One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » PSA: Account phising going on » 2024-03-15 21:02:34

ShadyDeRats wrote:





At first I thought it is impossible, but than i saw you copy pasting many lines with server and dashed lines and suddenly i realized it is possible.

#2 Re: Main Forum » PSA: Account phising going on » 2024-03-15 20:14:27

shady could you calculate how long it would take to guess a correct key if you have 1 million tries a second?

first how many possible keys exist? you said the key is 20 characters long, how many different characters can one position be?
is it from A-Z (25) and also has numbers (10), so 35 different possibilities for each character.

Lets assume there are 10 million valid keys and we can guess 1 million times per second than we can calculate it like this:

press F12 to open javascript console and paste this in:

Math.pow(35, 20) / 1e6 / 1e7 / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365

Math.pow(35, 20) = how many possible keys exist
1e6 = 1 million tries per second
1e7 = 10 million valid keys
/ 60 / 60 / 24 / 365 = per year

it would roughly take 24129830992 years to find a valid key
24 billion years

#3 Re: Main Forum » Long Time No Play » 2024-03-15 12:24:53

Gederian wrote:

I guess I'll check back in a few more years and see how many accounts you made to control the new game because nobody came to that server you spent 100 hours setting up and running.

Its true Laggy has already created a lot of accounts, i am one of them, Spoonwood is another, we are all the same person.

#4 Main Forum » The Pineapple of Truth » 2024-03-11 06:53:59

Replies: 1

In a land where secrets hide,
Stands a fruit so pure and wise.
The Pineapple of Truth, they say,
Holds the answers to life's array.

Its golden skin, rough and tough,
Conceals the wisdom deep enough.
With each slice, its truth unfolds,
Revealing tales yet to be told.

Juicy sweetness, tangy bite,
Guiding us towards the light.
In its core, the secrets lie,
Whispering truths that never die.

So seek the Pineapple of Truth,
Embrace its power, feel its youth.
For in its flesh, the answers gleam,
A fruit of wisdom, like a dream.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Website with full interface for looking at curses, forgives and trusts » 2023-11-12 08:53:45

Wow this looks like a lot of work, very impressive!

How long have you been working on it?

#6 Re: Main Forum » About new animations in upcoming update. » 2023-10-06 10:21:46

It does not look as cool as it sounds, you are right.

I want to see tiktok dances, jason improve the engine and make it happen!

#7 Re: Main Forum » About new animations in upcoming update. » 2023-10-06 05:10:22

Can you do up yours as a baby? Why do you say it does not look as cool as it sounds?

I like the idea that everyone can create their custom gestures.
I think a gesture can just be a text file, that you can create with the editor.
Than you move this text file into a certain folder, in game you have access to all the gestures in this folder (plus default ones)
This way people can share gestures with each other.
The client would have to download gestures during a game if it encounters a custom one.

People would make inappropriate gestures but I think its worth it and it would be hilarious overall.

#8 Re: Main Forum » 5 years again... » 2023-08-21 11:30:14

Shady so you have been in DT before? and you were there for 3 months and got out again?

#9 Re: Main Forum » 5 years again... » 2023-08-20 19:10:22

Have you been in DT before Jason updated it to 5 years?
How was your experience with it? Was it more fair? How long were you in?

#12 Re: News » Update: Fine Milk » 2023-08-19 11:05:22

Shady, the guy on the right in the image, that is you

#15 Re: Main Forum » Hetuw Should Be Banned » 2023-07-19 15:45:00

Shady wrote:

I could do that with two years of experience in coding and some hard dedication to the cause.

Do it, stop whining all over the forums, no one feels pity for you, program your own client and become the ultimate griefer.
... but in reality as soon as you start working on it you will give up again, because it is too difficult for you and then you come back here crying again.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Hetuw Should Be Banned » 2023-07-19 07:53:48

Shady wrote:

I think there is an issue with phex and anybody who doesn't see it is crazy.

Is this the issue you are talking about?

Shady wrote:

Can you make a version of the client for griefers.

You feel like it harms griefing in the game and you want a version extra for griefing.

#17 Re: Main Forum » Why "Five Years" isn't really "Five Years" » 2023-07-19 07:48:48

Shady a lot of people have cursed you because they don't want to play with you.

If Jason were to "unban" you a lot of other people would suffer because of it.
So Jason has to choose between 1 person being pissed (you) or many other innocent people being pissed, i think the choice is obvious.

#18 Re: Main Forum » Unbanning Me » 2023-07-04 19:57:58

From looking at your hands i would guess you are roughly 11 years old.
I agree that Shady should be unbanned, kids should not be judged to harshly on what they say and do in game.
Maybe he can improve and be more friendly in the future.

#19 Re: Main Forum » The Cartographers » 2023-06-06 19:51:41

This is a great post, very inspiring.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Game is Morally Stupid and Morally Boring » 2023-05-29 15:22:55

I am glad I did not leave this forum,
So that I can now have the amazing experience of seeing the GodKing communicating with the Pineapple of Truth.

#21 Re: Main Forum » People Keep Resettling Old Towns » 2023-05-26 04:21:40

I have the perfect solution for this problem:

Old people have a chance to create a disease.
As soon as someone turns 40, each year (minute) the server will calculate if that person will create a disease.
The more people that are around the old person, the higher the probability that they will create a disease and the older the person the higher the probability.
A 55 year old living in a big town will have a much higher probability than a 43 year old living in a small town.
But the probability should always be small overall.
So lets say the probability of creating a disease of someone that lives to 60 in a big town is like 2%
That would mean that the longer a big town exists the higher the chance that a disease is created.

The disease will have no effects and will not be visible (for the person that created it)
But after a sick person dies, their corpse becomes an infection risk.
Being near the corpse of the sick person might cause you to catch the disease.
If a sick person is buried the corpse will be safe, no more risk of infecting other people.

If you catch a disease:
In the first 3 years it does nothing.
In the following 3 years it still does nothing but other people around you might catch it from you. (without knowing it)
After that you start loosing health, similar to aging until you die a premature death.
At first you lose health slowly and then it goes faster and faster.
After 9 years of being infected your appearance changes and it is visible for everyone that you are infected.

So if you go and get resources from an old abandon town, there might still be old corpses of infected people, you might catch a disease bring it back to your village and accidentally kill everyone there.
But there should also be a difficult to make cure, you create some sort of medicine and use it on a person and that might cure that person.
Young people should have a lower risk of getting infected than old people.

#22 Re: Main Forum » Why new content pull requests don't work » 2023-05-16 18:23:17

I don't completely understand this, but here is what i would do:

1. Write a specific program for this problem.
2. Run the program on the current version to identify all the valid IDs.
3. Merge all of Tarrs PRs
4. Run the program again, it now detects all the wrong IDs and fixes them.

Writing that program is work, but is it more work than creating the content that Tarr did?
In the future you might have the same problem and can just reuse the program.

But like I said I don't fully understand all the code and work behind this.

#24 Re: Main Forum » Looking for my mother » 2023-03-12 05:52:33

Your mom is dead, get over it.

#25 Re: Main Forum » Welcome to BETA test a fully new written OHOL Hardcore Server » 2022-06-11 07:16:03

My opinion about races:

I think it would be best if there are no differences between the races, except how they look like.

But what i would love to see is genetics. If a black person  and white person make a baby the baby will most likely be brown, but could also be more white or more black and would still carry the genes of both its parents.
This could also be extended to hair color, or eye shapes, bald genes and so on..
This would need some sort of father mechanism, not sure how to do that.
I know that this is not easy to do, i just wanted to say it.

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