One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned » 2023-11-04 03:51:05

Ngl this is clever, I think it's like you send the thing to a server, the bot writes down what you write down than sends you the pdf link or php link so you can see what people posted. The plugin also sends it to the discord. Very clever

#2 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned » 2023-11-04 03:31:22

I got more dirt as well XD 20 more pngs left. If you don't fix any of this bullcrap than you just got a ticking bomb

#3 Re: Main Forum » Why Am I Banned » 2023-11-04 03:23:46

HAHA that totally sucks, ima be sendin more screenshots of mod misconduct tomarrow. And stop banning me, all you're doing is giving me an extended login where I have to generate emails. I don't mind it but it would save some time on the breaking in aspect of it. Also we're just going to turn a blind eye to all the people you just let slide. Don't even stary lyin, show me some of that shady dirt

But seriously jason get your server together, they've been being really sick lately. Been seeing mfs being doxxed and you got this one mod with a creepy obsession to a person who they don't even talk to like 99% of the time. Rumors, just add rules what's with the constant anarchy??

Half this bs wouldn't be happening if they had a moral standard and rules rather than: Don't be lil goofballs you lil silly mods. Meanwhile we got people saying the hard r in general and not getting banned Really did not know special little pumpkins known as verified purchasers got lil special treatment

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