One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Life Letters » 2019-09-30 16:16:36

Dear mother,

Did you know you left me alone in the dump of our "town". Did you know about the lack of soil, water and food. Do you know about the struggle of being almost naked while struggling for food with the little reasources avalible. Did you know you locked me in, the gates, shut unbudged. Why could you not open them.

I was born as Anna troll, only you and my sister were alive from our family, that soon changed. The childhood you gave me left me absent of siblings, and soon a you as all of you disapeared. I decided at a young age i would move for a better life. But mum, you shut the gate on me, i was stuck in this barren wasteland of a town. Struggling to survive i managed to grow two rows of carrots before i had my first child, azaleah, i told her of my plans to move and my struggles. As i was telling her the gate blocking me from the outside fell. Mother why did you die. Mother why did u leave me alone. Mother Why did i feel relief at your passing.

As my first child grew older, my second arrived, iris, I also disscused my intentions to her. When we my children could carry, we packed. I took a cart and they each took a bowl of berrys, we headed south following the directions of my girl, iris.Iris told us of another town that her spirt had occupuied in the past. In hopes to find it we trecked through dangerous territory of snakes, mosquitos and bear, as well as the threat of starving. difficult as it was, we continued on in search of a better life
Mother finnally our efforts were rewarded, we found a village, filled with different family's, they welcomed us with open gates. Azaleah decided to stay in this town, while my other daughter left to find the town of the past, taking a horse.
I died knowing i gave my children better chances, opening their gates to life
Mother i wish you opened the gate for me, maybe then i could have given you a chance.
- Anna troll

#2 Re: Main Forum » Eve etiquette » 2019-05-21 13:44:11

yes, i was the first eve's kid (bb dung) , it sucks so many eves have become griefers, btw thanks for not killing me smile

#3 Re: Main Forum » Started playing 2 days ago, this game is amazing » 2019-05-18 13:32:49

Ahhh, i love new teaching new players, so glad more people are playing and enjoying this game!

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