One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Pyres, a proposed method to control eve spawns. » 2020-01-09 23:45:50

The amount of material can obviously be varied to be balanced. But maybe it should have more items like the singular bear skin which pose some risk and difficulty to obtain.
Such hard to obtain materials would make pyre building more of a group effort as it probably should be.

#2 Main Forum » Pyres, a proposed method to control eve spawns. » 2020-01-09 22:38:02

Replies: 6

The endless westwards march of eve spawns possess a problem for families as it forces them to endlessly migrate west to the areas in which eves spawn if they fall behind they are doomed, by the eventual loss of a ethnicity. I think we should be able to reset eve spawning to a certain location from which it would proceed as normal westwards.

I think a good way to do this would be with pyres which would require a tremendous amount of wood say 30 branches and 20 firewood, along with a bearskin. The would produce a significant cost of pyres as it should be but also enable single families to produce them which should be the case, as the main point of pyres is to amend family isolation.
Once lit a pyre could reset eve spawning to within a radius of the pyre (say 400m) or to the location of the pyre which would be more dramatic, though less in line with the current spirit of the game.

The addition of pyres would first and foremost provide a way to prevent total family isolation but would produce a number of other interesting effects.
Since pyres would only be built by older villages any pyre location would most likely be east of some settled territories. This would make it so that the new eve spiral would would come across abandoned villages. It could also lead some eves to spawn in resource poor areas from which their families would have to take from the remains of the lost civilisation and migrate to new lands.
Such interesting interactions with dead villages where an interesting part of the pre rift game but, presently do not seem to occur in the post rift environment, a loss which could be rectified.
North South dislocation from previous eve spirals would occur, making it so that the new eve spiral only partially overlapped with already settled territories. This would mitigate any problems of resource exhaustion and produce a thicker band of once settled territories for better or worse.

#3 Re: Main Forum » The Future of the Tech Tree » 2019-11-23 21:46:30

I have to say i dislike the idea of adding low tech versions of already existing tools. It would add more clutter, and use up tool slots. You can see this with the stone and steel hoes where each requires a different tool slot to be used. If tools composed of the same material coexist then tool slots will be used up.

#4 Re: Main Forum » How about boosting yumming a little bit? » 2019-11-22 08:22:47

In general i'm pro yum but recent changes have made yum much less useful. Overeating stores excess pips now, so an extra buffer of food can be achieved with high value items like three sisters stew. Yum of course let's you reach higher buffers.
I've also found my yum habits are much less useful in early game settlements, yum values cannot rise as high with low food diversity and obtaining diverse foods like burdocks and onions isn't always worth the time.

A yum value of +2 would be far too overpowered. It might be reasonable if it was applied only to the first 4 foods. This would have the debatable benefit of providing stronger encouragement for players to begin cultivating yum scores.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Water Carriers » 2019-11-22 07:48:32

I looked at the Tech tree and it turns out that it's better to not upgrade the shallow well.
A shallow well produces 33 units of water every 36 minutes. A deep well produces 80 units of water every 150 minutes.
The shallow well also has a few other advantages. The quicker regen times will likely make it easier to maintain tradition. The fact that shallows well capacity is measured in bowls mean that the last use can be supplied with one bowl of water as opposed to one bucket of water. As a result it will be easier to keep some water in the shallow well.

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