One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Since Jason says that every town should have a griefer I became one » 2019-12-29 03:50:04

From Op's and jason's posts....

im pissed...I hate greifing in this game, havoc and chaos for me here isn't fun for me (honestly im just still trying to get the damn basics down)  first off it's because of troll'y ass people that are popping up in every life I've had past 4 hours and most of them i have lived hour lives here.... it's just annoying as fuck seeing everyone get systematically wiped that barely knew how to play, in these last playthoughs its been me and new players and me teaching them on top of an entire village of people struggling to farm and cook and just barely getting smithing going just to be killed is super annoying and feels like the more fitness I get the more i'm experiencing these greifers.... like I just want to be isolated with a village of like minded people that just want to advance in this dam game. is that at all possible?

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