One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » Update: End Game » 2024-05-15 06:53:03

Goliath wrote:

Is this going to split the community up with a sequel? How is this going to be implemented?

Its a sperate server with a separate steam game.
The client / server code is the same but the items are different.

#3 Re: News » Update: Author Credit » 2024-02-17 14:20:43

Interesting idea.
What about code changes to server / client? New content without new mechanics can only add new items but no new mechanics like having two people in a car or having boats or being able to use baskets on a table.

Making these code changes looks like lot more effort than making new content unless we have a easy coding AI.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Discussion about AHAP » 2024-02-17 14:11:58

Dividing in separate zones is possible but needs for sure server changes.

Maybe there will be a clear vision, i guess it depends who the people elect.

The main problem i see is, that only adding tons of content without client support is kind of boring since the new content does not do much different then the old content.

You can for example add meat stuff, but you cant implement new combat mechanics or even cars that can transport two people not even something like boats. All this would require client changes.

So to make it interesting either Jason or the maintainer would need to make client changes and or at least server changes with some new mechanics other than new items.

Its sounds kind of like 2OHOL but with some? support from Jason? If no generall graphical rework is done it will kind of look like OHOL but with time would have more and more items that look and feel different.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Arc resets. » 2024-02-03 15:49:17

For sure there are also other solutions like for example separating new towns from old ones for some time.
I would recommend to post this issue in github, so that Jason can give a proper response.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned (TRILOGY) » 2024-01-05 09:24:10

I guess if you stay polite and dont spam you wont get banned here. And even if you get banned are there actually permanent bannes?

#8 Re: Main Forum » Return of Early Game? » 2023-12-28 08:50:11

Funny that server 1 has currently more players than big server. Also funny that server 1 can have more players than big server. So actually server 1 should be called big server.

#9 Re: Fan Art » Fan Art: by Sandara » 2023-11-16 12:42:17

love it very much!
Does anyone know how to contact the Artist Sandara?

#10 Re: Main Forum » Website with full interface for looking at curses, forgives and trusts » 2023-11-14 12:02:03

DopiePanda wrote:

We'll see what we can do for your server, I'll have to get on at some point at check it out:)

Haha, if I were to add an AI it would be "The Noob". He always asks how to do stuff, never listens to what you say, trying to axe sheep, and dies of hunger 95% of the time xD

Yeah implementing ChatGPT or even a locally hosted LLM model is definitely the future. You could host a LLaMA model locally if you have the specs for it. At least it will save you the OpenAI token cost smile

lol yea a noob AI smile
Current NPCs can run a village more or less without help. They do YUM, feed YUM, take care of kids, do farming, composting, baking, pottery, even some basic smithing and most important keep a fire alife and defend against exiled players.
And they hunt down bears and wolfs and moskitos.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Website with full interface for looking at curses, forgives and trusts » 2023-11-13 15:43:06

DopiePanda wrote:

You can find all of the name .txt-files in the "server" folder; … tNames.txt

The athorization I'm using made by Jason recently was created soley for third-party applications like mine, as an alternative to OAuth.

Authorization between game client and game server I have very little knowledge on. But everything should be available in the source code, except secret keys.

You don't need to have a login to use the pag, as you can browse player reports and leaderboards without registering. You only need to register if you wish to add personal contacts, upload curse names from your YumLog, or if you wish to change the timezone all reports are displayed in to your local timezone, as well as changing between light and dark mode theme.

lol the legendary Kelderman family name is missing in the names file smile

If you want to add some display stuff for Open Life Reborn then let me know and i can implement some API to query the server.

Or in case you want to add your own NPC AI to Open Life Reborn let me know would love to have some different AI styles. Was even thinking about adding chat GTP support for AI talkings and maybe even let GTP change AI characters

#12 Re: Main Forum » Website with full interface for looking at curses, forgives and trusts » 2023-11-13 09:23:44

Did not know that Jason made also a list of all possible Family Names, thought they are completely free to choose.

Currently Open Life Reborn does not use an authentication yet. I Have written it fully new and did not implement authentication yet. Wonder how Jason implemented it. Guess server sends a challenge to the client and client then hashes that somehow with the secret and sends the hash back to the server, so i guess the server would need to have the secret too, or use Jasons API to verify it or?

Why do you need to have an login for your stats website, isnt all the data so or so public?

#13 Re: Main Forum » All old content posted related to OHOL is now false advertisement » 2023-11-12 23:21:33

parker wrote:

to me this post boils down to how predictable the game has become. back when the game was as OP described it, you never knew what you were gonna do when you hopped on to play a life. will i get to be an artisan? will i need to work to feed my family? will we be in such a good place i can spend my time writing or doing some other roleplay? will there be some grave threat i'll have to try to deal with? to me that unpredictability helped build the fantasy of a "realistic" civilization. i truly felt like each life presented a unique and different challenge. you used to play the role of a single link in the chain, doing whatever was necessary to ensure the next link gets added. nowadays i know i could just hop on and do whatever id like infinitely continuing the chain because i'll just spawn in the same mega town with 14 trucks and limitless resources over and over.

i never once griefed. i was never once cursed. to make this generalization that anyone who longs for a less restricted gameplay experience is some kind of hateful ultra menace is downright weird. you talk about blocking those who are needlessly confrontational but all your responses in this thread are "you are a boring idiot asshole because you do not play the game the way i think it should be played"

Lol yea, loved the times when the game was more chaotic. Like newborn apocalypse happing like the same time trying to escape 3 bears and a 30 plus player town one pipe away from starving trying to use all food possibilities.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Website with full interface for looking at curses, forgives and trusts » 2023-11-12 23:16:24

wow looks really effortful!
Would love if i had a that great statistics website for my custom server.
In which language did you write it?

Is there a list for family names? Or did you user your own?

By the way, did not yet look into how OHOL does the authentication. Do you by chance know how a normal client authenticates the login?

#15 Re: News » Update: Demon Haunted World » 2023-10-29 09:49:09

jinbaili83 wrote:

Is this maybe a reflection of our reality ? Where old people are refusing to die while living in a nightmare, sucking up resources from the young.

Only reflection missing is that leaders are selected based on age smile

#16 Re: Main Forum » All old content posted related to OHOL is now false advertisement » 2023-10-28 17:52:30

Tarr wrote:

It is such a flavor fail for "a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building" to have random players in the family griefing the town. If there is to be conflict in game it should be family vs family conflict instead of basically playing among us style random family member is being a shit.

Fully agree, conflict should mainly come from outside the family. I think for that the curse system would be good enough.
Just limit it to protect your family (also some days after you are off) and limit that Eves can do combat.

Tarr wrote:

This however cannot exist in game because when Jason added racial specialty all the families are needed (minus white) for the game to function. Even then if there was a reason to fight with other families A). You can curse other families as a defense against this, B). The current combat system is completely neutered by mechanics, C). The playerbase does not want the game to be PvP focused in the first place.

Yea currently there is no reason for attacks. Except maybe getting iron stuff but even this is plenty. In a separate combat allowed sever for sure family restrictions should be limited. The resources could be also much more rare but no artificial  family iron. A) Curses should only affect own family members they should be a defense against insiders not outsiders with Eve combat nerved.
B) For sure combat needs a rework. Something between the first fully skilled based system and the auto hit = death system C) Yes current playerbase does not love PvP so why bother them with it. Nearly all who loved it are gone. So a PvP allowed server should be a setting in the client. Maybe an option instead of donkey town too.

Tarr wrote:

For A): When swords were at their peaks you couldn't curse people in different families. This led to people forcing Eve spawns and basically throwing their bodies into the towns killing as many people as they could. This was obviously awful to deal with as one person very easily could kill 10+ people solo. While this was better on theme (family vs family conflict) it was incredibly frustrating. People literally had to fence their towns which then could be blocked from outside, people had to constantly give access, and it made the game feel terrible. The only way something like this to work would be to force people to be stuck in one family until the whole family died which goes against both the people wanting random lives and the people wanting specific races.

I think if curses would protect families for a longer time it would be quite ok. Attackers would need to come from outside. And people who dont participate much in attacks still can be random born in families since they are no where cursed.
For protection, i think ally gates could do a good job since you only need to exile one to stop access but it might be too easy to block entrances.

Tarr wrote:

For B). Jason wants the game to be where if you want someone dead they die. He removed the ability for combat to have any semblance of skill and now it's just a numbers game. Families cannot even fight unless there's more of one family than the other. You can still attack people with a bloody weapon but this makes the dumbest game of tag in a "war." This just leads to families doing weird shit to each other like killing animals or breaking/blocking stuff which is dumb as well.

For sure combat would need to be fixed. In a custom server i tried out a system where you can attack anybody but need to wait 5 secs if the other person is not yet engaged in the combat. Also the combat strength is influenced by your score and score is mainly how good your fellow people do. So if you constantly harm them you will have low score and therefore low combat strength. Also you will be low born and NPCs wont follow much your orders. Also tried out some NPCs which help to defend the village, they can all do what a normal player can do but are a little bit nerved so that they arnt too strong. Of course there are also elite NPCs out there too hire which are quite a challenge but cost lot to hire.

Yea simple breaking stuff is lame and really should lead to a bann for some time. But i think if in general combat is allowed people would not try that hard to make combat in other ways.

Tarr wrote:

For C). It is not fun or engaging gameplay to be stuck dealing with what are essentially people purposely fucking up the collectives work. When someone was blocking wells with chests I didn't get some cool story of how we fought back and did anything. It was an hour of someone on a horse and breaking things, stealing, and ruining the game for 10+ other people. Either some idiot gave the troll leadership or gene score made him leader so no one could stab them (due to posse) because getting a bunch of people to unfollow and refollow someone else. While in the past it could be fun to deal with trolls it is not fun to constantly deal with them.

Thats true. Gameplay should not be to just destroy the work and game of others. Pure trolls should be banned. But many be with combat allowed but nerfed for high cursed players it will be easy to get rid of them.

Tarr wrote:

The 5 year curse thing came into effect due to steam essentially selling trolls extra accounts for like 1 dollar. Basically it made the cursing system completely useless as once your account was in donkey town you spent a dollar to begin trolling again. With the 3 month curses they then could cycle back to accounts once the curses expired. Now curses last 5 years to effectively ban people who are constantly trolling the game or doing dumb stuff.

I think if combat would be more allowed but plentiful cursed players would be nerfed in combat it would be easy to deal with these trolls. If a troll can be easy killed i guess they will learn how to behave sooner or later.

In short: I think current player base mainly does not want pvp so i guess main server would not go into this direction anymore (you never know with Jason).

So there are mainly these options:
A) Try out a custom server like Open Life Reborn.
B) Ask Jason nicely if one of the empty servers could be a combat allowed server and give an option for all (also new players to choose what playstyle they like
C) Make a Saturia event that allows for some time for example on saturdays combat mechanics on sever.

A and B is very much depended on having enough players to make fun. For sure making players to choose could help to get enough people for a critical mass. I tink this could also help peaceful players, since they can do what they love.  I think generally this would increase player base, also the peaceful onces.
C) Would be nice for having some new experiences and experiment with mechanics

#17 Re: Main Forum » All old content posted related to OHOL is now false advertisement » 2023-10-28 16:51:43

jinbaili83 wrote:

To have actual combat you need to rewrite the game from ground up.

I happen to know one who just did that, ok only for now from the server side.

I loved that in the old times the game offered more different stories.
But i also see that there are mainly two different playstyles.
Other games solve that through providing a separate server where pvp is allowed.

Jason has plenty of empty servers out there so money wiese it would be not a problem to offer a combat allowed server.
There could be an option if you want to play more peaceful or more pvp.

I think original Jason said something like: He loved that people could in theory use a knife and stab each other, but practically most of the time they decide to not do so.

Of course since then lot of stuff happened.

To offer the community a server without much artificial mechanics that limit stuff, i created a custom server called Open Life Reborn.

If you want try it out, currently any vanilla OHOL client will do, just enter for server IP.

You can find here more information if you want.

The hole server is fully written new and in BETA, so expect some bugs along the way.

Ideally i would love if players play there role play like. That means you can play some villains but you should also respect other players and not just play to grief them.

There are currently around 50 NPC (which could be scaled up to 150 with some optimizations). That defend their (and players) villages. You can hire them with coins.

Combat is by default allowed. Its a mix between the old and the new combat system. In short the closer you manage to guess the right position one is the more damage you make. So its difficult to totally avoid damage but still with some skill you can do something. Also a lot of other stuff is considered like if you love the biome, if you have armor (cloths) and tons and tons of other stuff. Your max food pipes are basically your hids points, so at best go into combat at a good age and eat heathy to have more health / max food pipes.

Also NPCs will get quite angry at you if you randomly attack their village and take their coins.

There is also a new prestige based score which has big influence on if you are born low born, as a commoner or as a noble. Also of course NPCs will follow by default people with higher prestige.
Prestige you get mainly from you, your relatives and your followers (also follower of followers and so on) eating YUM.
So you have quite some incentives to take care of your fellow allies.

There is also a way to become fully a minion, with some combat boni, but the hole server will start to hunt you down...

There is a new property / siege based system. For example locks are account based, but you can picklock them.
Walls and doors you can fortify, so the more effort you put in the harder it gets to put them down.

And of course there is no artificial stuff like family iron or biome locks. There are some biome and temperature boni but no locks. And yes all colors can come from one Eve, since born kids have a higher chance to be from the color of a close biome.

YUM and craving system is fully reworked. In short the server auto balances depending how much of a given food is eaten. So really every food is great to have.

NPCs will feed you also stuff based on your YUM and cravings, of course they feed commoners and nobles more likely than low born.

Also the curse system is reworked and is now grave based. So if you really want to protect a certain area you can place the bones there and this player will have disadvantages if getting close. And of course you see him as cursed.
But its not a easy curse, you need first to hunt this player down and get his bones.

There are also tons and tons of other changes feel free to read the full manual.

And yes the hole world is much more alive, like everything decays and comes back with time, but stuff in houses is for now quite save from decay. Wolfs and so on will multiply. Bears start searching for food in spring...
Snakes, oh we currently have a "little" snake problem in the center desert village, so some help to get rid of them would be nice. Or just play black and you are save from them in the desert (if you dont anger them).

There are also different season, with wild stuff growing back in spring. But be aware of the winter without cloths and fire i guess you wont survive long. If its too hot you can drink some water to cool down.

And yes i would not shoot on a herd of bison's if you have only few arrows...

To come back to Jasons vision: Ideally i would love if Open Life Reborn becomes a world where players can use a knife to stab each other, but out of free will they decide at least most of the time not to do so.

The hole world should be about creating exiting stories together!

Have fun,

#18 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 17:16:25

MEDO wrote:

I'm done explaining the cheap alt accounts accusation.

I did not accuse you, i just said that cheap alt accounts for sure broke the curse mechanics that should level out excess grieving. Since this mechanic is currently broken grieving takes over, so that some / many? players seems to simply drop playing while the griefers take overhand. If you want or not this affects also on you, since if grieving would not be be a big deal in general few players grieving from time to time would not be a big deal. But since it is the community might get angry easily.

MEDO wrote:

I don't believe this should have direct implications on my participation in the Discord community, provided I abide by the platform's rules.

The question is not if it should have, i simply explained that whatever you do will have consequences one way or another. As you call into the forest it calls out. So i don't think its even possible to separate in game and out of game fully.

MEDO wrote:

Lastly, on your suggestion of dropping PVP or looking for a server that supports my playstyle, I would argue that diversity in playstyles is part of what makes OHOL unique. As long as we maintain respect for each other and the game's rules, I believe there's room for all kinds of players.

As said i think for this mechanics the curse system was invented, so that you play together with similar players that enjoy what you enjoy. Since this mechanic is currently broken the experience from lot of others which seem to don't enjoy what you do is happening. Other games solve that with having a separate pvp server, but in OHOL it seems there are currently not enough that long for a pvp server. Another problem is that the current combat system in OHOL is quite broken so it does not give much room for pvp.

If I understand the current game rules you can do everything you want in game as long as you live with the consequences / curses in game. As of the current Discord rules, i think Mods are not allowed to judge you for what you did in game.

As for general game experience, i think original Jason wanted to have some drama in the game otherwise why is there a war sword? But since the combat nerve he seems to have decided to go along a more peaceful path like Twisted is playing. I think it would be nice to have some balance between some drama and a peaceful way of playing but currently there seems to be no balance. Its kind of interesting like Space Station 14 solved it with having clear antagonist roles.

With the Open Life Reborn project i tried to fix the combat system, so that it is more balanced. There is also a fortification / new property system where you can protect your stuff more easily. For sure not perfect but a beginning.

#19 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 09:27:39

The policy seems quite clear:

Jason wrote:

Update:  I've had kind of a change of heart about this.
In all of the main areas, you are a guest in my house.  Act like it.  Be nice.  Be welcoming.  Don't be mean.  Don't attack each other.   Don't shout.  Don't use offensive or inflamatory language that is out of step with the cultural climate here.  Don't be disruptive.  Don't clutter the space with stuff that's not about the game.  Don't troll.  Don't derail discussions with irrelevant points.  Don't repeat yourself.  One exception is off-topic, where you can post stuff that's not about the game, but still follow the rest of the rules.  Act like you would act if you were out in my backyard, where you're welcome to do some things that you wouldn't do inside my house, like play volleyball.  The other exception is the-street, which is totally unregulated.  Literally the public street.  Please take your anger and fights out there.  Mods, just ignore the-street.

Jason wrote:

Finally, questioning moderator decisions, or stirring up anti-moderator sentiment, is forbidden in the main chat areas.  Do not return from your timeout with guns blazing for the mods.  That is not being the best, nicest version of yourself that you can be.  You just got kicked out of my house for being impolite.  Don't come storming back in making accusations or demands.
You will just find yourself in another timeout.  Mods will not waste any time arguing with you or justifying their decisions.

#20 Re: Main Forum » A 'Nice' Chat about my Not-So-'Nice' Discord Ban » 2023-07-04 07:54:53

I think there are two ways of looking at it.
1. As far as i know Jason allows this kind of different playstyles in OHOL but encourages the community to use the Donkey Town Mechanics to separate these players from others. With cheap alt accounts this mechanics seems currently broken. So out of this perspective modds / the community should separate between in game and Discord. Since i guess most of the community wont agree with you on grieving playstyles being an enrichment they will also Judge you out of the game for it.

2. From a perspective of Karma (action and consequences) there is no separation between worlds, so your action in one
most likely affect your experience in another. You might be able to separate it mentally, but your perceived experience dos not. One belongs to the other, so enjoy the experience what you have created or change your actions.

3. Since Discord mods should i guess not judge about what you do in game i guess best way to complain is to write directly to Jason or ask first some senior modds to rule in. Still i guess this will in the end not make your perceived experience much better since 2. universal law of consequences still applies. So best solution is either drop pvp or search a game / server where others like the same thing as you.

And yea nice piece of art!

#21 Re: Main Forum » Excessive amount of griefing » 2023-06-29 08:19:11

In Open Life Reborn you can much more easily fence your village, since you have natural obstacles like rivers or mountains that add to your fence, so you have much less work to secure your town. To the gate problem there is a fortification system in place, in short the amount of effort you put in something is round about the effort you need to remove it.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Excessive amount of griefing » 2023-06-28 07:08:38

yea, especially bear griefing is to OP.
For sure bears should not follow that long distance and on horse you should not be immune to wild animals.

In Open Life Reborn its harder to lure Bears in Towns. Also you  can protect yourself with fence gates and springy doors that animals cant pass.
On top of that Ai guards will shoot down attacking animals or exiled players.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server » 2023-06-25 18:14:23

Open Life Reborn is running well now. Mayor bugs should be solved now.
Ai can run a village with a quite healthy died:

7% pipes: 2364 COOKED BERRY PIE[272] yum: 2364 meh: 0 boni: 1020 mali: 0
4% pipes: 1474 PICKLING CUCUMBER[4233] yum: 1474 meh: 0 boni: 969 mali: 0
3% pipes: 1082 BANANA[2143] yum: 1082 meh: 0 boni: 597 mali: 0
5% pipes: 1613 COOKED CARROT PIE[273] yum: 1613 meh: 0 boni: 801 mali: 0
0% pipes: 29 BOWL OF GREEN BEANS[1175] yum: 29 meh: 0 boni: 23 mali: 0
2% pipes: 744 WILD GARLIC[4252] yum: 744 meh: 0 boni: 664 mali: 0
3% pipes: 1067 COOKED RABBIT PIE[274] yum: 1067 meh: 0 boni: 635 mali: 0
1% pipes: 197 CACTUS FRUIT[768] yum: 197 meh: 0 boni: 161 mali: 0
5% pipes: 1709 COOKED BERRY CARROT PIE[275] yum: 1709 meh: 0 boni: 659 mali: 0
2% pipes: 628 COOKED BERRY RABBIT PIE[276] yum: 628 meh: 0 boni: 372 mali: 0
6% pipes: 2058 COOKED MUTTON PIE[803] yum: 2048 meh: 10 boni: 748 mali: 0
2% pipes: 651 PSILOCYBE MUSHROOM[837] yum: 650 meh: 1 boni: 590 mali: 0
4% pipes: 1251 COOKED RABBIT CARROT PIE[277] yum: 1251 meh: 0 boni: 691 mali: 0
4% pipes: 1474 CHOPPED TOMATO ON PLATE[2861] yum: 1474 meh: 0 boni: 1044 mali: 0
3% pipes: 1129 HOT PEPPER[2844] yum: 1129 meh: 0 boni: 1022 mali: 0
1% pipes: 451 WILD CARROT[40] yum: 451 meh: 0 boni: 367 mali: 0
2% pipes: 796 COOKED BERRY CARROT RABBIT PIE[278] yum: 796 meh: 0 boni: 396 mali: 0
1% pipes: 368 COOKED GOOSE[518] yum: 368 meh: 0 boni: 233 mali: 0
1% pipes: 274 BURDOCK ROOT[807] yum: 274 meh: 0 boni: 214 mali: 0
7% pipes: 2275 COOKED MUTTON[570] yum: 2199 meh: 76 boni: 671 mali: 4
1% pipes: 442 WILD ONION[808] yum: 442 meh: 0 boni: 372 mali: 0
2% pipes: 688 SHUCKED EAR OF CORN[1114] yum: 688 meh: 0 boni: 484 mali: 0
5% pipes: 1621 BAKED POTATO[1148] yum: 1621 meh: 0 boni: 565 mali: 0
1% pipes: 284 COOKED RABBIT[197] yum: 284 meh: 0 boni: 159 mali: 0
5% pipes: 1729 CARROT[402] yum: 1729 meh: 0 boni: 917 mali: 0
3% pipes: 1065 BOWL OF CARNITAS[1355] yum: 1065 meh: 0 boni: 655 mali: 0
6% pipes: 1897 SLICE OF BREAD[1476] yum: 1897 meh: 0 boni: 1033 mali: 0
2% pipes: 582 GOOSEBERRY[31] yum: 562 meh: 20 boni: 358 mali: 4
5% pipes: 1824 TOMATO[2836] yum: 1817 meh: 7 boni: 873 mali: 1
6% pipes: 2062 BOWL OF GOOSEBERRIES[253] yum: 2007 meh: 56 boni: 1149 mali: 14
1% pipes: 259 POPCORN[1121] yum: 259 meh: 0 boni: 238 mali: 0
0% pipes: 67 ONION[2855] yum: 67 meh: 0 boni: 52 mali: 0

#24 Re: Main Forum » Jason is Back » 2023-06-05 17:44:42

forman wrote:
Arcurus wrote:

I wrote a fully new server for OHOL Called Opfen Life Reborn.

Is there a external site that shows how many players are on etc?

I think you should build some kind of wiki or something showing the improvements/changes you've made, listing the issues etc

In the discord server there is short introduction for starters.

Otherwise there is a big big changelog with most of the mechanics and what is still to TODO and what is planned here: … er/TODO.MD

Some changes might be missing in there or little bit outdated, but most should be up to date.
Yea i want to clean it more up, so that it is a prober manual.

There is not yet a display how many players are currently on. Currently the server is not well known, so mostly people play when there are events like trekky streaming it. But yea a counter would be nice to have!

If you have further questions at best ask in a new Topic, or in Discord im happt to answer.

Still lot do smile

#25 Re: Main Forum » Gate town apocalypse » 2023-06-05 12:08:51

Marquis wrote:
Tarr wrote:

…an unencounterable means…

Maybe it’s a failure of my imagination, but I only see the apocalypse as some defectors trying to break everything. The game doesn’t provide factions with some power dynamic. You are born seamingly randomly. Then you live like a parasite until you’re strong enough to kill your host. If this wasn’t the case I would get born and wonder am I in a good guy town or a bad guy town. What role did I get today? Oh, looks like we could use more stone blocks.

Lol, yea, currently Jason nerved the combat so much that there is nearly no combat or fraction anymore.

You still can declare a war, but there is no true combat left, just leadership execution's.

Therefore I made a new custom server called Open Life Reborn trying to avoid artificial limits like leadership mechanics, race restrictions, family iron / well and so on and so on. Its a limited map, so you can fight for resources.
The property system is not yet fully implemented, but right now you can already lock doors and chests and unlock them without a key if you have the same account. The goal is, that you can somehow fortify (basically hungry work plus adding more material) all kinds of doors, gates and walls and others can then try to break the fortification.

Right now there are already Ai villages which will defend their village and that you can hire to support you for in game currency.

Feel free to try it out!

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