One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-22 00:38:08

YannaChan wrote:
meestadogbreath wrote:

i've got more!!!

it's up to you to guess what the lady's facial expression means >:3c

She looks like she a neutral expression.

¿¿¿¿hidden depth perhaps????

#2 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-22 00:28:28

i've got more!!!


it's up to you to guess what the lady's facial expression means >:3c

#3 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-22 00:24:14

w0wma wrote:
meestadogbreath wrote:

oh god. oh frick. not sure if this is gonna work.

this is my first interpretation of an ohol character, posting some more art later.

that's adorable!

thank ya!!! <3

#4 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 23:41:30

pein wrote:

goatee guy: makes cars and gets back shit to camp, often kills girls for clothes, most kid griefers are that portrait
mustache pedro: amateur assassin, baby kidnapper
blonde guy: farmer, composter, often spoiled kid and rp king
brown goatee guy: last survivor with no female, gay marriages
black guy: often killed or snowballed for no apparent reason
elvis: rp guy, psycho, poet
desmond: does one thing the whole life

brown chick: she generally smart girl, has the advantage of big hair, often assasinates you at age 14 and you don't see it coming
black straight hair kid: as you said, queen and cute kid, full fur, little Hope, spoiled pie eater (cant forget last week i had a lil sister 2min after me, she got all my grandmas shit, took 4 pies when we had like 6 in the whole camp and by the time she was 7 all pies were gone)
black chick with the messy hair: mostly remember her as the females shepperd
crazy eye redhead: cute as baby, generally stands around learning stuff, if she doesn't get gear as a kid, she never will big_smile
cute readhead: you escort her 80% to a village, when you tell it's 90 tiles left she dies to a boar, often wears a sheep skin
piggy readhead: she is cute as kid but looks old when adult and looks same as old woman, serial killer of gingerpocalypse

interesting, pein. but... who is desmond? lmao

#5 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 21:31:36

WalrusesConquer wrote:

I feel like the curly haired lady always looks like a harrased mum..

And that girl that has her hair down? I swear she ALWAYS gets a crown, and just goes around eating pies D:

AWW HAHA i love that picture, theyre so expressive.
i completely agree. the constant frazzled look slapped on her face is telling a tale of major stress.

#6 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 20:45:38

YannaChan wrote:

This is how I draw OHOL characters, It's mostly the same except different hands and I add eyelashes for the girls.

thank ya!! and shes so cute! never saw her as salad fingers until now, and the image is burned forever into my brain. god help us all.

#7 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 20:43:32

Jaona wrote:

The freaky potato kid just for you ~~

oh.. my.... god....
im never disappointed by you. your work terrifies and enlightens me.

#8 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 19:59:24

Oblong wrote: … image0.png

Something I’ve noticed throughout my games is that the playermodel with the most griefers is the blonde lady. Especially when she has a crown.

yayayya adorable !!!! look at 'er go!!!

#9 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 19:50:46

YannaChan wrote:

This is how I draw OHOL characters, It's mostly the same except different hands and I add eyelashes for the girls.

awweee shes so cute! you should post more if you get the chance, your style is rlly adorable!!!!!

#10 Re: Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 19:26:21


oh god. oh frick. not sure if this is gonna work.

this is my first interpretation of an ohol character, posting some more art later.

#11 Main Forum » character model interpretations (fanart) » 2019-04-21 13:27:21

Replies: 24

as some of you know in the discord server, i've been trying to post some fanart. the sudden boom of it, especially from mofobert, got me thinking.

everyone has their own interpretations of each character, right? just a while ago there was an active forum thread about personality interpretations. what about looks? i mean, clearly we have actual drawn models of the characters in-game, but they aren't incredibly detailed. for example, the only person with freckles is the ginger girl with the low ponytail. does no one else have freckles? or, how about, what color are their eyes? brown eyes are extremely common, especially among darker skin colors, but that doesn't mean we have no blue, grey, green, or hazel eyes. what about weight? not everyone is the same. especially during famines, people would be skinner, or when there was a lot to eat, and people gorged, they would put on weight. maybe if they do a lot of carrying heavy items, they were more muscular, and it goes on like that.

keep in mind this is not me hating on the art style, and this is NOT me suggesting we change it. it's just a thought, based on personal interpretation, we could take these character models and create fan art with so much more depth and uniqueness.

(tl;dr???) so, the long and short of it, i want some of you to submit your own personal character interpretations in this thread. alternatively, you could suggest characters for me to draw my own interpretation of (since i really have the lack of patience to draw all of them all at once.)

as of right now, i've only drawn the newer ginger girl with the three ponytails, and the black lady with the dreadlocks.

and a thank you to mofobert, who, even though your art is way better than mine, you suggested this idea and supported my art.

#12 Re: Main Forum » "Ice" Family "Praise Be! Human Sacrifice and mass murderer Sunny Ice" » 2019-04-14 04:11:18

SnjarSkjoldr wrote:

The priest of the altar here, Hope Ice. I seen that you were going to make a forum post, so I decided to just register right now. I saved a lot of my life on shadowplay and via steam screenshots, so I have something to go back to remember this awesome life. This life I had was arguably the best out of the many i've had, even if it was just standing infront of 3 adobe pillars for an hour! We revered you as a hero after your humble sacrifice and I had longed to go out the same way, and convert people to the whatever religion the previous elder who assigned me to the altar came up with. Here's some sexy pics of the times at the altars.

(Eman's sacrifice)
(Birth of Blessing)
(My final sacrifice)

aww, hope, me and my kids were so sad when you died. we should twin sometime. i'm in the ohol discord server as worth, find me if you wish.

#13 Re: Main Forum » "Ice" Family "Praise Be! Human Sacrifice and mass murderer Sunny Ice" » 2019-04-14 02:25:42

hi, eman! i was alexzandria ice. my friend, hope, was the one who shot you. we rejoice in your generous sacrifice to the gods! let me tell you, they were pleased with us. hope and i worked together after you died to continue our legacy at the altar. not long after, i had a son, and me and hope both decided the appropriate name for him was eman. you were our hero. eman ii was born at the altar, therefore, he was a god-send. i told him he could have all the food and riches he wanted, so he asked for one thing; a sister. soon after, i had another son, to eman ii's dismay. i named him aiden, and he lived a casual life as a farmer, though i still loved him very dearly. finally, i was near the age of forty. i could have no kids, so i couldn't have a daughter. i told eman and hope, my best friend and greatest ally, that if i turned forty, i MUST be sacrificed. they both asked if i was totally sure, so i said yes. i went to the altar, age thirty-nine. but wait! hurrah! the gods love us! i had a baby girl right in the center! i named her blessing. despite me willingly wanting to be sacrificed, she had still saved my life. i was so thankful. we fed her our offerings from the altar since she was a direct gift from the gods, like eman ii had been. time flew from then on, and blessing was a real help to me and hope! she was constantly bringing offerings, while hope was there with his bow, guarding the flame at the center like he had been taught. we lived a good life, but now hope was old, and he begged to be sacrificed. i was so sad, but it must be done. but an issue- where was eman ii?! we looked left and right for him, but he was gone. gone, but not dead. he turned up right at the last minute, as the sacrifice was about to take place - another last minute save! awesome! he got to meet his little sister, and they were both so ecstatic to have finally met. with the /joy expressions, there were tears in their eyes as i watched them make little conversation about how much they missed each other despite never having met. it was beautiful, so, so beautiful. but... the time came. it was now or never, we had to sacrifice our dear friend hope. he had meant endless amounts to me, quite possibly the reason i turned to that religion. he was my colleague and like a brother to me, the best friend anyone could ask for. my dear daughter blessing shot him while me and eman ii watched. hope was reassuring us that he loved us, and we wouldn't have to worry, for he would rest easy with the gods. his whole life was devoted to them, so i knew he would be just fine. it was bittersweet and stung my heart, but i know he is enjoying his time in the afterlife. we shed some tears. and now it was my turn. blessing, with her newborn daughter, was so distraught, she couldn't bear to be the one who killed me. so i asked my god-send. my first-born. the child i named after you. he shot me, with regret and pain, but like hope had, i had comforted them. aiden was there. he didn't speak a word. blessing was chanting how much she loved me and would miss me, and i assured my dear children i loved them too. they were my everything. eman ii, aiden, and blessing, and now my grandchildren. they had defined my life and saved it, and i am eternally grateful. i uttered my final words before a black screen fell upon me. my time was up, and it was the end. now, the gods would comfort me.

oh, and did i mention? we made a grave for you right behind the center pillar of our altar! praise be!

sorry for the long read, but this life was very impactful on me.
yours truly, alexzandria ice.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Drawplate killer! » 2019-01-21 02:52:55

throwback to when my aunt tried using the smithing hammer to chop kindling... ooooooh man

#15 Re: Main Forum » Favorite OHOL Character? » 2019-01-10 21:20:39

MultiLife wrote:
meestadogbreath wrote:

and i dont get all this hate for the creepy dude with the long beard and spiky hair ..?? hes a cute kid even if hes got an eerie expression. his beard gives me grunge vibes i love him

What hate...?
this guy ^
everyone is talking about how creepy he looks, and how they dont like him, even though he has a weird expression i still think hes cute! he looks friendly n sweet up until 40. then THATS when he looks really unnerving.
maybe hate wasnt the best word. "disinterest" if you will, lmao

#16 Re: Main Forum » Favorite OHOL Character? » 2019-01-10 03:21:47

Tea wrote:

The most sexy male model is the curly brown haired man. Not only is he smoking hot but also has an amazing beard ! I imagine him being strong and very protective of his family.

Always there to the rescue, with his strong arms and deep voice to calm you down.

Well ... that's how I imagine him.

he was always my favorite for being so dang cute from birth to death. everyone loves the guy because of how comforting he seems, at least thats what im guessing. i like when he has the goatee and mustache, along with his iconic sideburns, but not a full beard. and when he turns 40 and his beard gets grey hairs he looks so rugged and handsome. he is best boy !!

and i dont get all this hate for the creepy dude with the long beard and spiky hair ..?? hes a cute kid even if hes got an eerie expression. his beard gives me grunge vibes i love him

#17 Re: Main Forum » Favorite OHOL Character? » 2019-01-07 20:39:55

CrazyEddie wrote:

I have definitely formed personality associations between different avatars and the "type of player" I feel they are.

Those associations are definitely spurious, a false creation in my mind due to unconscious bias.

People play they way they play, people are assigned the avatars they are assigned, and the one has absolutely nothing to do with the other (in both directions).

If anything, it's a tribute to Jason's artistic skill in making little cartoon people that manage to evoke imaginary notions of their supposed personality types.

yeah, i pretty much agree with this. the curly brown hair guy for me is a hard worker who feeds babies that were abandoned by their mom. the curly hair blonde guy is that dude who’s always screaming at you for being in front of the forge. and the girl with brown hair and bangs is the newbie who says “f” until age 7 and proceeds to live off of berries her whole life, lmao. it’s kinda cute actually, to have developed real personalities off of sprites. like a spark of life added to the game with our own take on it.

#18 Re: Main Forum » About the new models » 2019-01-05 23:53:52

yeah. ive only been spawned once as the og redhead, and seen none of the black boy since. ever since the newest skins, i havent seen em.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Favorite OHOL Character? » 2019-01-05 23:48:16

ooh, my favorite...?
the new frizzy-haired redhead creeps me out. her entire face is on like 1/4 of her head, which is a contrast to most other skins. her smile is so ominous, too! like, i just KNOW you're up to no good.
my favorites are the blonde girl and the black boy. they're both so cute but will never beat my all time favorite which is:
the guy with curly brown hair and a beard. hes such a cutie!!

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