One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 15:27:27

You closed that other nubs thread. What i suggest is that you clean up this thread, remove all my posts AND remove any mention of my name then we can be done. NOT UNTIL.

#2 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 13:52:26

Spockulon wrote:

If there's one thing I would pass on from my past experience with litigation it would be that you should be EXCEPTIONALLY careful about how you present yourself and communicate, even online.

If someone were to-hypothetically-take screenshots of your posts on this forum and forward them to Innogame's legal representation, it could potentially jeopardize your case against them.  *edit: AND any potential litigation you might take against the dev here.

If there's another thing I would offer it would be something several lawyers have told me over the years: "Only a fool appears in pro se in front of a court" (with the exception of traffic and small claims courts, which require you to appear pro se in most jurisdictions).

This fool wins 90 percent of cases. This fool has a bigger case load than most attorneys. This fool has made a shit ton of money in civil litigation already. AND this fool does not need told what i should or should not be saying online.

I have made no threats of death or anything of the sort, and it has already been ruled in court that the judge has no intention of trying to deny my freedom of speach on any matter.

This is this- i have the RIGHT to any opinion i want to have. And my opinions can not and will not be used against me in court. You think screen shots of this would do anything against my case big_smile i have told innogames attorney's personally worse than i have said here.

#3 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 13:46:38

And i will say this one more time, i quit the game after the update, and will quit this forum as well IF every damn mention of my name is removed from all threads.

It is crap you think you will ban me and remove my post while leaving all the asslickers bullshit posts up. Not something i am willing to have done.

I really suggest taking my advise and we will be done, execpt if i pursue this in court, but my comments will be done here. If not i GUARANTEE i will show up every damn day until it is done.

#4 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 13:10:01

Also i know none of you shit spouting regs have any clue about the ACTUAL law, but you do not give all your evidence in the complaint. I will have plenty of damn evidence when it goes to trail.

#5 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 13:08:26

Again sorry gorlock whoever that made this thread, i could go spam every thread and do it every day of my life without fail bans or not if i wanted. TRUST THIS IS A FACT. But i don't  spam. And i prefer to keep everything in one place. Sorry it was your thread this landed on. That being said i have some answers to the stupid shit the reg's spouted out their holes-

No a picture of four negative reviews would not win this case for me, a link with HUNDREDS of negative reviews would. Also the negative vs postive reviews of this game has changed ballance, when it first come out there were mainly positive, now it is mostly negative.

And again, on random in your forum agrees that this is BULLSHIT and you numbnuts automaticly think it is me. You seriously have some issues.

#6 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 12:40:25

also in your game people cuss each other out all the time with a LOT worse insluts than ass licker, things like FUCKING BITCH and racial slurs, i am okay with the ban for personal insults tho, i do feel bad when i am mean and i know i was being 'excessively' mean, we all know that ass lickers on games like this are snowflakes and talking bad about their god riles them up.

i really do suggest tho, do not try me.

#7 Re: Main Forum » This week's update is the worst » 2019-02-20 12:34:44

First- your forum is EASY to hack big_smile

Second i will say here what i said to the mod that banned me-

It is a damn good thing that my family's personal information was removed from this thread or my 1k law suit would be the least of jason's upcomming issues.

I didn't buy this game from steam as the dumbass mod seems to think, i bought it directly from OHOL, and again i asked jason for a refund and was IGNORED.

i was banned for excessive insults and doxxing or something to that nature, wtf is doxxing????

Anyway, i quit the game not long after the update, and i will quit this forum too, but please do understand your 'rules' do not appy to me, only the law.

Piss me off too much and you might find your self in a 3 year long battle with me, something neither of us want. And i don't care if you ban this account or any other account i decided to make, i do care you delete all the BULLSHIT posted about me on this thread.

I HIGHLY SUGGEST EVERY MENTION OF MY NAME IS TAKEN OFF THIS THREAD, if it is, then i will be gone, if it isn't you are playing with fire.

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