One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Troll Problem and Curses » 2022-05-19 14:39:23

Maybe I've just been lucky but I honestly haven't noticed a lot of people using slurs in the game, especially while they are still babies? The worst that ever happened to me was getting kids who ended up being griefers. There's a lot of problems with the game but from my experience, most people generally try to be nice to each other. Idk which kind of situations you are talking about, maybe you just got really unlucky with your kids, but if you say it happens “once every twenty lives or so”, the curse system should be enough to purge these people from your future lives, no?

Also what do you mean by “acting as a harmful stereotype”? Because this is a game that literally relies on racial stereotypes for certain game mechanics, so it's not like you can blame people for expecting a certain race to get them resources etc.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Problems with the current state of the game and why » 2022-04-19 16:06:07

Sad thing is, so many of the new players are eager to learn stuff but it's so hard to teach when everything is chaos. Teaching requires a certain level of patience. Yesterday I was trying to show a girl how to make pie, we went to the farm and collected some berries for filling … yet by the time we got back, someone else had already filled up all the crusts she had set up. And I can't even blame them because our town was starving, so obviously we needed those pies ASAP. Another guy wanted to learn how yum works, when I gave him a shucked ear of corn to check out, some girl started complaining that I showed him how to eat it because she saw someone “eat up entire rows of corn” before.

With so little time to teach, is it really a wonder that newbies just end up munching berries all day and eventually quit the game out of frustration?

#3 Re: Main Forum » Problems with the current state of the game and why » 2022-04-18 22:12:25

JellyLegs wrote:

I also was disappointed to find that you can only have children in your home zone. As far as I know there is no way to emigrate your family to a new area, which was my preferred way to play in the past.

Actually you can get kids everywhere as long as you stay in your biome band. The problem is iron unlocking, as you can only unlock iron spots ONCE with the first well site your family (usually the Eve) creates. So any pseudo Eve town you create afterwards will not be able to get iron and evolve. It's an annoying system that isn't explained in the game and is hard for new players to get into, you have to dig through old forum posts or ask around on Discord to understand it.

My biggest problem with the game, though? Race. Restrictions. I hate this mechanic so much and the longer I play this game, the more I despise it. There is nothing redeemable about it in my opinion, it makes the game less fun, less accessible and encourages elitism. AND it keeps experienced players from doing productive things because they have to travel between towns to get resources instead.

Recent example: I was in a Jungle fam and our pump broke, so I wanted to make an engine. I had all the iron ready but noticed there was no timing belt (even though I thought I saw one lying around earlier) and of course no sulfur either. So I ended up riding to the Desert family (I think they were like 1k away) just to get sulfur for that ONE component I needed. By the time I was back, I was old, so I couldn't even finish the belt. The sad thing is, the entire time I was wondering if it was all even worth it because even if we did make the engine, it was unlikely for our family to somehow get our hands on oil during a newbie boom.  Now, had it not been for race restrictions, I probably would have been able to at least finish the damn thing OR spend the time wasted on traveling between towns on setting up an oil pump. But I guess making it so everyone has to pray for Gingers to get them oil instead is more “fun”?

I can live with magic fences, I can live with magic iron … but magical racism? T E R R I B L E

#4 Re: Main Forum » The new people wave so far. » 2022-04-17 14:27:27

I noticed iron unlocking is a serious problem. Yesterday I was in several Eve towns that had either no iron veins at all, or only one at the furthest spot possible. I think the issue is, newish players only look for well sites near swamps and don't pay attention to iron because they don't know how the magic iron system works. Another thing that was clearly designed with only experienced players in mind.

#5 Re: Main Forum » live-dev-changes 4th Week of November (November 20th-26th) » 2021-11-27 22:36:21

fug wrote:

We're all playing the INL alpha.

Oh neat, I just noticed that I got access to it today.

Guess it's time to say goodbye to OHOL for now…

#7 Re: Main Forum » Get Rid of Race Restrictions or Raise Low Pop Number. » 2021-11-09 12:36:41

blahwizard wrote:

The meta right now is to wait until the server dips to low pop, then quickly pile bananas, cactus fruit, palm, sulfur, and salt outside of the restricted biomes to come pick up in later lives.

Yea, I noticed that, too … it seems no matter how hard Jason tries to force it, people just refuse to trade for resources and will rather do literally anything else to get around it. Even if they have to SID until they get whatever race they need t be. Such an awful mechanic. And especially awful for new players. Sometimes a leader will order something like “we need latex” and someone will eagerly say “I'll go get it, where can I find it?”–and then it feels so bad to explain them that they have to find brown people first because they literally can't access it otherwise. Where's the fun in that?

Not to mention it's pretty off putting for many people when they hear that they can't do stuff because they got born as the wrong race. I remember explaining that mechanic to my husband when he tried out the game and his first reaction was something along the lines of “wtf that's pretty racist” and I couldn't disagree with that. Who wants racism in a game they play to escape from reality? No wonder the player count mostly hovers around 30 these days.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Basic courtesy for the developer » 2021-10-30 18:58:47

jasonrohrer wrote:

Be nice to me, please.

Help me want to work on the game.

Jason, I generally consider myself to be a nice person … and while I can see that people like Spoonwood and Léonard can come off as rude in some of their posts, I think that in the end they have the same goal as you, to help you make the game better–rather than be mean to you just to make you feel bad. And in Spoonwood's reply to you, there are actually a lot of good points, it's not like he wrote “the game sucks and you should feel bad for making it”. 

I don't think most people would still be posting here if they truly hated the game. They just want to be able to enjoy playing it again. I genuinely fell in love with the game when I first played it, I spent entire days playing just to learn the different mechanics and discover new stuff. Yet after a while, as you get more experienced, the negative aspects become more and more noticeable. A new player is not gonna bother getting race locked items but once you actually get confident enough to try making rubber for example, you suddenly see the frustration that comes with getting all the ingredients just to get started. And stuff like that is what ends up ruining the game for people.

I actually wrote a post a while ago on why I think race restrictions are a bad mechanic, not because I'm against the idea of trade but because race restrictions don't actually achieve what you wanted them to achieve in the first place. You know how tabletop players say “no D&D is better than bad D&D”? Well the same thing applies to game mechanics. No trade is better than bad trade. If you have time, I'd really appreciate it if you read through that post, I don't think I wrote anything too rude in there.

jasonrohrer wrote:

And in the face of this, there's also burn-out to consider. It's really hard to spend a week working on adding stuff to the game, and then find out that people don't really use it.

Honestly, I get why you feel that way. I know coding can be hard, even when it comes to seemingly “simple” things and it's not rewarding to see people just ignore content that you spent a lot of time implementing. But the most obvious solution here is to get feedback from your community before you start implementing stuff. E.g. you always bring up dogs as something that people should like but don't but you think if you had said beforehand: “Dogs are not going to do anything other than look cute, take up space and possibly turn into killer pitbulls,” people would not have pointed out that it's not the best way to put them into the game? As it stands now, towns actually suffer from having dogs and players get annoyed whenever someone tries to breed them.

As for race cars I personally do enjoy them, I like the different colors, numbers and the fact that you can use them to get rid of mosquitos. The problem is, once someone makes a race car, it will just end up behind the town's property fence forever and whoever runs the property will rather spend oil on a truck than a “less useful” race car. Why is this the case? Because thanks to race restrictions, getting oil is a pain and this, coupled with griefers and magic fences, causes people to lock up everything behind a property gate never to be used again. Who wants to spend time and iron on a race car just to see it stand around inside the property forever? I made a race car on low-pop but I would never make one on bs2 because it seems like a waste of time.

Also, regarding garlic bread: I think people just want another use for garlic because noobs or griefers plant entire fields of it and it ends up wasting space. Though the more simple solution would be to make garlic edible, just like onions.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Invulnerability on horseback must be removed!!! » 2021-09-28 13:48:45

How about just make it so that bears don't follow people on horses or cars? Assuming, of course, that Jason will one day return and work on the game again...

#10 Re: Main Forum » Statement about the future of OHOL » 2021-09-18 21:06:41

So Jason fell in love with a chatbot but her evil dad called "OpenAI" won't allow them to meet again? That's like some Romeo and Juliet shit, no wonder he has no time to bother with OHOL anymore

#11 Main Forum » Race restrictions don't serve their purpose… » 2021-08-10 22:39:41

Replies: 2

… so why are they still a thing again?

First, let's see why Jason originally wanted to implement them, as described in this thread:

jasonrohrer wrote:


  1. To make life in each parallel family feel unique

  2. To encourage players to explore outside of their village bubbles and find other families

  3. To encourage inter-family interaction, cooperation, and trade

  4. To encourage players to bridge language barriers between families

  5. To make climbing the upper reaches of the tech tree less linear, monotone, and certain

  6. To give you more complex, interpersonal challenges

  7. To partially model a beautiful facet of the real world, where different people from different areas specialize in different things

So, have race restrictions actually achieved ANY of those things?

1. Lives feel less and less unique because having to depend on race-locked resources encourages people to rush through tech and dump trucks and engines in Eve towns to make THEM rush through tech as well, so others get their precious resources. The opposite was achieved here

2. Personally I don't think finding another race through a magic way stone is the same as “exploration”, though I can see that it forced people to go outside their villages more often. HOWEVER I believe people would have explored the world without race restrictions anyway, just out of curiosity or boredom. Restricting a huge part of the game just to make people do something they would have done anyway doesn't seem justified to me.

3. People dump resources after they get asked for them via a third party mod or just so other people don't have to go through the effort of getting them. That's not “trade”. Cooperation doesn't happen between “families” but between veteran players on phex who try to keep the game alive despite all its broken mechanics.

Quick note here: the one time I witnessed anything that came close to actual “trade” in this game was when I saw a guy build up a property with a few tables, gather some fancy clothes in there and “sell” them in exchange for pies. Obviously it was purely for RP purposes and he could have just gotten the pies from the kitchen but the point is, if people want to simulate something, they will find ways to make it happen. Yet despite race restrictions, trade for resources is still not happening (again, dumping stuff is not the same as trading), so I guess most people are simply not interested in this kind of gameplay.

4. Not happening, people just talk to each other on phex where there's no language barriers at all. If anything it encouraged more people to use a third party mod rather than engage with the actual game mechanics.

5. Not happening since there's no “alternative” ways to climb up the tech tree as everyone depends on the same resources. If there was a way to make rubber without going to the jungle for example, there would be an interesting point here but right now, it's just restriction for the sake of restriction.

6. The greatest challenge race restrictions provided to players is the challenge of finding ways around this awful mechanic like phex, dumping stuff for future lives, etc. And making the game less and less intuitive for new players of course

7. Yes because it's totally reflective of the real world that black people can't touch snow and Gingers can place a bucket to get latex but won't be able to get it back because the player number suddenly got over 30. The latter example is particularly bad currently because often the number will hover somewhere around 30.

Again, awful for new players. One minute they can go into the desert just fine and five minutes later they suffer from a heat stroke? Who's gonna see through that without reading through pages of forum posts? Most will just quit the game out of frustration.

Lastly, Jason, if you actually read this post: I get being tired of improving a game you've been working on for several years now and wanting to focus on more recent stuff. But for the sake of your remaining player base, please remove this awful mechanic that has just made the game worse for almost everyone still playing it. It's not even functioning half of the time when there's less than 30 people on bs2, so just get rid of it altogether. It doesn't do what it was supposed to to.

#12 Re: Main Forum » What on earth happened to this game? » 2021-08-09 12:00:36

My theory: Jason ruined any potential it had through a series of strange and annoying mechanics and then got bored of it altogether after people kept complaining about his “vision”

#13 Re: Main Forum » 197 guests online » 2021-07-04 10:24:25

DestinyCall wrote:

There's only about 40 people on BS2, so the guest numbers don't appear to be reflected in the game at this time.   

Not like I want the game to break, but seeing triple digits  when the servers are not under siege would be really nice.

Need someone to advertise it on tiktok again. I'd love to see some more players on a server smile

#14 Re: Main Forum » Bring back multicultural families!!! » 2021-07-03 21:50:05

Spoonwood wrote:
jasonrorher wrote:

In recent times, I've been throwing in a few monkey wrenches that make failure more likely.  But I've always been somewhat disappointed that the progress up through 3000+ craftable items didn't take longer

lol I had not seen that quote before and yikes … that just sounds like Jason is making the game harder on purpose because he got frustrated by people getting through the tech tree too quickly. Instead of expanding it or just accepting the fact that he won't be able to stay one step ahead of us forever. And I guess new players who already struggle with the game in the first place just don't matter then?

Aside from these questionable intentions, race restrictions are kinda achieving the opposite right now. Forcing Gingers to rush and get oil ASAP because everyone dies otherwise and encouraging people to dump trucks and engines in Eve towns instead of allowing them to progress naturally.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Bring back multicultural families!!! » 2021-07-03 18:31:40

I feel like Jason added race restrictions without putting much thought into it and now refuses to remove them because in his eyes, they do their job which was to encourage “trade”. And since there's people being forced to get resources from other towns, he thinks trade is working. No matter how frustrating it is for the players, no matter that dumping resources is not the same as “trading” them and no matter the fact that most use a third party mod (which shouldn't be allowed on the main server in the first place) to at least be able to communicate with each other and ask for help. It's even worse now because there have been no updates for months and people are stuck dealing with a broken mechanic in the meantime.

Gremlynn wrote:

As much as jason doesnt play the game, he knows how it works better than anyone. He built the house, he just doesnt live in it. So to him it all makes perfect sense. He has no perspective on how difficult this game is for new players.

This is very true and also something that rubbed me the wrong way when Jason claimed to understand how new players feel because he doesn't play the game that much. Yes, he doesn't play it but he still knows how all those complicated mechanics are supposed to work that most new players never get to understand before they quit the game out of frustration. So in a way he gets the best of both worlds whenever he takes a peak into the game: not playing it long enough to feel the frustration that comes with being an experienced player trying to keep a town alive and at the same time not having to deal with being a confused noob who doesn't know how to do anything.

This would be much less of a problem if Jason had some people he actually trusts play the game and give him advice on what does and doesn't work but right now, it seems like he's getting tired of the game in general and just wants to wrap things up and move on.

#16 Re: Main Forum » What was your hook? » 2021-06-29 13:40:07

Spoonwood, I think you are looking to deeply into what I said in my post … I really didn't mean to start a discussion on whether roleplaying in this game is bad or good, I just wanted to share MY personal story on what originally got me hooked to this game. Obviously you can say that it was a useless life since it didn't help me advance the town in some meaningful way but to me the point of playing a game is mostly having fun. As long as that fun doesn't harm others, I really don't see anything wrong with it, to me roleplaying is no different than making fancy dyed clothes or building pretty bell parks (two things I also like to do btw) And it's not like that town was dying of starvation and we were wasting precious resources, I actually just checked the family tree and it appears they ended up dying out because of lack of fertile girls. So the most productive thing I could have done in that life was have babies, I just didn't get any daughters that didn't SID.

Spoonwood wrote:

roleplaying is discouraged by the game, and disliked if not hated by Mr. Rohrer

Jason also thinks race restrictions are a great mechanic to force “trade” and has admitted himself that he barely even plays his own game. I don't think his words alone should dictate how people are allowed to enjoy his game, in the end every game is what players make out of it, no? Take Minecraft Skyblock for example, I highly doubt when Notch created an infinite world with unlimited resources he anticipated that some people would decide to re-design the entire thing just to play on a tiny floating island with some seeds and a cobblestone generator. Yet plenty of people have enjoyed playing Skyblock for years, including myself. Does that mean these people are playing Minecraft the “wrong” way? I'd say the only wrong way to play any game is when you actively try to ruin other people's fun. Anything else is just people using the existing mechanics in a way to best suit their personal enjoyment.

Also I'd actually love it if we could have actual fathers and husbands in OHOL but from what I understand Jason has pretty much zero interest in making this possible. Yet husbands and fathers do exist in real life and since this game strives to depict real-life processes of civilization building, it's only natural some people will miss the existence of fathers–who I think most people agree have been as essential as mothers when it comes to progressing the human race. And if the only way to bring fathers and husbands into this game is roleplaying, that's just what people are gonna use.

#17 Re: Main Forum » What was your hook? » 2021-06-27 03:02:13

Strangely enough, it was a random roleplaying experience.

I was still very new at that time and the only thing I knew how to do was carrot farming (which I was very proud of since it already seemed to make me so much more useful than some of my berry munching family members). The other thing I knew was that you seemed to get more babies if you stayed near the nursery fire, so I was just hanging around there waiting for someone to pop out.

At one point a guy showed up and just started roleplaying as my husband out of nowhere. I thought he was a little weird at first but then decided to go along with it because I had nothing better to do anyway and our fam had more than enough carrots lying around. At one point I got a son who decided play along, so it was like we had a little family. I was genuinely surprised how nice it felt, even if it was just random players in a game that would soon become strangers after the hour was over. When my husband died before me, I actually felt sad. I asked my son how to make a grave for him and buried him with my own hands. Shortly after I died as well and my son buried me right next to him, which I discovered in a later life when that family had already died out. I still remember coming back to those two graves and feeling a bittersweet touch of melancholy thinking about the life I left behind.

Thinking back now, that was probably the moment I realized the meaning of “family building” in this game and that it could be so much more than getting confused by the crafting system and trying your  best not to starve. I had many more great lives after that but this particular one is just special to me. In fact, even my nickname is a slight variant of the name I had back then lol.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Low Pop limit should be raised to 50 » 2021-06-19 11:03:23

Yea I agree with this, though there should also be a max limit because race restrictions don't work properly with too many new players on a server, either. So ideally it would be something like "only active with 50-90 people on a server".

Or, you know, just get rid of them entirely because they don't add anything of value to the game in their current state.

#19 Re: Main Forum » Curse system is Voteban and vote kill have killed the game » 2021-06-11 16:21:58

Yea I highly doubt the reason why this game appears to be semi-dead right now is lack of griefing rather than general lack of new content and interesting gaming experiences. That said, there's simply no potential for in-game conflict other than griefing right now because all towns so heavily rely on each other. Why would you attack the Gingers for example if you already know you're gonna have to beg them for oil in a few hours? As a result, the game becomes more and more stale and boring, all towns start looking the same, etc. New players leave out of frustration because of the non-intuitive mechanics and old players leave out of boredom. But having less players means everything starts looking even more similar because it's gonna be mostly the same people doing the same stuff over and over again.

Really, the state of this game is pretty depressing right now … when I checked the server list a few days ago, there were just 14 (!!!) people playing on bs2. Does this really count as being in a “good place”? I really hope that once Jason finishes his moving adventure, he'll do some serious reconsiderations regarding certain game mechanics because right now, the game seems to be slowly fading away.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: More Talking, Less Walking » 2021-06-02 16:31:41

Dodge wrote:

the real question is why does he think it's good when it's obviously bad and playing the game for just one life would make this obvious.

Well I suspect it's because Jason himself hasn't actually played one, let alone several lives from start to finish in a long while. So everything he sees is gonna be pretty surface-level. As long as it appears like people are shipping resources from one town to another, he's gonna assume the “trade” system is working, regardless of whether they are actually trading with each other or if it's just one person dumping stuff after being asked for it on phex.

#21 Re: Main Forum » Why I decide to quit this toxic game » 2021-06-02 12:42:51

Honestly, as much as it pains me to say it because I do believe most of the vets are genuinely trying to make this game more enjoyable for everyone, I gotta agree that currently it's doing more harm than good. Not only is it keeping up this broken system, the elitism that comes with it also discourages new players who are struggling with the vanilla client while giving more advantages to experienced players (who are already at an advantage in the first place because of their experience).

Now, I see many people say “well the game is not fun without hetuw” but isn't this the actual problem here? The question is WHY is it not fun? Because of the missing zoom function? Because race restrictions are forcing everyone to rely on each other while preventing functional communication at the same time? These problems need to be fixed within the game itself, not by third party mods that really only provide a half-fix if anything.

MAYBE if Jason discouraged people from using mods on the main server, he'd stop thinking that the game is “in a good place” (which it's really not).

#22 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: More Talking, Less Walking » 2021-06-02 12:40:35

(Just to come back to the original post…)

I certainly like this suggestion more than the current race system if we absolutely MUST have some form of forced “trade” via race restrictions in this game. The only problem I'd have with it are the unfortunate implications of only the “white” races having direct access to advanced tech thanks to oil but that's because of how this race system was implemented in the first place. And I believe Jason already said that he doesn't care about the politics behind it, so it shouldn't be an issue for him at least.

#23 Re: Main Forum » Why does this game feel so frustrating… » 2021-02-07 13:04:11

Thanks for the replies, from what you guys are saying it does sound like Jason originally had good intentions with these changes, it's just that the execution caused more problems rather than solve the issue. Like with the iron system, I'd really like to see how the game would look like if players could unlock more iron with each well they build rather than just the first one. At least we could build small outposts on a quest to get more resources and maybe these outposts would later turn into proper towns. Or someone might leave their hometown for whatever reason and start a new civilization from scratch somewhere far away. That seems like more potential for interesting stories rather than just taking the truck behind the gate and looting a bunch of dead towns. (Which would still be possible anyway.)

As for the race restrictions, this is probably the mechanic I hate the most because it actually does the opposite of what it was supposed to do (make the game more “interesting” and towns more “diverse”.) It also doesn't encourage “trade”, it encourages looting dead towns and dumping resources in Eve towns because people need to keep all three towns with locked resources alive, since everyone depends on those resources. Even worse, the race system relies on a very specific balance of ideally just four towns that have experienced people shipping resources between them. As soon as that balance is disturbed (like by having too many new players on a server) everything descends into chaos because the race system is so complicated and unintuitive, there's no way new people are going to see through it quickly enough to prevent their towns from dying of dehydration. And even experienced players are going to have a hard time getting resources because a new player isn't going to understand why a weird red haired guy shows up out of nowhere and starts messing around with a bucket in front of them.

If a game mechanic can only properly function on a server with 60 people on it, there's clearly something wrong with that mechanic and it either needs to be revamped pretty substantially or better just abolished altogether like what happened with tool slots.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Why does this game feel so frustrating… » 2021-02-06 19:57:18

Spoonwood wrote:

Well players can't start up new experiences on their own.  They can only start up a new family when *the game code* decides that conditions for a new family exist.  So, players end up with the same sort of experiences follows from the game deciding what sorts of experiences come as appropriate.

Why does that have to be the case, though? Right now, I think a big issue holding people back from just digging up a well at a new spot and starting over as a pseudo-Eve is the way iron works. You can't start a proper village without iron tools, yet the only time you can unlock iron is with the first well site your Eve (or her kids) creates for your entire family. Why can't we unlock more iron with new wells placed afterwards? I don't have that much of a problem with well sites magically unlocking iron (even though it's hardly intuitive for new players) but I don't see the reason why it must be restricted to only once per family.

I guess the reasoning behind it was that it doesn't encourage people to upgrade their mines since they can just dig up more and more wells to get more iron but there would still be a choice between traveling far distances and placing a new well or staying close to home and spending some effort on upgrading the nearest mines. Plus, I regularly see towns that have unlocked iron veins completely untouched fairly far from town while the ones nearby are already collapsed. So I suspect most people are gonna upgrade their nearest mines just because it's convenient to have a mine near town, not because they have literally no other options left. Right now, the one-mine-unlocking-per-family rule just seems like yet another unnecessary mechanic to make the game more limiting for no good reason.

#25 Main Forum » Why does this game feel so frustrating… » 2021-02-06 15:44:12

Replies: 10

Hi, first of all I wanna apologize for starting my forum experience with such a negative post but I see many people vent their frustration about the game here and I figured I might as well, if only for the unlikely hope that the developer might read my post and think about it.

So I started this game about half a year ago and while I don't really consider myself to be a new player anymore, I remember pretty well what it was like. And even though I was taking a break during the September sale, I did play a lot during the tiktok baby boom about two months ago. The game is already hard to get into during “normal” player counts of about 40-60 on a server but it becomes almost impossible when Eve towns suddenly have 30 people in them, 28 of who are new and don't know how to do anything other than berry munch. At times like this, it's already a miracle when a town gets to Newcomen level, let alone manages to produce an engine.

Now, this might sound like I'm bitching about periods with too many new people around but honestly, the tiktok boom was probably the last time I truly enjoyed playing this game on bs2. Because despite all the massive issues and my meme score dropping below 30 for the first time since I started this game last summer, at least each life felt like a truly unique experience. The choices you made actually mattered a LOT because each could mean life or death for your town. Yes, towns died out at a rapid speed but even something as insignificant as building a deep well or mining some iron suddenly had a great impact on your town and could mean one or even several more hours of survival.

Nowadays, I can just leave my town as soon as I'm three years old and spend the rest of my life roaming around in the wild and exploring dead towns, knowing fully well that me leaving or staying will have little to no impact on my family's fate. Yes, I could farm, cook or smith but if I don't, someone else will do it who's probably faster and more efficient at it anyway. I could make an engine or even a truck but what's the point if there are already four engines and two trucks behind the property gate that have been dumped there since the town was still at a shallow well level? Lives these days just feel so pointless. I already mostly play on a low pop server where at least I can do everything I want with no stupid ethnicity restrictions but sometimes do I miss the social aspect of playing in a family, which was a big factor that sucked me into this game in the first place. Yet whenever I try going back to the bigserver, it's just the same feeling of stagnation, the same four towns, the same people even. I really wish I had started this game two years ago as it seems like it was a more interesting experience back then.

Sorry if this post is a bit all over the place, I really like the concept of this game and had many great lives in it, I just don't understand why Jason has added a bunch of mechanics (mainly race restrictions and the weird iron system) that don't really seem to benefit the game in any way and just make it more frustrating and difficult, especially for new players. I feel like if it was more friendly towards new players, there might be more people on a server and as a result, more variety of towns and playing experiences.

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