One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Game Desync / Disconnections » 2019-02-08 23:03:09

I have this desync/disconnect aswell, in large town where a lot of players and items are.
As soon as i head out of the crowd it fades away to no desync/disconnect when i'm alone in the wilderness.
It's not from today, having these isues since the bigserver started.

I'm playing from EU, Netherlands, dunno if related but might be worrth noting here in case it is related to the desync/disconnect.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Killed for being a "cheater"? » 2019-01-06 16:33:05

I saw you getting murdered and was baffled aswell. Over the use of AWBZ, murdered??
I can tell you, your killer was not fed and died right after you, she deserved that.

So yeah, i don't think awbz is cheating, i too don't use the far out zoom often, only when i'm looking for something specifik i can't find with normal zoom walking around.
If you like the mod, use it as you please, if you don't like the mod, don't. But don't start killing other players over that. Specially when it's the last fertile woman in your civ.

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