One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » so many new forums memebers » 2021-02-03 03:01:31

People are great! Woohoo! Yay! (Other exclamations of delight and such)

#2 Re: Main Forum » so many new forums memebers » 2021-01-29 03:08:32

caroline wrote:


A new one! Activate the party stuffs!!

#3 Re: Main Forum » tlak » 2021-01-20 04:53:05

DestinyCall wrote:

Fun fact - This Thursday, January 21st, is National Hug day in the US.

: D hug day!

#4 Re: Main Forum » make meme score more memey! » 2021-01-20 04:51:29

DestinyCall wrote:

If you won't look at other people's naughty bits, you can't compare size.  That's just how it works.

Most people wear pants anyways, so that's another problem.  We would probably need to start a tradition of taking off our clothes when entering a new town, as a sign of peaceful intentions.

You can't trust a man in pants.  There's no telling what he might be trying to hide.

This is the most blursed comment I’ve seen in a while, thank you and have a day worth living

#5 Re: Main Forum » User Story: Prelude and Chapter One: Ashe Atlas » 2021-01-20 04:49:18

karltown_veteran wrote:

Oh boy. What a way to welcome you to the forum. We don’t fight that much, promise. We are a great community for the most part.

This! Most of the time the peeps on here are chill, like a tower held up by sand, wait... or maybe a hut made of straw? Anyhow “normally” if you don’t go attacking people you won’t get attacked, but as my ma always says, “ don’t deal it if you can’t take it”

#6 Re: Main Forum » tlak » 2021-01-20 04:16:37

Thanks slinky! Hey everyone did you know that giving hugs actually makes you happier? Well if you didn’t you know now! So here is a friendly reminder to hug the important people in your life. It will make them and you feel amazing! As for now since we’re all quarantined here is a virtual hug for everyone reading this. (!hug! Feel the happiness? Now share it!)

#7 Re: Main Forum » idiots talk » 2021-01-16 15:54:47

MrsDuckGirl wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:

The premises about something not killing you making you stronger is nonsense.  All sorts of harmful things don't kill people like cuts, burns, crimes committed against them, etc. and don't make them stronger.

That is because you think of muscle strength only, when strength can apply to your character/mind too.

How about
Error is human, and you are human, therefore you are an error. tongue

There is also scarring, which while sometimes painful, creates a stronger version of the thing that failed. Examples being cuts on skin, mental walls, personality changes, etc etc. scars are a a-testament to our ability to adapt and grow stronger.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Memorable spoonwood quotes? » 2021-01-10 17:13:47

Speaking of spoon where is he? I haven’t seen him around much... and I kinda miss the dash of illogical logic he gives

#9 Re: Main Forum » Welcome Bakafeck! :) » 2021-01-07 01:27:58

I feel left out hmm lol, Welcome bakafeck! Watch out for the opposite of fork, they bite when you tell them that you have an opinion. He’s cool though, fun to watch.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Post From Reddit » 2020-12-27 15:26:55

How the heck are we supposed to remedy that? Some tribal counsel who gets kicked from the main village to fend from themselves? I can definitely see how this would benefit the family though

#11 Re: Main Forum » How would you go about bringing the Apocalypse? » 2020-12-17 15:30:12

Well at first I would start releasing hydrocarbons to destroy the ozone which should do most of the death and dispair, next I would go to Hawaii and set up a nuke in the most sensitive lava flow tunnel. Finally I would call a United Nations meeting and say screw you all Americans don’t die. Then I would blow up... ohhhh you mean an in game one

#12 Re: Main Forum » Problem: Not Enough Uses for Garlic » 2020-12-14 04:10:06

Spoon I think we both know you don’t need any garlic. How would you suck the life outta the forums? Tsk tsk

#13 Re: Main Forum » Gas powered stoves and forges » 2020-12-13 18:16:09

I dream of a world where we make computers the size of a room. Then use that computer to make a smaller computer. Then use that one to make a cell phone. Then give cellphones to all the tribes giving effortless translation and comunication. Or we could be reborn 20 times.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Gas powered stoves and forges » 2020-12-11 16:08:30

Eve Troll wrote:

A gas powered hammer, roller, bore, and lathe would also be a huge step up.

Ah you too have seen the need... if I may direct you to one of my pipe dreams the workbench?

#16 Re: Main Forum » How To Properly Grief a Village (THE GUIDE) » 2020-12-10 00:29:57

Imagine this. A man is depressed. He plays the game to feel better. Hailerm screws him over. The mans pieces are found strewn across the railroad. The end

#17 Re: Main Forum » I love you all. » 2020-12-09 15:15:22

Lava wrote:
Eve Troll wrote:
Lava wrote:

Girl it’s not mutual. I think about two people read your long ass philosophical paragraphs.

Really unneccessary to make a rude comment like this. Most of the people who write thesis posts read thesis posts. Far more than two people.

If he can be an asshole to people such as twisted and others, I can too. Anyways this is a game forums not a psych class.

Lava, pls stop. Morti is a lovely being that has helped me in many times of need. I wish you would take your views out of the picture and see what they are going through.

#18 Re: Main Forum » You are amazing, you are loved, and have a good day to whoever might » 2020-11-18 14:32:02

Morti wrote:
Gogo wrote:

Are you Morti's girlfriend?

I wish I had a girlfriend.
Nope, I'm alone.
Too young to understand the world,
too old to be an innocent part of it.

It’s ok morti. There is a person and place for everyone in this world.

#19 Re: Main Forum » I haven't played in five weeks, whats new? » 2020-11-13 16:39:25

Good to see you back morti. I’ve missed your post thoroughly.

#20 Re: Main Forum » New road meta » 2020-11-04 13:24:38

NoTruePunk wrote:

The road meta is here. It's long. It's glorious.

There are even more advantages I didn't think of yet for this spot.

First of all, most of the trees are pine trees, which aren't hungry work to chop down. This is a HUGE time save.

Secondly, because the bands are straight you don't have to divert around biomes. This not only makes the road easier to build, but makes traveling the road faster too, since the path is more direct.

Third, the "trouble" of the bear caves is nearly a non-issue. Over the thousands of tiles I sent this paver I had to go around one bear cave. ONE.

No ones commended you yet... so here we go! Great job! It looks like y=2 is the set way to go lol. Can’t wAit to use it!

#21 Re: Main Forum » What’s up! » 2020-11-03 13:48:38

You guys have veered off topic. Please return to the subject of Said topic.

#22 Re: Main Forum » On "Nintendo Hard" Garbage » 2020-11-03 13:46:38

QuirkySmirkyIan wrote:
JustMe wrote:

Are you aware that nobody likes you spoonwood?

And on topic - Nobody cares that a life can last less than one hour... Except you. It's just name of the game.

You are constantly sabotaging this game here. You are worse than griefers.

Get a fkin refund if you don't like what you get and piss off. Jason gives refunds to everyone who asks for it.

I like spoonwood he is cool.

Me tooo! But I would describe my like similar to how one “likes” a fly. You may admire the fly for its prowess to evade the spider. Or wiz around your head in dizzying circles. But within 5 minutes of this you swat the fly because you have better things to do. Thank you sooo wood for being my fly

#23 Main Forum » What’s up! » 2020-11-02 03:19:43

Replies: 0

dumb double post. Pls remove.

#24 Main Forum » What’s up! » 2020-11-02 03:19:39

Replies: 14

So been away for a bit making the factory grow and was wondering what people are getting from the new bands update! For example how is everyone liking it? Is there any significant meta appearing? Are we still potatoes with toothpick legs? Gimme the info and don’t insult me and tell me too play because I’m coming. And I’m bringing my dummy farm layout with me.

#25 Re: Main Forum » After Death Ghost Spectating - They are... Among Us » 2020-10-31 00:20:36

Do it. I wanna see my little children start a cult over my bones. Because apparently they do that.

For realz though this would be nice

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