One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Just an amusing picture. » 2019-08-05 19:38:42

Two arcs before 540 bears were released while 240 of them were killed.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Data analysis needed » 2019-08-02 23:10:50

Isnt latest one arc log file missing? 1564632744time_492170999seed_mapLog.txt

#3 Re: Main Forum » The adventurous Codes or How to go back home with kids and cart » 2019-08-02 15:09:28

Hi, I was your last one, Piotr. I got born to another Code mum - your sis Eris, I warned her about raiders so she wouldn't come back imidiatelly ... but I died coz of bear+lag. You are lucky you weren't in the camp when you were young. Glad you survived.

#4 Main Forum » Wipe for other servers than bs2 » 2019-07-25 07:36:58

Replies: 0

anybody knows whether other servers are going to be wiped + limited to 500x500? Or is it only bs2?
... Jason?

#5 Re: Main Forum » Post screenshots of: Town Castles » 2019-06-22 18:18:01

I saw this one in bs2. Don't know if it classifies to your description of castle big_smile  There was thread for it as well

#6 Re: Main Forum » Griefing annoyance » 2019-06-22 15:50:19

sigmen4020 wrote:

If this griefer is on CCM maybe you should try reporting them to dev team of the mod. Because they post in their rules that excessive griefing and killing will get them banned if their servers. Or haven’t they caused trouble on CCM yet?

I don't know what is her playstyle there. I've never met her there in person and it's definitely not what I am seeking. Undoubtedly, I would be pleased if she stayed there if she is doing nice there. big_smile

#7 Re: Main Forum » Griefing annoyance » 2019-06-22 13:00:17

sigmen4020 wrote:

I mostly play on bigserver, but I do play on low-pop servers from time to time and I feel your pain. I don’t understand why some people seem to get a kick out of ruining someone else’s hard work on the low pop servers, but the places I’ve been on have sometimes been griefed too(some beyond repair).

I am sorry to hear that. It seems so pointless to grief on lowpops.

sigmen4020 wrote:

Unfortunately I think one of the only things you can realistically do about this is surround your town with stone walls and some locked doors (just make sure to have entrances that are hidden in case someone decides to block you in). It’s unfortunate but what I’ve learned from playing on low pop servers is that assholes gotta be assholes.

Few people I know did so but I like visiting other camps and get inspired/help around.

sigmen4020 wrote:

Also if you want the low pop experience but without the big griefer risk I’d recommend CCM, since it adds new stuff and has zero tolerance for griefing. Just beware that it is quite buggy atm.

I played a lot CCM in its beginnings but this person about whom is this post is regular player there. That's why I am hesitating about coming back.

#8 Main Forum » Griefing annoyance » 2019-06-22 11:50:38

Replies: 4

This post is more like my personal experience with OHOL lately. I had a lot fun life in bs2 but with swords update being killed with it in every life annoyed me so much that I settled in one of the low-pop servers. It is quite common to be asked for your name there if you are born to somebody and then it's their decion whether they are in mood to keep you as new person in their bases.

One day this person was born to me, I didn't know her, I didn't feel like playing with anybody at the moment so I didn't keep her. However, it was time of very close Eve spawns near active players and language barriers on low-pop servers. I got blamed for being jugmental about accusing her of being possible griefer right away. Yet, there she was griefing right away as she got spawn as Eve. She stole stuff from my neighbour's camps and then the griefies went on for few weeks. It calmed for few days, but I guess it is starting again. From killing all animals to taking stuff, cutting all trees around, locking up things by her, killing the farms, rope wasting (pine houses, hula skirts, ...), filling the bowls with objects you can't get rid of easily. There were few threatens in notes and I was being trash-talked in main OHOL discord even for things I didn't do. And here I am unable to do anything about it. I know that low-pop server players aren't majority. Furthermore, few players can disagree with this type of play, that OHOL isn't meant to be played this way. It's discussable because you can learn things in your pace and then be more productive in bs2 tongue

From the other few players playing in low-pop servers and looking through public data I found out that this person used to grief in other servers too. Jason's opinion about necessity of griefing present in the game isn't very pleasant in this case. I guess giving more attention to this player might not be the most appropriate step. Giving her the feeling of victory and satisfaction is very last thing I would done for her... but I just think that threat, harrassment, blackmailing should be more treatable even though it is JUST a game (not suggestion big_smile but annoyance)

... Isn't it fascinating how opposites in player base you can found in comunity? Kinda so depressing too.

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