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#1 Re: Bug Discussion » Eve Spawning Odd Behavior » 2018-12-11 06:56:40

Thank you so much for the info @tana super helpful and explains some of the odd spawning issues

I just want to add to this thread that today I spawned as an Eve stuck inside the end of the tutorial area.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Setting up your personal Linux test editor/server/client » 2018-12-11 06:45:05

gungorkocak wrote:

My first obvious question is that; Is this the expected behavior? What happens when server process crashes on production ones? All civilizations are lost and flushed? (apocalypse setting is off btw.)
My second question: Is there something I am missing and failing to understand and whether it should work out of the box?
Last one: If not, What can I do to persist game state for my server?

Tons of thanks upfront.

Are you using a virtual machine and running the server using linux or are you using Awbz's .bat file?
I'm using the virtual machine and I can close the server completely, restart it and all my progress is still there.

Also, I've seen quite a few people ask about having your Eve location kept when you die so you respawn at the place you died, here is how you do it:

Go to your Onelife/server/settings folder and update these files:
- forceEveLocation.ini open file and change to 0, save file
- minEveCampRespawnAge.ini open file and change to 14, save file
- maxEveStartupLocationUsage.ini open and change to 1000, save - not sure if this makes a difference

Now as long as you have a saved Eve camp (by making a home area, ie. home marker, forge etc.) on the server you will spawn at your Eve death spot

I also change my mapCallForgottenSeconds.ini to 0 - which was suggested earlier in this thread to make sure things aren't deleted

#3 Re: Bug Discussion » Eve Spawning Odd Behavior » 2018-12-02 04:03:30

I was just spawning in on server 9, only 1 player is on server 9, an Eve who doesn't want a baby.

so, i die, and re-spawn at the same person, they still don't want a baby,
so, i die, and.... re-spawn at the same person, they still don't want a baby,
so, i die, and.... re-spawn at the same person, they still don't want a baby,
so, i die, and.... re-spawn at the same person, they still don't want a baby,

8 times in a row, may have happened more but i just gave up and went to another server.

After a couple times shouldn't I spawn in as an Eve myself? if so, this is not working...
if not, I think that after so many re-spawns the game should realize that this Eve doesn't want a baby and stop re-spawning me back at her and just make me an Eve.

#4 Re: Bug Discussion » Eve Spawning Odd Behavior » 2018-11-30 10:39:25

It just happened on server 11 for me too, spawned in as Eve in a town/ entire swamp completely logged out. Die at 16yrs, spawn as eve in the same town, repeat, repeat repeat.

No matter what I do I spawn as Eve in that same area

#5 Bug Discussion » Eve Spawning Odd Behavior » 2018-11-30 08:16:48

Replies: 4

I'm not entirely sure this is a bug but I've had some very odd eve spawns lately, ill explain:

1: Around 11/27 i was playing on server 7 with low pop. I spawned in as a baby to an eve who was about to die, after she died she spawned back in as an Eve at my position. We both thought it was strange, she fed me, killed herself, spawned in and again spawned at my position. Then I died and spawned back in at her, she died and spawned in at me, again.

2: 11/30 I was playing alone on server 14, spawned in at a large town, lived to 57 but died, purposefully before hitting 60 cause I had a base before on this server that I was trying to get back to and I didn't want my Eve spawn to take over that location (thinking I knew how Eve spawns worked). After dieing I spawned as an Eve just below the same town I just died in. I was thinking that it was weird, I quickly died again, spawned in and was just north of the same big base I just died in.

I died 4 times all around 16 -17 yrs old as Eve and each time spawned in right near the same exact town.

Is this normal or intended behavior?

Anyone else having things like this happen to them?

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