » 2020-04-20 22:56:22

jason you cock loving god. i love this game and i want to see it florish. but you keep fucking up. and no one wanths play it. you did a good job so fare. and i will /salute you for it. there was an old saying in the days jason would fix it. will fix it. i only hope you keep that up. i had my experiance. but the new players dont. dont
make it a game for me. make it a game for them

#4 Re: Main Forum » current state of the game » 2020-04-20 22:45:46

fuq you need to understand the game changes. we are in a classic "chase" so take it or leave it . but the game is constaonly chaning. i get that you like big fat dicks. but that changes tomorrow. i need you to farm water as much as fucking pussiable cuase our town is dying do you see the picture. or do i need to tell you to get alot water and what not ?. thats the current state of the game

dunno what gay shit you talk about

#5 Re: Main Forum » current state of the game » 2020-04-20 22:38:35

to make it noob friendly !everyone! needs to do their best to teach them. and holy fuck do everyone love to meet new players

#6 Re: Main Forum » current state of the game » 2020-04-20 22:20:59

you only make me mad, so you are doing a good job :3

i dont agree with anything you say but i wlll say this much.

i will not agree or disagree with anything with you said.

its my opinon so take it or leave it. but

atleast i can say fuck you you god damm retard XD

#7 Main Forum » current state of the game » 2020-04-20 21:55:46

Replies: 19

Jason is an asshat we can all agree. but in the current state of the game he did something right

the game is hard, Unforgiven and hate new players, like it was back in the day.

As an harden veteran this is my favorite kind of lifes.

The new players need to understand that an eve camp isnt the fun zone, a big village with all the food and tools in the world is the place for them.

but the vanilla OHOL experiance is in the eve camps. we cant teach them that. it litterly takes 15 min to teach them how to make a fucking fire.

so insted we need to do it the old way "monkey see monkey do" thats how alot of players kept playing back then (1-3 hours tho XD)  but with a little guidance tho :3

jason if i can add something to your awful update its to add so a single person can kill a fucktard like knor that keep putting fences every where i told him like a billion time to stop it. but he didnt stop. but when we all wanted to kill him he kept running around until the fucking end of times. i need my stealth kills jason. do it in a way that you can that i get the "favour" of the town to kill him cause hes a goddamm retard.

also when town only have berries left. and some asshole thought that the fire-bow was best placed super fare away from town. atleast you get a pitty bonus for eating twenty six berry bushes in a row to get full hp mate

best of luck in next life
and be good you goddammit grifers :3

#8 Re: Main Forum » Fanart - Lilith, Lana and Lacee » 2018-07-29 20:20:16

dunno how the reply thing works.

yes i was Lana :3 gave crown to my son and told him to be a good king :3

healed a boy in the next life after, 2nd person i saved so fare :3

#9 Re: Main Forum » Fanart - Lilith, Lana and Lacee » 2018-07-29 13:23:47

beautiful art mom this is truly going into my folder 12/7 :3

#10 Re: Main Forum » how to take Screenshot » 2018-05-09 22:44:11

its the bottom right left to "?" the "´´" also i makes the ú ó good for wow char. names

#11 Main Forum » how to take Screenshot » 2018-05-09 22:39:44

Replies: 10

for those wondering how to take screenshots its "´´" the one right to "?"

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