One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Make cursing a /command, and not limited by age. » 2019-06-24 11:25:20

Yeah this limitation sucks. Change it to a command should be an easy fix and would help a lot.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Punishment Zone » 2019-06-24 11:10:03

i do this "pseudo code" here
you need a simple bool to flag a player, of course you can use a counter to have some kind of threshold. it´s like the curent curse.

if curse_counter>curse_threshold do extra coding to this player

track every command it´s a simple "storing the commands of this player in a list", to avoid to waste more serverressources you send it to an extern server, where this data is stored

so this is one more command
you send a copy of the incoming client command to the observing server if player is "observeflaged"

now you can analyse the data from an extern position, and there you can flag the players for a punishment

so you need one more command on server to check the punishflag

its 3 lines of code to make it work on serversite.

And now the car. This was a metaphor to say it´s not impossible. There are always people say it´s not possible, till the moment someone shows it´s possible.

it´s only a logic, not more.

as is said before you need first to analyse the data, easiest way is to make some counts.

before i can go more on the logic, i need the data. i said it before. So we have 3 from 4 steps finished. Programming a black intelligence is harder than this stupid ai-logic. And yeah curent ai for cars sucks at some point, but the logic there is really more work then this shit here.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Punishment Zone » 2019-06-23 21:05:27

testo wrote:

So you are proposing an outside game court? People that use their own time outside the game to review other peoples action in-game and decide if they are guilty of foul play and need a punishment in-game?

This was only one optional idea. First is to mark targets. Then observing (recording) some data of this players. Third is to analyse this data. You can do this automated with a good logic build. But to build such a logic is hard and you need to analyse the collected data first to find average and max values to calculate a kind of threshold and crosscomparing. The idea to send full game records to a kind of a court should be more on problem situation to adjust the automated system or when players declare, that they are innoncent. Or for a fun public forum roleplay projekt, where all can see the "replay" and can watch the public executation of a griefer (anonymus).

But more interesting is to find a kind of automated logic, which can find griefers! Thats the goal of this idea. It´s not easy, but easier than to code the process of driving a car.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Punishment Zone » 2019-06-22 23:12:56

yeah cursing by typing command and full name is worse. like you said : unnamed players, namemismatching, uncurseable names or longnames you can't curse the first half hour, because of missing input length. was only an idea to use the current curse system as trigger. but when you can easy target players, and stab or shot them, why you can´t easy target them to curse? you have left click, right click, shift click, you can easy implement a new key, like alt-ctrl-del combo (only joking). but should be easy to implement a keybased cursed trigger (?alt-c). could be also a new grafik pointing at the other. that´s client shit to make the cursing target process easier.

i think you can also track some very few values on each player without causing to much "server-drain", like the killcounter, to start the observation process of this player or do it random. there are lots of ways. if you find some possible "bad" guys, you can focus on them to observe more.

it´s -> suspicion -> observation -> analysis -> judgment

so step one is how to find possible bad guys? and current cursing system is nearest there.

#5 Main Forum » Punishment Zone » 2019-06-22 15:52:52

Replies: 9

Implement a better rating system for players. At the moment you have only the curse system and this can also go in the wrong way, because missunderstandings of human beings.

The goal is to find griefers automated or half automated!

Record the players game on serversite, of course you need to limit this to some basic countings. It´s also wise to limit this to some few players.

Make a kind "EDO punishment zone." ->

Of course you have no zone here, you have a player you will observe and punish, if he is doing bad things.

You can choose the player to observe randomly or trigger him by your cursesystem. You can also observe more or lesser players depending on your server ressources.

For example you can

Count : All Actions from the player in one live
Count : Player kills Player

This two basic counts give a first view of the player. Is he killing a lot of other players? Is he clicking like a workoholic or more chilling like a griefer. Of course you have also new and afk players, who produce less clickactions.

Next you could filter for productive action and non productive action. If a player pick up and drop the same item one hour this is of course non productive.

and so on ... (this is only the first step of an automated rating system)

Another way is to track the whole game of a player in punishzone, like you do on client site and show it to some players, who play the role of a court.

There are lots of steps to think, but first step is to choose a player and track or count him on serversite. Then you need to decide guilty or not guilty (automated or half automated). Finaly you need to do the punishment.

"The gods have observed you. They have decided : You are guilty. Next life you are cursed to live the life as a stone."

#6 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for improving the life limit » 2019-06-21 19:59:17

Imperator : " I have an idea, it´s like this and this and this."

Senator 1 : "blablabla"
Senator 2 : "blablabla"
Senator x : "blablabla"

Imperator : "Ok, then we do like i said in the beginning."

You are kidding me.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Ideas for improving the life limit » 2019-06-21 17:03:57

"You have currently 36 Lives. You gain no extra life, till you are under life regeneration cap of 18."

and then

"You have currently 17 Lives. You gain an extra life in 26 minutes 14 seconds."

That´s two sentences to make it all clear.

Anyway i am not a friend of you lifecap idea, i have still my 36 lives. ;-P

#8 Re: Main Forum » Am i the only one ? » 2019-06-09 17:09:03

Anyone thought about this limited playtime idea on payment model? I bought a lifetime server account. Let´s think i played a while and i am down to 12 lives and now i have an unlucky playtime, some moms kill me or let me starve in a row and/or some griefers do the work and suddenly i am down to 0 lifes. At this point your server forbid me to login for one hour. This could be reason enough for a lawsuit. You changed your model from lifetime server account to a limited login server account.

#9 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2019-06-04 19:11:58

Whatever wrote:

Jason if you want to make to make this a very good game, then you need to play it.
Play it a lot, and like playing it.
This way you can better understand the problems it has and you will be able to come up with better solutions.
If you dont have time to play it, you dont have time to make a very good game.
Play every day at least 1 hour.
If you dont enjoy playing this game than it will be very difficult for you to improve it.

That´s a good point. But playing the own games costs a lot of time. I build a map in one game and played multiply months to test it again and again. Same on a campaign i build. Some maps needed a complete weekend to test. I wished i had that playerbase here in past, helping me to balance and test my maps more. Also each game have beta-testers to help. This game has a lot of updates, simply on the vision of one man? Each update you normaly do betatesting before and this not only to find bugs, also to find logic problems or bad balancing.

#10 Re: Main Forum » 4.5% *of players who use die at all* account for 38.1% of the deaths! » 2019-06-04 18:57:51

futurebird wrote:

Agree. We are talking about 19 people who are responsible for about 1/3 of the /die babies. Can we just send them a message asking them to calm down?

Found this on your crosslinked thread :"427 unique players who used /die at least once on Sunday."

Checking the data from Valareos there, we have: (*could be errors in my counting)

3 Players >200
7 Players 100-199
24 Player 50-99
16 Players 30-49
30 players 20-29
52 players 10-19
7 players 9
12 players 8
21 players 7
22 players 6
21 players 5
21 players 4
30 players 3
45 players 2
rest players 1

So if this 19 people you mean calm down a bit you have still a lot of /die, perhaps you go down from 60% to 40% on /die babies? Starvation will go up of course, because players uses other ways to find there "favorite" lives.

I didn´t think it's enough to send players a message to calm down.

#12 Re: Main Forum » 4.5% *of players who use die at all* account for 38.1% of the deaths! » 2019-06-04 15:25:45

futurebird wrote:

You can't stop the tiny handful of people who are abusing /die by using it more than 40 times a day from playing though and that would be a net improvement in gameplay for the majority of players.

As i said,  make /die limited to help against scripting and boting, but don´t think players don´t react on this also by doing other things.

And honestly

There is a tiny handful of people playing this game and the majority of players is gone. I wish i would know how many game keys would sold. >1000? So much more then 50% of the players are gone. And these tiny handful of player's using /die only reflecting, that there is a wish for more customized start condition and i bet there a players coming back, with such a change in game.

#13 Re: Main Forum » 4.5% *of players who use die at all* account for 38.1% of the deaths! » 2019-06-04 14:40:26

Dodge wrote:

That's not in the spirit of the game to let you chose your life.

You can´t force a player to play this one life. If you would remove /die, they run away, or they do nothing and starve to next life, or they do some shitty action in town, before they starve. I prefer /die then.

If a player don´t want to play this life, it's more worthless for him. If you want to make life more worthy, let a player choose his life, if he wants. So this life is worthy for him.

And again -> It´s not the vision only, what defines a game. You have also target groups (players). If you don´t react on players wishes at some point, you will loose them.

#14 Re: Main Forum » 4.5% *of players who use die at all* account for 38.1% of the deaths! » 2019-06-04 14:16:32

Dodge wrote:

Someone could make a script that automatically does /die all day long wouldn't that be spam?

There needs to be some limit.

You could even have 5-10 accounts that do /die all day long and ruin the game for everyone so it's definitly an issue.

This is right.

Normaly there is some kind of captcha, to avoid this. But you can`t implement this on client side, this could be NOPed out with a simple hexeditor. And on serversite it´s nearly impossible to make this. You need to popup a website or send email to check this. Yes so there is a need of limit on /die.

But why we discuss about /die command?

Give the players what they want, make client "start as eve/boy/girl/same family/same town". No one need to use /die anymore. There is a reason, why players do this and you don´t want to fix the problem, you wanna fix the consequence of this problem. I think you will loose more players, when you go this way.

#15 Re: Main Forum » 4.5% *of players who use die at all* account for 38.1% of the deaths! » 2019-06-04 13:49:12

testo wrote:

Yes this is not a game for kids, you´ll find it boring. It becomes spam the moment you are literally spamming 15 times /die because you can only play in one place or can only play one way.

Hope you didn´t mean me with "kids and you will ..." I am near half the way to hundred. But anyway, i think there are a lot "kids" playing this game. Here they can do all the things they can´t do in realife. Insulting, Killing, Destroying. "Kids" like this. ;-P

Why 15 times makes it spam? Why not 3 times, if it is spam? Or forbid this command complete? For me it´s not spam, it´s a build in game option, players can use. Before you put me (again?) in a wrong drawer, i never used the /die command or made the runawaybaby.

#16 Re: Main Forum » 4.5% *of players who use die at all* account for 38.1% of the deaths! » 2019-06-04 12:37:17

Wow, this guy has some good endurance. This is not spam. I have done this my whole life in games. Rerolling my charakter stats in rpg, restarting games because starting maps sucks. Mostly offline games, but also in online games to find a game, which makes fun. Find a good group to play with and so on... Looks like he searched a very special condition for his game.

Have you ever thought, why we play games? There was also a discussion at other places here. But only to say it short. We play games to have fun. If game makes no fun, we play other games. If there is a way to make a game more fun to play for this player, you can't say stop it. Sure you can or can try. He will find other ways to play a game, which makes fun for him. You can't forbid this. At last consequence you can force this player only to leave and look for another game.

It´s not the vision only, what defines a game. You have also target groups. (OS, desktop/mobile, language, gamegenre, ...) Here we have the problem, that the vision ignores this. Honestly there is also no requirement to increase active player base. Servers can´t handle it. I have read some rewiews and it looks like more players will make only the game more laggy. So it´s easier to keep the player base small and try find some more players, who pay and go away.

This game is declared as "A multiplayer survival game of parenting and civilization building". If you remove eve, you have removed the basic (the beginning) of parenting and civilization building. Forcing a human to do a special role we have enough in real life, we don´t need this in games. It´s always a balance of the designer vision and the player wishes thats make a good game. If you ignore the players wishes, you can win some critics award but not the players.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Saturday 1 June Deaths and eve's number. » 2019-06-02 14:27:10

Spoonwood wrote:

I certainly don't understand why SIDs are this high now.  But, of course, I think and feel differently from many other people.

Since i played SIDs were mostly 50%. This is my "view" from looking family trees. Looks like SIDs going up a from 50% to 60%. I think some players didn't know the new eve situation or they know it and try to find a start near eve anyway. As i said on other place here mid and lategame sucks (tecks, resources), so it looks like most player search for places near eve, with resources or of course reborn situations in same family or towns.

This is interesting topic here, showing a lot of player likes playing more the early tecks.

This grafik is a sign, that 60% don´t like there starting positions, but it´s not important. The Vision is more important. Eat what is cooked.

#18 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2019-06-01 13:48:49

Erudaru wrote:

Jason knows all game designers personally (at least the good ones) and they are the only ones he listens to.

The only person who knows all game designer personally is Chuck Norris.

2017 the average game release (only) on steam is 21 a day. We have also multiply country´s. We have developers  all over the world. Time is still running, there is no stop button. New developers spread each day. And there are a lot of good developers. I think each day a good developer is born. And you really mean Jason knows all game designers personally. Come on. You can say he knows a lot game designer personally, but not all.

#19 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2019-05-31 18:23:17

You want problems?

1. Game is no fun.
Midgame and Lategame sucks. Only early game is fun. No one kills you there. There are resources around. There is no chaos around.

2. This is your game. But i paid for it. You sold me a view, witch is currently not right. Perhaps 1 from 10 games come a little closer to this view. 9 from 10 games is watching griefing, insulting, killing shit or running around in mid and lategame without resources, mostly making some food and eating. I think i have the right to say, i feel a little cheated.

3. Your balancing is bad. But it´s your view here. So it´s right. If you like it, there is no need that players like it too or the majority of players. Each player can balance, you don't need to be a coder to be a good balancer. We all know 4 milkweed for a rope is crazy.

4. I can code. I know it´s four lines to make it non-pvp. One bool and 3 comparison on dagger, bow and sword. So from this view i can also say why not make a pvp and a non-pvp server. I know, that there is a little more work to run different server configuration, one with pvp=true other with pvp=false, but you strictly don't want this, because it's not your view.

5. Yeah you are right. The warsword is not the problem. The problem is one player kills other player and 9 from 10 players don`t like that. They want a peacefully game, build up stuff and this things like you describe on your home page. I don't want to be killed or read my childs are killed by other player again and again. I said it on other place here, your pvp sucks. You can make a cooldown on sword or try other things, but all you do, say the same answer. There are a lot of players don't like to be killed "unfair"! This is my first game, i have seen, where one player has a weapon and the other not. I have seen lots of game, where one player is op and other player has no chance, but this is the maximum of inbalance on pvp i have ever seen.

6. Finaly i have this feeling that you spend more time to make the minority happy instead of building stuff for the majority. I mean the majority, which never look in this forum, the majority which leaves you game without any commentary and go for another game, because your game was disapointing. If you want more active players, you better hear for the non speaking majority. You can find mirrors of the majority here in forum. If you want only players to buy your game and then make them leave continue your view. It works good that way.

And don´t think this is respectless here. I know you are skilled in coding, developing, server/client shit, game designing, organisation, ... But you are not a god. You are human. You make errors. And you have also this ego problem like every biologic living form on earth has. Perhaps my view can help to review you view. Ah that sentence is so viewable. And sorry my english is school english, it`s not my mother language.

This is my view.

#20 Re: Main Forum » What to do to attract new players? Advice for Jason that he never aske » 2019-05-28 15:49:44

Ok, i haven´t the view now whats going on in this extended platform. Tried to see forum first with some kind of eagle vision. You can´t read everything here, sometimes persons here need a whole page to fighting each other in public.

Looks like this is the classic ego problem. Most developer don´t want to hear from "stupid" gamers, how to change there coding. It´s a kind of "It´s my game. I am the god. My word is the only." *only joking* I understand this at some point, because you do all the coding stuff, spend hours to make the ideas running and others think they can dream the changes simply by posting it. :-) But honestly (experienced!) gamers are the best persons to balance a game. Of course you need to filter.

Ok i looked the other platform. I think at the beginning it was a nice try to sort the chaos from here, but know its more chaos there. I will be more and more a mirror of the forum or more worse. *lol* I tried to scroll down, its still loading the site. If everyone can post his ideas and there is no container to sort it. *You are kidding me, it´s still loading*. There is also the possibility of discussion, so at some point you have two forums now. Then you try to do the shit, you currently trying, crosslinking, trying to reduce redundance and such things? I don`t know, if this is worth it, when the developer don't look there or only look limited there? You need experienced gamers (not me :-P), who have the time and the view, to sort this second forum again? *lol it´s still loading, 5 minutes i try to scroll down. Ok there is a kind of container, you can sort it by different views, but my browser still ask me. "What you are doing with me, don´t do this."

Ok enough joking, it´s a mess there.

Edit: Ok you can limit it by time, up to one week is viewable, but longer goes more and more to chaos.

#21 Re: Main Forum » What to do to attract new players? Advice for Jason that he never aske » 2019-05-28 06:27:00

breezeknight wrote:

i suggested something similar here but nobody was interested
- - -

Everything we are posting here is normaly wasted, if informations are not collected and rewrite here.

Except some ideas going at night to jasons dreams. ;-)

This depends on this sticky.

So you need information collectors on forum here and bring this information sorted to the next area. If not, all postings here in forum are mainly wasted. I think this is the rule here in forum?

#22 Re: Main Forum » What to do to attract new players? Advice for Jason that he never aske » 2019-05-27 14:36:20

You can go for more marketing, but if game is not what new players thought it is, this will straight go in the other direction. You will find more and more information in the web, about angry players saying "this game sucks" and such things.

The best way to attract new players is to have a good game. If players like this game and the game makes fun this will attract other players automatically.

The most problem in this game is the anonymity and behind the anonymity the "bad guys". In web we can hide so often behind nicknames, but in this game we can hide each life behind another name. So there is no way to find friends.

This would help massivly, if we found good players and could put them on a like list and the opposite if there are players griefing, destroying, insulting, ... we should put them on a don´t like list. The tricky thing is the spawn algorithm. On the one site players should play more often with players they like. On the other site players shouldn´t play any more with players they don´t like.

This would help to sort the "shit" out. ;-)

Yeah and game difficulty is hard, to hard for new players. Best is play alone on separate servers to learn some things, but new players didn`t know this option. Tutorial helps mostly for the really basic stuff and not more.

futurebird wrote:

I have never found anyone who taught me much of anything in game? I do a fair bit of teaching, but getting someone to teach is hard especially when you get beyond the basics. Has anyone here learned how to make an engine in game? I have taught how to make the pump... once. IDK I think some tutorials that didn't tell you everything but helped you to get started would be great. There is still a lot to learn and teach...

In one game someone wants me to teach building a Newcomen Pump. He meaned i should go first find iron and then build this pump (find iron lol and then ... rofl). I was child, no clothing. Each word he typed, i need to eat a berry. To explain him, that my food go to fast to listen him, i needed to separate my sentence in some few words, no one understand if he miss reading one word, cause of my limited chars on that age. I stopped then listen to him and tried to concentrate on farming, my survival and looking for some clothes. I learned the Newcomen Pump on isolated server and on wiki later, of course i had no iron to build it, but i managed to make the Rubber Tire. (*shaking head* **)

You have no good chance to teach complex things, because of limited chars and limited time (also hard gamedifficulty).

** shaking heads, because techs are so insane, if you compare them with the gametime a player has. I know "You are a part of a story..." and so one, yeah i made the sharp stone which finaly completes the Newcomen Pump, but rest of the life i tried to survive and feed the family. Water tech sucks, you build a well and fill 2 buckets and its empty? You upgrade to deep well, fill some more buckets and its gone? What the hell? You upgrade to Newcomen Pump and get 2 buckets for one pile of coal each and some few minutes later its gone??? You are kidding, we need multiply lifes to build this shit, but you can bring a spring from well to Newcomen Pump and exhaust well in one life (some minutes) if all upgrade stuff is prepared? That´s so bad (hard) balanced.

#23 Re: Main Forum » This Game is dead! » 2019-05-25 11:17:42

This is perfect for a Pay once, Play forever game.

Pay once doesn't pay the developers wages and server maintenance cost forever. *joking ;-)*

I stopped playing this game at the moment, so i can underline your statistic. I watch forum and check family trees from time to time. But i find no posts at the moment to start a "new" live here. It´s not the game i thought it is when buying it. Perhaps it will be in future? This is a griefer game. They have every tools they need to destroy life. Its´not one hour of life, it´s one hour to destroy life. *joking again*.

#24 Re: Main Forum » An observation » 2019-05-15 00:06:22

You are changing the game completely. Read your own description of your site.

This is the reason i have bought the game. There is no hint about PVP. Now you have this totaly inbalanced one-hit pvp game. Knife and Bow griefers are inbalanced enough, but this new warsword sucks really. Dont't speak of zoom mod on pvp. Most players want to play this game peacefully. Look population of towns. Most are working and doing hard work to survive. Perhaps 10% want to destroy the work from other players? I hope its not more.

Make non pvp and pvp servers. This will handle a lot of your current problems.

Next problem is the difficulty of your game. It´s so hard to learn all the stuff here. You need wiki, let's plays and search in forum for newest stuff implementation.

Make easy and hard servers. (or more difficulties?)

Give new players a chance to learn this game. Make food consumption on easy server slower, give more resources (water, iron ...)

Finally let the player choose, if they want to start as boy, girl or eve. (boy is easiest/eve is hardest to play)

You have all the Jumppoints in your coding. Implement a user choice in login mask.

Classic Login (your current login)
Login as girl, boy, eve
Login same town, same family (not for cursed players)

This will massively reduce the /die situation and make the family trees more readable and makes more fun to all our "moms".

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