One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » RIP Tarr, you will be missed » 2019-06-13 03:43:10

Grim_Arbiter wrote:

Oi let him take a break for awhile.. he's still hangin round here, hes not gone.

Now if there is someone who might juse some F's is Greep.

He said he was getting sick and hasnt been on discord or here for months.

Oof, yeah I shouldn't have scared people like that.  I'm not dead, just got way the heck sick for a few weeks.  Feeling much better now.  I really need to take it easy when sick, but sometimes I just do stupid shit like watch youtube/play games without getting enough sleep and then I feel like crap for a few weeks.  I probably need to go back to work lmao.

Anyways, I've also somewhat taken a break from OHOL, I think I'm going to just have a client download for OCS rather than update it weekly, since I'm clearly not getting the motivation to keep it updated.  It's not like new players are using it, which was the main reason I initially did not have a separate downloaded client since a separate client is a bit of a barrier.  I'll get on discord tomorrow and sort all that out smile

#2 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for resource contention » 2019-05-19 18:58:29

WalrusesConquer wrote:

This thread is a month old.

#3 Re: Main Forum » How to make swords balanced » 2019-05-18 02:44:41

How about you autoscream some insult on the person you're attacking so you know you picked the right target?  Like literally you right click close to James Johnson and you get a speech bubble with "<randomized insult> JAMES JOHNSON".  Just a silly idea.

#4 Re: Main Forum » How to make swords balanced » 2019-05-18 02:04:59

Oh I know, I just mean, is there a reason that's better?  I guess my way, it's quicker (no freezing either side, just server guesswork); your way it's harder to accidentally kill someone unintended.  But accidentally killing someone unintended is pretty rare, usually it's accidentally killing at all, like you meant to slice bread and WHOOPS lol.  I can see either way working, though.

#5 Re: Main Forum » How to make swords balanced » 2019-05-18 01:58:36

jasonrohrer wrote:

/WARCRY emote....

The problem with run-and-kill is that there's still a tiny bit of execution with clicking on a moving target client-side.... not sure there.... maybe a bullet time when you're in ANGRY mode that makes it impossible to mis-click.  Or time just freezes until you click someone or cancel the action.

Well like I said early, you could also just have the server pick the closest target to the click.

#6 Re: Main Forum » How to make swords balanced » 2019-05-18 01:01:48

Keyin wrote:

How about having a way to 'auto-attack' with the sword? as soon as the game detects you are on an adjacent tile to a non family member, the sword activates, the game checks to see if the other player is armed.

If both players are armed with a sword/knife, they both drop their weapons OR enter a state of being unable to attack, like after you murder with sword.

This would allow two armed players from family B to chase down killer from family A. As soon as one of the people from family B gets adjacent to A, the sword activates and they enter a state of combat cool down. Now the second member from family B needs to get close before the cool-down goes away in order to kill player A.

This is good.  To add onto this, why does the player have any input at all if this is what you're intending?

There should be one button that should be for killing completely unrelated to things like dropping the item, and you should pursue and attack the closest person to that target click without any input from that point onwards (except for canceling).  If you didn't intend combat to have "execution", but do want it to at least be similuated, this is the way to go about it.  It's basically how just about any other game does combat.

#7 Re: Main Forum » If fences are not viable, what does that mean? » 2019-05-18 00:04:05

Well, lack of FoV to determine if you're being walled in is a big issue.  This is the same with swords:  you look at all the swords killing spree youtube videos and it's always some guy with awbz killing a bunch of people without awbz, thinking they're clever or something.  It's less imbalanced gameplay and more just overt cheating really.

#9 Re: Main Forum » What would I have to learn to make my own version of this game. » 2019-05-16 11:13:16

Well, if you mean just making new objects and stuff you can learn the editor; however, c++ is basically required to do anything that changes the rules since the engine is written in C++.

There's other easier engines you could start with, but honestly multiplayer in general is a pain in the butt to do from scratch, so you'd be better off learning C++ and using his own engine.  Unity or game maker are good learning tools if you just want to make a single game as practice to see what you're getting yourself into.

Is the current best thread for setting up an environment to mod the game (ignore the offsets and version number parts, at least until you're ready to actually add fully new objects).  To use the editor just go into the gamesource folder and run ./EditOneLife.  It's pretty confusing and you'll have to ask questions on the discord.  Just the process, anyone who's modded the game's been there xD

But yeah, as this is a custom engine be prepared to spend like 10 hours scratching your head before getting any real work done, since there's very little in the area of online help xD

#10 Re: Main Forum » Data missing on causes of death + Current graph » 2019-05-16 08:17:56

I agree on making the game easier:  Limited communication UI and frantic gameplay are mostly what deters organization in game.

But straight up being unable to play the game is not a good thing for any reason.  At worst a one hour, one life IMO would be something like... if you die early you play in some kind of ghost city for a while or something.

But ultimately if you go on the path of painful death + pvp focus, you're going to end up with a pretty dead game. 

@Futurebird That's a really good idea tbh.  I've seen that kind of thing work on colonization style games where you need someone to earn something to start building in a new area, which is kind of what Eve is.

#11 Re: Main Forum » We need your help for the PIES 2.0 Mod » 2019-05-16 03:58:29

I love the idea, but I gotta admit I can't tell the difference between the pies -__-  Needs much starker color differences IMO

#12 Re: Main Forum » What if we force Eve to get real... » 2019-05-15 20:39:44

(not everyone) Guys gotta read the whole post instead of just the title wink  There would be only one well per eve and it would vanish on failure.  This would make eves respawn over the failed eve spot rather than further away.

You're gonna have a lot of Eve suicides if they're forced to settle on their origin spot, though.  I think two things would have to go with this:  Buffing the wells as well as hard limiting number of eves on a server.

Edit: Yeah actually this would be pretty disastrous:  Unwinnable spots would end up being played over and over due to the spawning algorithm you want, and you could actually get a week where nobody can play at all.  So you'd actually have to make Eveing quite easy if going this route.

#13 Re: Main Forum » An observation » 2019-05-15 01:03:22

I think you're only noticing it just because OHOL has a bigger volume of players.  If you've got 3x the players, you've got 3x the dumb insults hurled your way.  Which is probably why in large games the devs don't really even interact with the players at all and just have some commmunity managers who don't influence the game design handle the trash talk.  Crazies don't get quite so crazy when they know they're basically "talking to the hand"

That said, in other even bigger games like factorio or rimworld, where the developers do interact directly, they don't generate nearly as much flak (I've yet to see any at all in the factorio forums actually), it's quite sedate.  Plenty of autism there Dodge, so not likely a relation wink

There's three things I think: 

1)  You basically have no forum moderation.  The vitriol you get from players is also the vitriol other players are sending to each other.

2)  The game is multiplayer-only (for most non-technical people):  players are stuck with the decisions you make, and can't just go back to a previous build if they don't like it.  For this reason multiplayer games in general get a lot of flak for just about anything.  People suddenly noticing this trend of gamer's getting hysterical is probably just cause more games are multiplayer these days:  I can assure you multiplayer game forums have always been cancer.

3) You really are changing this game to be something it wasn't advertised to be.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Sever 12 people, shall we migrate to a private server? » 2019-05-14 05:31:24

Yup, landing strips do not decay on OCS.  I'd check out the discord and the list-of-changes channel, it's got everything that's different.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Sever 12 people, shall we migrate to a private server? » 2019-05-14 04:51:20

It's a big world, just make a town far out.  We've got at least one other town with an airport, a few towns along the main roads, and a few concealed ones.  I'm not trying to defend the decision, just explaining here.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Sever 12 people, shall we migrate to a private server? » 2019-05-14 04:12:27

I've already got one.  OCS has been running for like... 4 months without a reset?  It's got a few minor changes for various reasons.  Thread and discord:  I am going to remove the language barrier in the next update, I've just been a bit lazy (well sick actually) atm.

It's currently down for the afternoon just because there's been hotfix after hotfix and I'm just making sure there isn't another tonight.  If you didn't update steam yet you can play on it right now, though, since there won't be a client mismatch

TBH, it makes more sense to use this anyways:  because it has a small playerbase, the backups are small enough that I can always make sure the maps don't get accidentally wiped because I back it up every update.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Too many eves = too many dying villages [Eve spawning mechanic] » 2019-05-14 00:34:58

JonySky wrote:
pein wrote:

people on forum said that they suicide mainly because bad camps, not everyone wants to be eve

that is not right...
Most of the suicide babies that I have seen do not wait for 3 seconds to commit suicide .. there is no time to see the cities correctly
/ die is being used for 2 things:

1.- travel to another city
2.- to appear as EVE

I rarely see babies looking around and then committing suicide ... that almost never happens

It can still be used to escape a bad camp if you want simply because /die has no price tag.  Accidentally miss a decent town because you /died too fast?  Just do it again.  Less useful if you're playing all night due to lineage ban, though.

That said, the sheer volume of /dies needed to get to Eve means most /dies are people trying to eve, even if most people /dieing are probably not trying to Eve.

#18 Re: Main Forum » How to get a lifetime enemy mod AND no help. » 2019-05-13 06:23:58

People complain about stylin because she's pretty much the only active mod xD  She also uses TOs as Jason requests:  a no nonsense   way of punishing light offenses.  I don't think it's very useful though:  I've seen people whine about TOs far more than week long bans. The thought process is a slap on the wrist is better than accidentally too long heavy punishment, but I think the reality is they're punished so weakly they're encouraged to complain more than if they were banned.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Brada family closing in on 80 generations and going strong » 2019-05-13 06:22:41

Honestly bragging about a lineage length is just asking someone to kill it off haha.

#21 Re: Main Forum » How hard would it be to give this game WASD controls as standard? » 2019-05-12 21:01:25

lychee wrote:

I think it's a networking thing that Jason didn't want it in the main game -- can save on bandwidth if it's clicks instead of wasd.

On the githup request a while back by the WASD mod creator, this was Jason's response, yes.

I'm sure someday it'll get looked at again when an optimized way of doing is developed.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Here comes the wipe » 2019-05-11 23:18:29

Isn't there a cron job that does backups?  You could always restore non-bigservers in the next update right? Or does that backup other stuff.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Making a server and making a custom skin. » 2019-05-11 05:19:34

If you want to set up your own server with code changes, this one is great:

Just skip the versino numbers and offsets, that's only if you're also making your own client I think.

If you're not doing code changes, that link also works, just stop after downloading the vm and running the server part (which is basically just following the first link).

If you're running a server on linode, it's slightly more complicated, but not much.

Sprites-wise, you'd have to ask someone else, but from what I hear it's just a drop in replacement, anyone can do it with a little knowledge of what to place where.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Can someone check the new content before I release it? » 2019-04-06 07:39:56

karltown_veteran wrote:

Also, we need some kind of fashion. Before this update we were just running around in whatever we could find.
But soon, this will become the reality:
F a s h i o n! It's unavoidable!

We need laws written in stone.  So we can write "Wearing lime green cargo shorts is punishable by death"

#25 Re: Main Forum » Can someone check the new content before I release it? » 2019-04-06 01:35:57

Only thing I noticed is that

dye-ready top hat, bowler hat, and shorts have different sprites,
dye-ready shirt,skirt,etc are all just a crumple.  Which might be intended, just pointing it out.

Also, top hat, and we have glass, but no monocle? XD

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