One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Lift race restrictions for all but oil, latex and glasswort » 2021-07-19 20:41:04

I like this idea. There is a good reason to restrict certain goods to certain families, but there is no good reason to have many types of good restricted. By only restricting one good per race, you get the best of both worlds: you get trade, which makes the game more interesting, yet you can do a lot of things without trade.

It would be best to restrict only items that are important very late in the civilization tech tree, so that the lack of trade does not block development, yet are unique and useful, so that it is interesting to trade for it. Glasswort is a good example. For jungle and arctic families new items could be created for this.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Modded Custom Server » 2021-06-09 19:46:09

Villanelle wrote:

OHOL is about stories. Always was about stories from the start, that's why Jason used to publish user stories and that's why OHOL game reviews are full of stories.

Sure I can agree with that! That is why I think trading can be a part of this. If your family needs rubber and you sent a young man on a quest to find another family and get a few buckets, and he returns an older man, with the rubber, which saves the family, that is a good story.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Modded Custom Server » 2021-06-09 11:34:54

Raiding and pillaging? Blood feuds? yikes That doesn't sound like fun! It sounds like organized griefers. I am glad this is not a hack 'n slash game, and I would get frustrated if it went in that direction. "Too powerful families" what does that even mean? It is not a competition right? Players come to play a part in their village and build things and help each other, and that is what makes it charming.

War as a game element can have its place, but it would require the game to operate more on a 'civilizations' level, with empires (families) trading and waging war with each other, much like the Mediterranean civilizations at the late bronze age. But then still trade would be an important element to that, and you only have trade if you have biome restrictions (and a large number of players).

Also slower tech progression is a good thing.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Modded Custom Server » 2021-06-08 21:50:24

I didn't play the game before they were added. I didn't enjoy the tool slots and was glad that they were removed. It is hard to tell whether I am part of 1%, 10%, or 50%, but I think race restrictions do add to the end-game, which is important to me. The thing I hate most is when "everything is done already". I enjoy getting a ton of oil because I know all families will depend on it, which is a nice responsibility. I do agree that in its current state it is quite rough and it needs to be improved. So maybe it is part of the ongoing experiment, which only works if Jason regularly updates the game. I would be fine with trading it with another end-game mechanic (like disasters or so).

#5 Re: Main Forum » Modded Custom Server » 2021-06-08 19:13:38

First of all it is his game, and he is developing his ideas, so in principle he does not owe the community to do whatever they say. Actually it is really awesome that he makes the game open source so that everyone can make their own version, if they chose to do so, but for the moment I am quite happy with many of the ideas that are in the game as it is now.

Secondly, you say that the community says that "race restrictions are bad", and I hear this from several people, but there is no way of knowing how many people actually find this. For example, I don't think it is a bad idea at all! I like that there is a sense of adventure of trying to reach other tribes and trading with them. Especially for more experienced players it adds another level of game play. I can see that it is a difficult feature to really make it work correctly, because it requires families to be close, for them to depend on each other in a balanced way. Also to make sure that we are actually trading and not stealing is not fully developed I would say.

The one thing I don't like is the language barrier, because it just makes everything more difficult and does not really add much. But it is a personal opinion.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Another fix for Eve spawns is incoming. » 2021-05-26 19:57:10

I think you make very good points Paradoxal. It is fun to build things and to see a town slowly evolve from one tech era to the next. Perhaps we should run back to old towns less and craft more things in the new town.

One problem that is difficult to solve with new towns and eve spawning is that the towns of different families should remain together, since it is not so much fun having to run thousands of tiles west or east to get a bucket of latex.

Another problem is that what you want also requires that families should be in more or less the same technological stage. Because if one family is very evolved and the other is not it becomes very tempting to just drop an engine, a knife and a bunch of clothes to jump-start the other family.

I don't really have a solution for this.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Just bring back the rift. » 2021-05-26 19:46:44

I am a little disappointed from the constant complaints from some people in the community. I think that every system has its drawbacks, and I think the current system of regularly moving to a new place has its advantages.

If you would stay in the same position for very long, it would make all towns very elaborate, where every improvement you could possibly think of has already been done. Being in one place for long necessitates that you arrive at some kind of steady state, which by definition is quite boring.

Since the game is by definition limited, of course there will be repetitions of experiences, it can't always be helped. The idea of moving to new places does have the advantage that you are always making a fresh start with new people, and nothing is preventing us from doing it differently every time. This is what I think the strong point of the game: that it generates stories. Some of us have so much experience by now that we tend to forget how dynamic the game is from the viewpoint of a less experienced player.

I don't mean to say that the current situation can't be improved. It can certainly be tweaked and even overturned. I hope Jason finds time to continue working on the game, and that we as players join him in experimenting further.

#8 Main Forum » Not enough oil » 2021-05-21 17:55:47

Replies: 3

It seems we are always scrambling to get enough oil for all the families. Currently all the wells to the east of the ginger family are exhausted for quite a distance, and to the west the first tarry spot is over 1600 tiles away, and it has already been used quite a bit. This means an increasingly long distance to travel to get oil, which is not so much fun.

I do appreciate the idea that the game should never be 'easy' and there should never be a moment where there is nothing left to do. But for older families the oil supply simply gets exhausted and there seems to be no way to recover from that. Most of the things in the game are renewable or in plentiful supply, but not oil. It would be good if there would also be a way to resupply oil. It could be difficult or expensive, but at least it should be possible I think.

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