One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » What I actually, generally need when you give me feedback about OHOL » 2023-07-27 02:07:53

TheOneTrueKing wrote:

Like I said, why even have killing introduced into the game then? Waaaaa mommy he killed my sheep. Lol Karens!

Oh, I am suspecting that you are not used to dealing with society.  What you are asking is basically the same as why is killing people a thing in real life? 

One hour one life takes many factors from real life.  A group of people work together to form a bit of a society.  Someone tries to kill people/things unwarranted?  Society will judge against you.   You will be shunned, locked away, exiled, punished, etc. 

For those going on the "it's just a game" angle, remember what the source of the game is: real life.  Sure, go ahead and kill people.  Do things to tear the society people are trying to build. 

But be aware that you don't get to choose the consequences of your actions.

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