One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Question » 2019-06-02 13:04:09

From top to bottom, with top being the most liked:
- Eve's kid or grand kid in the wild
- Eve's kid or grand finds an abandon camp or town and builds it up again
- psudo-Eve's kid
- Town with sheep and no pump
- Town with pump and no engine
- Multi-family peaceful town
- Looting an abandon town to make a new one
- Two towns find each other and build a road
- Eve's kid or grand near a town with people
- Town beyond repair and you must migrate
- sausage town
- psudo-Eve (runaway)
- Eve finds an abandon camp or town and builds it up again
- Eve near a town with people
- Eve in the wild
- Raiding a populated town
- Town under attack
- Multi-family murder town

I've actually never played as an Eve except on my test server where it went bad until I figured how to effectively disable hunger and such since its purpose was to learn how to make things.

#2 Re: Main Forum » This Game is dead! » 2019-05-24 16:25:09

The data is also incomplete, unless steam accounts for people who play on the nonsteam version of the game aswell.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Thoughts on eves on town? » 2019-05-24 09:31:12

futurebird wrote:

The chances of your kids causing problems down the line is high, but you don't preemptively feed them to wolves. The swords in't OP anymore you can stop someone who uses one.

Really if a good Eve comes to town that increases the chance of the town surviving because you have more kids.

A kid in your family can actually be punished, instead of getting sent over to another family, or possibly coming back as an eve and attacking. Can you rely on the other family cursing him when even "local" griefers often get others framed?

#4 Re: Main Forum » Why do towns need walls? » 2019-05-19 16:24:33

Dodge wrote:

Also why do we still stay in a tribal/everything is shared kind of setting?, why are we not building individual family houses and branching out?

Because there are too few people in villages. You can hardly even call them villages, because even these in real life have in average hundreds of people. They also often don't last long enough for one group of people to consider themselves different from the others, which are in fact still their relatives. And when they do last long enough for that and you get several private properties, they usually die out soon after.

Basically, it's more efficient to share everything for the current size of settlements.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Ok Community, Let's Clear Some Things Up: » 2019-05-18 13:39:53

Actually, you don't even need photoshop. You can literally change the webpage in the browser and take a screenshot.

#6 Re: Main Forum » If fences are not viable, what does that mean? » 2019-05-18 00:02:29

Buildings to protect against players, you can see in real life how that went. After all, wars existed because people could conquer others even if they were defended by castles. Even Constantinople fell, with its mighty Theodosian Walls. So pretty much yes, any kind of security is hopeless because it is so in real life too. Every lock can be opened or broken, every building can be demolished. As for castles, I guess you heard of sieges. They weren't always won by breaking the castle walls and storming it. Sometimes, the besiegers would simply wait for the defenders to starve. Farms normally are outside city walls, but ingame you get that by the fact that you need to get out for iron and other things. What's the difference between people not getting out because they'll be killed by the attacking army and people not getting out because they were sealed inside, in terms of result?

Unlike real life though, there'll always be a mole inside the settlement that will simply want to ruin it. And if someone from outside could lock down a fenced settlement, you can bet someone from inside could do the same.

I did mention before making use of nature to require buildings. I don't think you'll have as many people complain to you if you make buildings and fences required to protect against wild animal attacks. Or against weather even, since getting wet makes you lose temperature, and fires don't go along too well with water. After all, people didn't build shelters to protect themselves from other people initially, that came much later when settlements grew, but to protect themselves and their belongings from nature's wrath.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Should the sword kill everyone from other families or only foreigners? » 2019-05-17 22:41:55

jasonrohrer wrote:

Before this week, you almost never interacted with people outside your family.  They were too far away.  You weren't "kind" to them.  You never saw them.  "Xenophobia" or "open-arms" were both impossible.

Now you interact with people outside your family.  Now you have to navigate that.  It could have been so easy and so bland.  Just bring the families together.  But I made it way more complicated than that.  It's not easy, at all, to interact with someone from outside your family.

So nothing about the "old game" has changed.  Family interactions, and the kindness is identical.  You still interact with the same 20 people you always interacted with throughout your life.

What's changed is that a new element has been introduced.  Other families!  But whoa, they look different (as other families actually do), and whoa, they speak a different language (as people from far away actually do).

So the old game had only one element.  The new game has this whole new element.

Those people were always out there, but you never saw them.  Now you see them.  And you don't like what you see, I guess...

You got it half right. People don't mind that other families are closer. Or that they're different. Or that they speak another language either. That's really cool stuff. What makes all these cool additions basically bad are the swords. Before, you had a single griefer mess stuff up which would get punished with curses. Now you got the same griefer with the ability to kill off entire other families basically for free, with no repercussion. In villages with two or more families, that's basically a ticking bomb, until one griefer appears and starts killing people with a sword, and then it's just people killing everyone else not in their families. And that happened already. And how do you stop the ticking bomb from appearing? You basically kill everyone else not of your family trying to join the village. And from no one else appearing, we get to kill everyone else appearing. We have an expression here, which pretty much translates to out of the frying pan into the fire.

What's the point of bringing people together if you make them want to hate eachother? Pretty sure people were much happier when they were alone, without the threat of having most of the family killed by a single person.

#8 Re: Main Forum » An observation » 2019-05-15 17:09:41

jasonrohrer wrote:

But I am interested in the general phenomenon, and where it's coming from, and why it has changed.

I can't say what changed from your previous games since I know nothing about them, but what changed within OHOL is the direction, basically, and people who got used to the game as it is will obviously not like that. And the fact that you seem to not actually listen to what the players are saying when it comes to major changes. Then comes releasing content that fits a weird niche within the game (property fences) or that is completely unbalanced (swords). And going against what you advertised the game to be (instead of having people build civilization together, people are building their private properties - which don't actually contribute often to people working together - or going on crusades). You get the idea.

It happens to bigger studios aswell. Two particular cases I witnessed happened with Stellaris. The devs changed core aspects of the game at least twice since the game was released, and there was lots of negativity both on the forums and on steam. First time it was removing core mechanics in order to make improvements in certain directions (like "terrain" and static defenses) viable, but many people obviously didn't like that. Second time was requested by the players, but it was released in a hurry and the game was basically completely broken for many playstyles, and the team went on winter holidays right after. The devs would often stay in touch with the players, but that actually became rarer for a while due to the negativity on the forums, so it's laudable that you're still around talking with people. The difference is that the devs did come back to fix the broken stuff, and started implementing neat features, so the things cooled down. Ever since discussions regarding fences appeared though, there hasn't been enough not controversial stuff to stop people from complaining.

If you want the game to be enjoyable, there has to be a balance between the things you want and the things the players want.

#9 Re: Main Forum » OHOL as a model of human society » 2019-05-08 11:53:16

There were very few societies in real life ruled by women in the past, the ones I heard about are in archipelagos in the Pacific. The reason why men were pretty much always "in power" is because they have the power. They are the ones who defend the settlement and who conquer lands. They are the ones with physical prowess. That's how we evolved as a species, the men go out hunting, the women tend for the home and children.

#10 Re: Main Forum » JASON!!! SAID THAT GRIEFING IS IMPORTANT!! » 2019-04-26 14:58:08

Turnipseed wrote:

Dear Toxic,

Please stop using all caps on your forum titles.



I mean, it is a good warning of what to expect in the post tongue

#11 Re: Main Forum » JASON!!! SAID THAT GRIEFING IS IMPORTANT!! » 2019-04-26 10:49:23

A griefer isn't required. People losing stuff is. You need to have a balance of creation and destruction. There's no way for people to lose stuff in the game, since it's not so much as player vs nature as it actually should be. So griefers keep natures role of going against development. It's bad design in the period of the game, as the greatest threat for early human settlements weren't a few individuals from within them killing others or hiding stuff, but nature itself.

#12 Re: Main Forum » GRIEFERS SHOULD BE BANNED! » 2019-04-25 18:18:52

Toxic wrote:

If you need to start banning people that grief to make your game better it’s a sign that the game mechanics need to be changed.

By this logic, many very popular multiplayer games need to be changed, just saying.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Since Jason says that every town should have a griefer I became one » 2019-04-25 16:32:25

Instead of relying on players to bring chaos and destruction, why not make the game do that? Right now, only temperature and some animals that are easy to avoid are nature's weapons against civilization. What about weather? Or wild animal attacks (excluding bears which are pretty much brought by people)? Or pests?

#14 Re: Main Forum » Can we just ban people from forum and discord who brag about griefing? » 2019-04-25 01:01:24

Ace wrote:

A programmer once said that when he is given something, an object for example, the first thing he asks is not "what does it do" but "what can i make it do". Using something just the way it's been designed to be used is booring, go further than the inventor and improve it.

The game you are given is like a library or an api. It has a set of methods and variables, stuff it can do and objects and what not. It has defined functionality, and it's up to you how you use it. Try go beyond that, and see how it fails. You can't just send requests to an endpoint you "made" for an api you don't own and expect to actually receive something but errors. That's what playing the game is. You have a set of limitations and you have to stay within them for proper functionality. Sure, you can make your client show 1000 tiles away, but you'll still only get to actually see what the server gives you.

The only case when your analogy is correct is when you are given code to modify. That's when you more or less have free hand on what to do. In this case, you can make the client see 1000 tiles away, but you can also make the server send those tiles to the client.

So yea, as a programmer, if I'm given an object to use, I'll ask what it can do. If I'm given an object to modify, I'll ask what I could make it do. We are given the game to use, not modify. Even with the mods we have now, to be able to play on the main servers, they all need to stay within the limits defined by the them.

You may have a point with not always using stuff the way it's meant to be used, but the programming analogy is kinda wrong.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Jason might as well go quiet again » 2019-04-25 00:39:18

Léonard wrote:

(lots of text)

To be honest, I'm with you on the vision of the game. I showed some videos to my girlfriend about the game and she got it for both of us for my birthday to play. The idea of rebuilding civilization that way was pretty unique and we both wanted to try it out. She played a few games alone and didn't do too well as she knew nothing and people weren't very helpful. I played my first game alone, and that was pretty much the best life I had. Since we were both new, I decided to make ourselves a server where to learn how to do stuff. I found out later that we could play together, but she didn't play on the main servers as she still wanted to learn. I did play on them alone, but things weren't too remarkable (other than my last life where I was the only female left in a large town and basically all but one child used /die or were afk). I did join the discord and the forum in the meantime, but the more I stayed there, the less I was excited about playing with my girlfriend on the main servers. Apart from griefers and people being obsessed with playing perfectly to the point of calling you a griefer or killing you for not doing the same, turns out that people also aren't really fond of twins. Not really the idea I had of the game, but hey, it was still rebuilding civilization and people were actually working together towards that, and I still had my server which is really enjoyable.

Meanwhile, Jason decides to post that topic about war in the game a few days after I got it. At first, I thought it was an april fools joke, especially since it was on 2 april. Sure, war and trade are what happens in real life, and I was curious what he'd do to make these possible. Maps or ways to reach other people would've been nice. Or maybe more restricted resources that could be traded. Instead we get the idea of private property, which I honestly don't think makes much sense in the scope of the game. I was hoping he'd ditch it, but it eventually got implemented.

Apart from the fancy clothes update (which is the first update since I got the game), the direction is pretty much moving from rebuilding civilization to destroying it. Drama does make interesting stories, but most of the time, it destroys instead of create. And I'm not much of a gossiper myself either. I wanted the game on the premise that I'm gonna be able to contribute to settlements and leave something behind. I'd rather not have it destroyed by griefers or war or some conflict arisen within the family over petty stuff. If I wanted to fight people, I'd have played a game that's about fighting people. If I wanted war, there are grand strategy games that I love that of course allow you to go to war. It's been a while since I played on the main servers, and I'm curious how the new update is, but I'm not that keen on inheriting some property that I don't have what to do with and getting killed by theoretically my own family for it. The people who do talk about the game don't leave that great of an impression about it, and I haven't seen many positive stories about the new property fences. Up until now, making that private server was the best decision I made regarding the game.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Can we just ban people from forum and discord who brag about griefing? » 2019-04-24 18:16:02

Since freedom of speech is such a great issue for the forum, we should encourage people who want to spread racist ideas and what not, right? Since, stopping them would deny one of their rights, and we cannot allow that to happen.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Can we just ban people from forum and discord who brag about griefing? » 2019-04-24 16:59:06

*possible buyer checks the forum/discord*
*sees griefer bragging about killing whole villages and stopping streamers from playing*
*gives up on buying*

I'm not sure how many people would want to start playing a new game just to ruin the fun for others.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Taking prisoners ! » 2019-04-20 17:55:24

hmrka wrote:

Why are people so against trapping others?! I dont get it, its fun. Even if youre the one getting trapped it gives great roleplaying opportunities.

Because it's basically killing people with extra steps. It was his choice to plant food, he could aswell have left the prisoners starve. And also, the trapped people can't do anything for the village in the time they're trapped.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Least favorite wild animal (excluding skeeters) » 2019-04-17 18:15:46

I died more from boars than from any other animals. Especially that at first I thought they were friendly

#20 Re: Main Forum » User-made adventure maps and the possibility of a OHOL "editor" » 2019-04-15 09:47:29

As far as I know, there is an editor available, but I never tried it

#21 Re: Main Forum » Apparently I'm a Griefer? » 2019-04-14 20:25:11

Aname wrote:

there is no redeeming yourself once a griefer forever a griefer.

Uh, that's a bit harsh, don't you think? I get that he did wrong stuff and is probably still doing, but redeeming definitely is possible

#22 Re: Main Forum » why do i never see pigs, dogs, and rarely see cows » 2019-04-13 15:13:10

PeaGirl wrote:

I find it crazy that civilizations still die, while cows remain. Those, and the omeletts are perhaps the best ways to keep food supply with as less iron usage as possible.

It's not starvation that always kills civilizations. What I noticed often is people killing eachother, SIDs and too few births

#23 Re: Main Forum » Meme screenshots! Or look at my horse and more! » 2019-04-10 16:27:16

Roosty knife wrote:

The "wise" old man in field. Maybe will make a template, something like confucius meme. … t9fuew.jpg

If only the one behind him had the knife in his hand tongue

#24 Re: Main Forum » Violet City, a cute and quiet place to die (Story with pics) » 2019-04-05 15:34:46

pein wrote:

don't till one soil, it's like a spit in the others face
use  2 soil to till

For people who don't know why, what he means is that, you can use two bowls of soil and one hoe use instead of one bowl of soil and two hoe uses. It's more efficient iron-wise, since you can make compost, but there's no way to make iron. You could also use a hoe on 3 bowls of soil (one basket), but that's a waste since you only need 2 bowls.

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