One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » We need a different option than murder » 2019-03-09 17:34:19

Maybe we need a duel system? Like you can challenge a person to a duel and they can accept or not.

If not that, then maybe a call out system where we call out someone is being suspicious (eg "/callout Eve Jones") and that puts a marker over their head so people will be more vigilant and pay attention to that player's actions. If a person isn't griefing they have nothing to worry about unless they are a noob doing noob things... I think it may still be good since then a noob's noobie behavior can be corrected.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Good job, Davey Victoria... » 2019-02-07 07:28:15

Portager wrote:

Welcome to OHOL, you will get used to it in time. smile

Nowadays I don't even mind being murdered every few lives, it adds some spice to things. I have gotten used to the craziness.

As for racist parents, this has been an ongoing thing, but I don't let it bother me...most are noobs. Just suckle off of them until you can give them the middle finger, or find a surrogate mother who is not racist. Surrogate parents are awesome, especially if you are a role player as I am.

Hard to find a surrogate since it was just me and the racist Eve mom. I've had incredible surrogate aunts, uncles, siblings, and cousins. Those folks are great and they are the reason why I enjoyed this game so much. I think what frustrates me is the sheer pointlessness of this sort of destructive behavior. I'll be honest, I don't think I'll ever get used to the craziness of random murders, snowballs, or sabotage so I've decided to stick to playing on private servers for now.

Nepumuk wrote:

FYI you can curse someone for like two hours which means you can still curse this person in a later life when you can type it out as long as you remember the name. I know, still frustrating but it's better than nothing.

I know that but it was late and I didn't feel like staying up for another hour just to curse some asshole. Also, the fact I'd have to live another life just to curse someone is ridiculous. There needs to be a better way to do it immediately and not be dependent on how many letters you can string together. It feels a bit punishing to the victim to have to wait to for another life just to sort of "report" a griefer by cursing them.

#3 Main Forum » Good job, Davey Victoria... » 2019-02-05 09:52:42

Replies: 3

I just wanted to say Jason Rohrer created an exceptional and unique game and I enjoyed playing it. However, I've had some of the worst OHOL sessions in the past 2-3 days with griefers and straight up assholes who spew the most vile and racist things while trying to name me the n-word and then attempting to throw my character at a rattlesnake.

I just wanted to play one more game before I went to bed. After 3 attempts, I finally spawn into a town where my mom didn't leave me to die, starve to death because some asshole lead a bear into the village and my mom was attempting to kill it, or wasn't so big that it'd cause me to lag like crazy.

I was excited because I spawned in as a boy so I think this should be a relaxing run. Nope. As I'm running around trying to figure what roles need to be filled, my cousin named Davey Victoria asks me to help him kill a bear. I thought this was strange since he had a backpack which meant he could carry three arrows. I know I was dumb for following him, but I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt. As I questioned him on why he didn't have a bow or arrows, he tried to convince me the stuff was near the bear cave. This is when I decided I was going to turn around when he shanked me from what seemed like three tiles away. WHISKEY. TANGO. FOXTROT.

You know what's seriously aggravating about this situation is I can't even curse him because I'm 10 years old and the letter limitation will only let me type out "Curse Dave". There needs to be a better reporting system because shit like this will turn people off. And it has turned me off. Until there's a better way to report jerks, I'm done.

So good job to all the "Davey Victoria" out there. You've won. You've finally managed to ruin this game for me. … id=3250587

#4 Re: Main Forum » The Sand Town Raiders » 2019-02-04 11:46:57

It so weird to see this story because I was your great great great great great great great great grandmother ( … id=3222214).

When I was born, my mom informed me I was the only hope left for the village as I was the last daughter born to an aging mother. She pleaded that I stay safe and continue the lineage and I respected her wishes. I believe she lived long enough to see my first and only daughter, Zarya Groot, born into the family.

I gave Zarya the same speech my mother gave me and told her to stay safe to continue the lineage. She, unfortunately, died by a boar at a fairly young age. However, she'd given birth to a daughter before she passed. Shay Groot broke the family curse of a single female per generation surviving and prospered.

It was touch and go at first, however, the only reason we made it was because of my brother Renaldo Groot, the Dread Rabbit Exterminator and my very capable but also a bit of a punk son named Osiris Groot.

I remember when I was younger chasing Renaldo around the whole village trying to tell him I found enough rabbit fur to make him a backpack. I couldn't make it myself and give it to him because he took the only needle and thread in the village. When I was finally able to get his attention and lead him to the 4 1/2 rabbit furs, he quickly made himself a pack and then ran off without a word. For a long time, I thought he had passed. That was until he came back after a rabbit genocide. By that I mean he slaughtered enough rabbits to clothe and backpack 2 generations.

Renaldo never spoke his entire life, however, what he didn't say in words he expressed through his actions. He was definitely one of the most unique siblings I've ever had.

Osiris Groot... He was also one of the most unique of all the children I ever had as well. Couldn't tell at first but the moment he was able to string more than 4 words together, the sass came out. He worked hard on getting the town up and running. Swear that kid was in 8 different places doing 16 different things. When I handed him the apron with the only knife in the village because I trusted him to do the right thing, his response was "Thanks, babe." I knew I made the right decision because when I checked the family tree after reading this post I saw that we made it to generation 17.

I'm glad they were able to continue the lineage so you could have this awesome adventure as my great great great great great great great great grandson.

#5 Re: Main Forum » New Players Bad for Villages? » 2019-01-27 06:02:27

apereason wrote:
nilla wrote:

I just wanted to add my two cents here as someone who has recently gotten into this game... Not feeding a baby because they admit they are new and would be a detriment to the village they were born into kinda goes against the essence of this game.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think I would have continued to play if I was neglected or left to die my first few lives because I admitted I was a noob. You already feel pretty useless and helpless your first 5 lives and then not being able to play at all because no one wants you on their team would leave a terrible impression on a game that I think is clever and very engaging.

The learning curve is pretty steep so any guidance is very helpful to a newcomer. I understand that it can be annoying to literally babysit a newbie, however, that's probably one of the only ways we will retain a big enough player base. It's because I had amazing in-game moms, grandmas, uncles, brothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins that I got this far and am now able to teach the incoming new players how to maintain a farm, create compost, tend to the sheep, make pies, etc. Newbies will never get better unless the veterans invest their time in them. I promise we do eventually figure our shit out and become productive members of society.

Every time I try to teach a new player they suddenly die from starvation. I think the person needs to be willing to learn if you spend 10 minutes teaching them just to have them die.

I won't lie. I did that once. It wasn't malicious. I was trying to pay attention to what the person was saying and forgot to eat. Lesson learned and I am much better now at keeping an eye on my food meter.

It has also happened to me while teaching a new person on how to tend to the berry bushes. New kid straight up keeled over in the middle of a whole bunch of full bushes. It was tragic but it was a learning experience for that newbie as well.

Just remember, in their next life, they'll have learned from their mistakes and try not to repeat them.

#6 Re: Main Forum » New Players Bad for Villages? » 2019-01-27 03:55:34

I just wanted to add my two cents here as someone who has recently gotten into this game... Not feeding a baby because they admit they are new and would be a detriment to the village they were born into kinda goes against the essence of this game.

I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't think I would have continued to play if I was neglected or left to die my first few lives because I admitted I was a noob. You already feel pretty useless and helpless your first 5 lives and then not being able to play at all because no one wants you on their team would leave a terrible impression on a game that I think is clever and very engaging.

The learning curve is pretty steep so any guidance is very helpful to a newcomer. I understand that it can be annoying to literally babysit a newbie, however, that's probably one of the only ways we will retain a big enough player base. It's because I had amazing in-game moms, grandmas, uncles, brothers, sisters, aunts, and cousins that I got this far and am now able to teach the incoming new players how to maintain a farm, create compost, tend to the sheep, make pies, etc. Newbies will never get better unless the veterans invest their time in them. I promise we do eventually figure our shit out and become productive members of society.

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