One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Watching Your Descendents » 2018-03-09 04:26:01

Replies: 2

One of the key messages of this game is the fact that you leave a legacy behind for your descendants.

Would it not be reasonable to have generational spectate, such that you could spectate your daughter's daughter (or sisters daughter) and see where they went and what they did? Considering the longest family line was 22 generations long, there is some limiting factor on the load this might take on a server, though I am not educated on this part of the idea so I wouldn't know.

#2 Re: Main Forum » New Recipe/Recipes = Writing » 2018-03-08 06:02:03

I agree, the hallmark of successful civilization, and advanced civilization is the ability to disperse information between generations effectively. For a game where we only have 60 minutes, and some poor mother births 4 children, if educating each one takes even 2 minutes, she's lost nearly 1/6 of her life to telling others what to do, and so does each successive generation.

Being able to spread laws of the land like not fucking picking milkweed incorrectly should be most certainly difficult, but something for a civilization to aspire to achieve.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Easy to play with friends? » 2018-03-08 05:35:08

I disagree that this is THE only possible solution. I admit the premise of the game is about making a sudden mark upon the world is the very essence of what makes this game appealing to the masses, however, I disagree on the idea that this HAS to be done without your friends.

Would it not be reasonable instead to disallow chaining, so say friend A can spawn friend B in motherhood, but friend B can't spawn friend A. Or, A spawns B spawns C, and C cannot spawn A or B due to their use of friend codes. It would be simple to make it so upon birth, you have a chosen specified codeword (who has time to change it anyway). Then your friends could use that codeword to attempt to spawn on you, and if they succeeded, both of their abilities to use the codeword would be used up. It wouldn't hurt honestly to have the codeword be slightly changing overtime to prevent forum communities and nonsense like that, but it might be doable. Of course, it is alpha...

Anyway, loves.

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