One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned » 2023-11-04 00:13:23

So here is a list of things people have accused me of. And don't ignore the top comment



Racism against my own race

Spamming Gay, Lesbian, Zoophile, Masturbation, Roblox porn.

Spamming the N word

Hurting their fweelings sad

And public (IRL) harassment: Guess I reached my hand through the computer screen into your house and started smacking you

Edit:Threating to impregnate a female???!?!??!!?

#2 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned » 2023-11-03 23:55:49

For the benefit of future readers here is a small list of things Shady has done to get banned:
-Used the n-word on several occasions even after being asked to stop (Given Out Of Context)
-Harassed other users publicly and privately, this is behavior which carries over from in-game to out-of-game platforms (No and No Proof
-Posted lewd/sexual content in public spaces (No and No proof)
-Impersonated others in an attempt to damage the reputation of other community members (No and I was impersonated)
-Abused the GitHub repo and made inflammatory comments and issues (Inflammatory is the wrong word and out of context)
-Nearly constant argument-baiting with anyone who engages with him [which this thread is an example of] (Out of context)
-Creating dozens of alt accounts to attempt to evade the bans for the previous behavior after which he just keeps continuing to do said behavior (Out of context)

Provide some context or at least some proof. Because it's clear I've never even interacted with you that much. Ima need some screenshots because as a 14 year old (Christian African American) I know I did not post sexual content, (harass people in public from my own home???!?!?!) The only remotely close thing to this is when **I posted this video and said that I "doxxed" a moderator ** and that was only after they started spreading goofy misinformation to attempt to bring me down. Bullshit went from griefing to them accusing me of being a pedophile once

Use the n word in general chat, like literally put my name as shady and start spamming the n word while childishly saying that I'm shady.
Impersonation to damage other's reputations

And the reasons for the alt accounts is to give the middle finger to the moderation system to the community and it's moderators who literally let this slide.

Like really? Really??
Ima need you to clean up your dirty ass server because that's not the only dirt I got on them. I got a whole file folder full of bullshit this server has done and put me through. And I may I remind anybody seeing this that this started off as them being mad that I griefed five months ago. Now it's evolved into them ignoreing basic morals and spreading misinformation.***Some person said I threatened to get a girl pregnant**Like what the hell I'm a teenager

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