One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#2 Re: Main Forum » I'm sorry, Eve Pie » 2019-04-24 14:54:32

w0wma wrote:

you are the weakest type of griefer aiming for eve camps.

You are probably right, but this was my first and last time doing so.

#3 Main Forum » I'm sorry, Eve Pie » 2019-04-24 09:29:59

Replies: 8

I never intended to grief, I hope you know this. In fact, this was my first time griefing and I felt bad doing it.
If you read this Eve, you should remember how my big sisters Anna and Mina looked upon your newborn babe with scornful eyes, calling for my death. I pleaded for my life and you didn't have the heart to end me as your daughters called for. For that I am ever thankful.

You showed be the neigbourhood, wild berries as far as the eyes could see to the east, along with plenty of milkweed. Rabbits and turkeys abound. I was impressed of the fertile spot you had found. The forge was already built, and all the nessesary clays were ready for firing.

However, as the years went by I wanted to prove my usefulness to my sisters, I gathered firewood as I knew that was always a thing needed early on. I was awarded with a snowball to the face and angry scorns. Then I gathered rabbits, hoping that would gain me their favour. I proudly displayed the rabbits, more than enough for a backpack! but my sister looked me dead in the eyes and only said coldly "rabbits..." then followed by a barrage of wishes for my death. I told you mom, you seemed worried, but a new baby had arrived, a baby boy. My sisters started some small scorn of him as well, they had a thing against boys.

I Tried to say that I only wanted to help, but my words fell on deaf ears. I had enough. "Fine." I said, "If you will not have my help, I will make it difficult for you." I told them. They laughed and said, "you can't do anything." My first devious smile crept across my face as I replied, "oh, you'll see."
I took the rabbits they hadn't even touched yet, bagged them up and hid them behind a tree out by the berry field they never frequented. Then I ate an omelette, only missing two pips. I stowed away some iron, uprooted all the milkweed I came across, (apparently I also managed to snatch unknowingly the last berry in camp right in front of my sister Anna with yellowfever, for which I was blamed for murder) and finally, now that they really had a reason to be mad at me, I apologized to you mom, said that I wanted to be nice but I was forced, you said you understood, but I don't know if you'll ever forgive me for snatching the bellow moments later and stashing it away.

I know I messed up real bad, I was chased off by my niese with a bow and arrow a few minutes later, I took a wrong turn and starved. I intended to return the items once my sisters were gone, but alas I took my secrets to my grave.

I'm sorry, Eve Pie, my loving mother, I squandered such a beatiful Eden to get back at my vile sisters, can you ever forgive me?

Your son, Gohan Pie … id=4222543

#4 Re: Main Forum » (Not quite) infinite iron suggestion » 2019-03-10 16:20:39

Actually, one of the first uses for pumps were to pump out water from coal mines. You can't mine when its full of waste water, so yes, a newcomon engine would really make sense in order to make an advanced mine.

#5 Main Forum » I know this is ONE hour one life but » 2018-10-23 16:12:12

Replies: 10

There is one thing that I consistently see throughout all my lives here, and that is lack of food diversity.

Sure, you'll often see stews, pies, and omelettes lying around, but rarely do I see other foods such as taco's, other pies than rabbit or sheep, sauerkraut, and goose. And as someone who likes to try and get that juicy food bonus all by myself it is very difficult to get more than +5.

Now, I haven't seen anyone else suggest this (I might just be ignorant of it), but what if the food bonus you build up over your life will let you live a little past 60 years?
Let's say that I still have a food bonus of +5 the moment I reach 60, instead of dying, my death will be delayed until my food bonus also drops to zero. Since I can't eat more at 60, since I'm full, there will be a hard-cap on how long you'll be able to prolong your life through a healthy and diverse diet. This will incentivize people to strive for a more diverse diet rather than just mass produce mutton pies and stews.

I would also argue that this mechanic would benefit large civilizations, that rather than just having two or three cooks, it would open up more specialized cooking jobs, food storage organization jobs, and more farming/husbandry jobs. A life prolonging diverse diet also incentivizes even more teamwork as maxing out a life will require the entire village.

However, one should still keep in mind that even though this might seem OP, and essentially heresy against the philosophical foundation of OHOL itself, I'd wager that only a fraction of the people playing will actually achieve the max food bonus and thus live past one full hour as there are many pitfalls that will prevent this from happening; ranging from emergency double berry eating, lack of organization, and to (sadly) griefing. And even when achieving it, it could just make a negligible difference due to poor temperature management.

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