One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » its not griefing » 2019-07-18 00:58:36

It's not shitposting
I just like my posts to be an even number

#2 Main Forum » Your OHOL pet peeves » 2019-07-18 00:53:43

Replies: 27

Sorry if there has been a similar thread before, just wanted to see what others find particularly annoying in the game. Not talking about griefing or content you dislike (for example warswords), but about things and behaviours that aren't a big deal really but for some reason irritate you inexplicably.

Two of mine are when 1) people wear mismatched shoes or only one shoe and 2) wearing any sort of rag clothing (any rag item in garbage to my eyes).

#3 Main Forum » To Lizzie Zabala... » 2019-07-18 00:33:07

Replies: 0

This may be petty, but... haha told you so, serves you right you murdering parasite! … id=4981941

That's what you get for pretending to be AFK for fifteen minutes because you want to "be treated like a princess, sit and be fed", not doing any work (besides the bow you used to kill others), refusing to raise your boys and even killing them after I took care of them, then killing me and listening to your obvious griefer daughter. Told you our line was doomed and you wouldn't even make it to old age, besides you thinking you would.

Yes I know noone cares, I just wanted to rant. I feel bad for the Eve, she was nice and a good player.

#4 Re: Main Forum » [POLL] What is your favorite character Model? » 2019-06-08 22:34:09

I especially like the ginger with the ponytail, the braided tan girl, and both black girls. I don't really like the male characters that much. Cutest baby to me is the woman with the puffy brown hair.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Am i the only one ? » 2019-06-08 22:20:40

Does playing the tutorial cost a life?

#6 Re: Main Forum » Would it be possible to allow typing numbers in chat? » 2019-06-06 13:12:05

Yes, but we speak faster than we type. Well, at least I do. And in real life, you don't have to say things like "one hun"..."dred an"..."d fifty"..."four".

#7 Main Forum » Would it be possible to allow typing numbers in chat? » 2019-06-06 12:48:38

Replies: 11

Due to inability to form long sentences (age-dependant) and in-game life being short anyway (thus making time precious), the fact that you can't  use numbers in chat always bothered me. Would it be difficult to implement this feature?

#9 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Bowls/Bucket/Basket uses on Soil/Water are Nonintuitive » 2019-06-04 14:20:45

Omg, how dare you use the "s" word? Didn't you even stop to consider how many Jasons you may trigger?! Please at least use a warning for offensive content next time!

#10 Re: Main Forum » Will the penguin ever have a purpose? » 2019-05-31 01:04:30

I also find them to be super shady, especially how their little head is tilted upwards... like they stare you right in the eye.

#11 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2019-05-30 23:39:51

This most likely has been discussed before, but what exactly is Jason's vision?

#12 Main Forum » Will the penguin ever have a purpose? » 2019-05-30 23:27:27

Replies: 8

If only you could skin this little bastard and get a nice tuxedo...

#13 Main Forum » Any chance for an improved in-game recipe menu? » 2019-05-30 14:15:20

Replies: 5

I personally find the TAB menu impractical, both in terms or navigation and seeing the whole picture. Even with filtering, you have basically no idea what's needed for what you want to make, unless you go around picking every item available and checking to see if it is used for that purpose. I'm sure new players are struggling a lot with that aspect of the game. It would be great if we could somehow access onetech in-game.

#14 Re: Main Forum » New skin suggestions » 2019-05-26 21:30:28

Definetely need more dark skin tones as well as more hair colour variety. I know it is improbable but I'd like to see very rare albino characters introduced. And of course Asians.

#15 Main Forum » In your opinion, what is the weakest aspect of the game? » 2019-05-25 13:09:43

Replies: 20

And what do you think should be a priority to fix/add/change?

#17 Re: Main Forum » Hey Jason, will you make it possible to remove dry ponds? » 2019-05-25 11:56:06

This might be stupid, but what if digging up a dry pond gave us something we could add to another pond (dry or not) to speed up water regeneration in said pond? So we would end up with one or two ponds that generate water much faster?

#18 Main Forum » Why is the map so unnecessarily big? » 2019-05-25 08:42:32

Replies: 2

Since we are spawning close to each other, what purpose does a practically infinitive map serve?

#19 Re: Main Forum » Spamming the "n" word... » 2019-05-23 08:59:55

RodneyC86 wrote:

Koreans small d**k?

Oh well I'm terribly sorry. Let me find a black dude for you to take up the crapper

This forum is not menat to be kid safe right?

Not sure you understood my post.

#20 Main Forum » Spamming the "n" word... » 2019-05-23 00:08:01

Replies: 9

In three of my last five games, there has been someone doing that. Of course, it's in no way funny but , since this person obviously aims to trigger people, being entertaining is not their priority. And of course they always end up being an actual griefer. What I ask is, if possible, always kill and curse someone you see having that behaviour. Even if you are not personally offended, know they really are up to no good.

On a side note, who keeps writing about korean men having small d****? I see it almost everywhere I go.

#21 Re: Main Forum » A change to the semantics of the KILL action » 2019-05-22 23:50:55

Oh, so that's how I managed to stab that running griefer today. They even said "how did you get me". From this short experience, I think it's a good change.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: No property-fence twigs left after a fence breaks down » 2019-05-21 22:14:55

jasonrohrer wrote:

Done.  Property fence twig bundles decay after 10 minutes.

Thank you very much, Jason!

#23 Re: Main Forum » Jason Made My Playstyle Meta - WARMONGER META » 2019-05-20 18:14:38

OminousBladeBlank wrote:

I get the appeal of OHOL is changing, but this guy is right. We play the way our lor d and savior jason christ desires.

I think Jason actually wants to make the game more challenging for players. He is the "God" of the OHOL universe, thus he is testing us to see if we could overcome the odds and work together, or choose the easy way and keep relying on each others demise for our own "advancement".

#24 Re: Main Forum » Jason Made My Playstyle Meta - WARMONGER META » 2019-05-20 18:03:54

Joseph Stalin wrote:

looting and pillaging is fun as hell i'll admit

Only problem is, it's not as fun when you are the one being looted.

#25 Main Forum » Suggestion: No property-fence twigs left after a fence breaks down » 2019-05-20 13:46:23

Replies: 8

Since a single batch of property fence twigs has unlimited uses, fences decaying into that state is just unecessary clutter you can't get rid of. I believe it would be much better if only the original batch remained or if at least there was a decay timer for twigs left on the ground.

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