a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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What the hell? I wanted to contribute to the translation but all I saw on the linked websites were slurs, spam and obscene images. A moderator should intervene, this is disgraceful.
It's fixed now and I've created another copy here -> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ … VAxili2SaE
Trzymamy się materiałów źródłowych i wielkości liter tam stosowanych. Nie jestem jednak pewien kto je dostarczył. In-game czcionka nie rozróżnia małych i wiekich liter.
Racja - wielkość liter nie ma takiego znaczenia, skoro gra i tak ich nie rozróżnia.
It's Bluh.
Czcionki są w formacie .png https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLife/ … hicsSource
Mają jednak miejsce na dodatkowe znaki. Blokadę trzebaby naturalnie rozszerzyć, ale ona dotyczy chyba tylko wpisywanego tekstu. Zmiany dotyczą tylko klienta, nie serwera. Kodowanie można zmieniać w zależności od języka, tak samo jak plik graficzny z czcionką. Z racji jednak, że w grze nie ma małych liter, to możnaby stworzyć jedną czcionkę ze wszystkimi Europejskimi znakami specjalnymi.
Czcionka Futura i ta ręcznie pisana nie ma żadnych dodatkowych znaków, więc trzebaby zmienić ją na inną. Można wybrać któreś stąd:
https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/list … _more_tags
Do Menu:
https://www.fontsquirrel.com/fonts/list … _more_tags
Trzebaby je jeszcze przerobić na wersję zbliżoną do ołówka i startą.
Alternatywą jest prośba do Jasona o stworzenie takiej wersji czcionki. Z tym jednak wstrzymałbym się aż będziemy wiedzieli dokładnie czego chcemy.
No i dochodzi jeszcze modyfikacja klienta, by wyświetlał to, o co nam chodzi. W ten sposób załatwiłoby się wiele języków na raz.
można umówić się na Discordzie na bardziej produktywną rozmowę.
Zgadzam się.
Osobiście spolszczenia używałbym prawdopodobnie tylko na serwerach Polskich, bo na oficjalnych komunikacja i tak byłaby po angielsku.
Mogę zerknąć jak się sprawy mają z tą czcionką.
Zerknąłem - źle się mają - obsługiwane jest tylko 128 podstawowych znaków ASCII. Nie działa extended ASCII ani nic innego. Bez edycji kodu można jedynie zamienić jakieś nieużywane znaki z ASCII na znaki specjalne i podawać w takiej formie po tłumaczeniu. Nie rozwiązuje to jednak problemu wprowadzania polskich znaków w okienku czatu.
Inną opcją jest wstawienie funkcji w każde tłumaczone wywołanie rysowania tekstu, która zamieni odpowiednie znaki, albo typ tekstu.
Rules as in Netiquette & Virtual Safety
Can You provide direct source fro what You reffering here?
in most cases, internal regulations of those communities
we do not have ANY regulations on this forum as of yet other than common sense - because Jason prefers to spend his time on the game itself than legsl disclaimers and regulations.
I don't forcing You to download anything. You can compile it by yourself if You want to checkout this mod.
I don't like to be treated as terrorist on the airport and in the same way I don't wanna be treated as thief/scammer here. I put my free time and work to made this mod and I want it to be accessible for those who wanna use it as well. Don't see anything wrong in this.
Potentially forked code could be malicious as well and written in a way that it's not easy to spot the threat. Assuming that one would even bother looking at the code. Maybe one could compile since instructions are available but can't verify the code. How does github fork makes it safer?
What about other mods and even entire Linux distributions posted on this forum?
I totally agree that exe files can be harmful but so can be knife. As with a lot of things in life it depends how You gonna use them...
This discussion went far away from mod topic to moral divagations. Isn't offtopic against Netiquette?
Przy okazji: Pozdro
I think we need two (for menu and hand drawn) fonts with all special characters required for translated language. It would also be great if GUI graphics could stay blank and text would be written on top, so we don't need new graphics for every language.
... the more exceptions we allow for distributing executables, the more people will try to use that against tech newbies. Thats why strict rules are important.
We? Rules? I think source code is open and I can do what I want. Don't doing anything wrong here. The fact that someone can be a thief doesn't make me one.
It's good that You warn others but that's all You can do. After all we still have a free will. Not every one uses it but I do.
The bigger problem are trolls and murderers in game than someone that makes a mod.
Mistakes please correct
Great Job. I have a few suggestion however [...]
Dobra robota. Mam jednak kilka uwag. Wiem, że możesz odebrać, że się czepiam, ale jak mogę, to podpowiem. Osobiśnie chciała mi się tego samemu robić. Zająłem się modem do WSADa. Także chwała Ci za dobrą robotę.
Przede wszystkim szyk słów Cisowy Trzonek -> Trzonek Cisowy - mało istotne, ale warto mieć jakieś zasady jak to tłumaczyć.
Może wszystkie słowa powinny być z małych liter, to w końcu są nazwy pospolite, nie własne. Chociaż osobiście bardziej mi się chyba podoba tak.
Dodałem kilka poprawek i uwag do excela - fajnie by było się spotkać na Skypie, czy Discordzie i obgadać - zawsze to inaczej, niż samemu.
From what I have seen in building https://kazetsukai.github.io/onetech :
- # words will show whatever is before the #, so translate the first part and leave the # where it is
- words related to characters won't show in the game
- @ words are categories and might not show in the game at the moment, not 100% sure here
Z tego wynika, że nie ma powinno tłumaczyć się tego, co jest po #
Zostawiłbym @ i nazwy jak Female006 bez tłumaczenia
Z Polskimi czcionkami, to by trzeba bylo zrobić pewien test, żeby wiedzieć, gdzie są jakie litery - bo on coś wieświetla jak się wpisze Ł, tylko, że tak jest pusto - trzeba zlokazliwać te miejsca i tam wsawić polskie znaki. (Powinno być proste, bo to jest w kolejności ASCII https://www.ascii-codes.com/cp852.html A - 65 itd. jeden rząd jest przerwy, żeby nie przebijało prawdopodonie). Tam jest language.txt i tylko jak tam będzie Polish, to powinna gra być po polsku.
Pozdro ;-)
Trzebaby zrobić wersję czcionek, która będzie dla wszystkich języków
If you want to distribute your mod - please provide only source code fork on GitHub for people to verify and compile themselves.
I agree in principle. I would surely prefer this way myself, but I'm a programmer. I know however that not everyone will bother compiling. Especially for Windows. It took me more time to figure out how to cross-compile for Windows than make initial version of mod. If I would like to make money on stealing login and keys I would be better taking overtime in job. Besides I wanted this mod for myself and my friends/family. My younger sister wouldn't compile it myself and to be honest I doubt that a lot of people here too.
I've created pull request so maybe it will be a part of official game soon. At least SPACEBAR + Click since it resolves regular mouse dragging as well.
You can move with WSAD or YHGJ (for AZEWRTY keybors)
- Click is simulated, so pathfinding works - You not getting stuck on trees
- SPACEBAR + mouse no interactions - just MOVEmenst
- You still can move with mouse as usual.
- When You type in chat none of these keys are working
It's just a client mod - all You need to do is to copy it to your game directory and use instead of normal .exe file.
Version for Linux and Windows here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/ywpbmvx2npwj7 … 7.zip?dl=1
Can't do Mac.
Works with all v67 servers just as normal client - it simply adds WASD and SPACEBAR on top of mouse.
You can't spam buttons to overload server. I believe this version is ready for all players to use. Maybe Jason could incorporate it in official client - we will see.
For now - give me a feedback - good/bad, errors, anything.
P.S.: I see that switching things and putting thins down it's easy to implement as well. Problem is picking and using things, but not impossible. Maybe one day
If this suggestion does happen to succeed, add ZQSD from azerty keyboard users into a settings option.
Loading this setting from ini file would require significant change in a way keys are interpreted. I don't wanna do that since that's not my code and wanna make as little changes as possible, mainly just adding things since I don't know If that kind of change woudn't mess up with editor or Jason. However You can also move with IKJL keys - should be good enough.
If anyway is interested in this mod PM me. I don't wanna put it to the open since it potentially could result in higher lag. Not sure tho I tried to send a s few calls to server as possible.
I'm playing with WSAD keys for a week now and after a few tweaks they works really good. I think it is even possible to play with a controller if You would use something that changes joystick inputs to key presses.
Picking up and using things are not that simple however - I may do that in a future.
I did it. Cross platform compilation for Windows. If everyone is interested in doing so I can maybe help. Especially if You have Debian base system. Ubuntu should be similar.
I've used minGW32 from repo (For Ubuntu maybe here https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2109097) or get compiled package from http://pkg.mxe.cc/repos/tar/mxe-i686-w6 … 4.0.tar.xz
I wasn't able to get working version of SDL using mxe, however I've used precompiled sdl cause sdl. Again wasn't able to compile one myself:
http://pkg.mxe.cc/repos/tar/mxe-i686-w6 … .15.tar.xz
I've modified Makefile.MinGW in minorGems/game/platforms/SDL:
- change GXX = g++ to
GXX = i686-w64-mingw32-g++ (If You don't have it in your PATH You can put path to it here)
- add to line:
-I/[path_tofolder_with_sdl]/i686-w64-mingw32.shared/include (from last link)
- add to line:
PLATFORM_LINK_FLAGS = ... (I did it just before flags -lSDLmain -lSDL, but it may not matter)
-L/[path_tofolder_with_sdl]/i686-w64-mingw32.shared/lib (from last link)
I also had to change:
#include <Winsock.h>
#include <winsock.h>
in 2 files from minorGems/network/win32: SocketClientWin32.cpp, SocketServerWin32.cpp
After hours and hours of testing - It works! I even did myself a little script that does all the job. If You messed something up or compile for Linux before Windows run:
rm **/*.o; rm **/**/*.o; rm **/**/**/*.o; rm **/**/**/**/*.o
where You have minorGems and OneLife repos
I manged to compile on Windows. Here are my comments to instructions:
Ad 3) as .. said all - Just copy include, bin and lib contents from SDL to bi, include and lib in minWG
Ad 4) https://www.imagemagick.org/download/bi … static.exe
Ad 5) Make a copy of magic.exe and rename it to convert.exe
Ad 7) Full list again:
export PATH="[Path_To_ImageMagick]:${PATH}"
find . -type f -name configure | xargs unix2dos
cd OneLife
./configure 3
cd gameSource
In Makefile to line: COMPILE_FLAGS = -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Wchar-subscripts -Wparentheses ${DEBUG_FLAG} ${PLATFORM_COMPILE_FLAGS} ${PROFILE_FLAG} ${OPTIMIZE_FLAG} -I${ROOT_PATH} add: -I/usr/include -L/usr/lib
cd ../server
./configure 3
vim makeFileList # Compressed LAYER_SOURCE and NEEDED_MINOR_GEMS_OBJECTS onto single lines // Have no problem without it (compiles) but didn't try to use server
cd ../build
Still no luck with cross-compiling on Linux. I think I'm getting uncopatible g++ with mxe.
But I want to create .exe file for other people. Cause I've added WSAD for controls in game and want to compile binaries to share them. In Virtual Machine I would get linux client, which I have anyway since I'm on Linux.
Thank for replay anyway
I'm managed to cross-compile the client from linux to windows, using mxe as the toolchain, after patching the build scripts a little bit. I'll put something up on git when I have time.
(mxe is awesome, it fully automates the process of setting up a cross-compiler for Windows. And because it only targets Windows it's miles simpler than other such cross-compiler-setup tools. However, installing mxe (compiling gcc, binutils, libraries, etc) can easily take most of an hour.)
Can You post any instructions on cross-compiling on Linux? I'm using Debian base system. How did You patched build script?
How did your mxe make command looked like (MXE_TARGETS)? What packages?
Is there any way I could help You with game development? I'm a programmer so all I could do is implementing some features, optimizing, bug fixing and such. Maybe a bit with community. I know I can do a fork and make some changes on my own (which I did https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewt … 054#p3054), but I wanna contribute to the main game and learn something along the way.
Let me know if there is something
I also found this link on reedit site: https://colinmarc.com/ohol
Since game is Open Source I implemented it myself as abstraction to mouse clicks.
Mouse clicks are simply simulated in direction of a key. If that place is unwalkable next one is chosen to a certain threshold. So even if You go strait to a tree your character just goes around. It simply uses in-game path finding. I wrote it in a way that even if click would pickup an object You just walk to the place. It's very handy when You walk where a lot of thing laying on the ground.
Using mouse works normally.
When typing walking is inactive, until You close typing window.
Plus I added certain delay, to avoid spamming the server with commands. It's close to time that take to walk from one map cell to another. I still need to make sure that I would not introduce more lag issues if I would make it accessible to all. Don't wanna brake a game I know that You can click and drag mouse to move. Maybe I should do something similar. For now it's more like clicking every step. However I'm not sure if it's really that good way of sending data to server. Just don't know.
I also thinking about implementing shortcut for accessing backpack and maybe some more...
For now I just have Linux version. It works with official servers, however I need to merge it and recompile if new versions come out.
I also wander if Jason would make it a part of a main game If it would work good enough. I saw in settings this file https://github.com/jasonrohrer/OneLife/ … htKeys.ini
But it maybe just for Editor. I also find that 'E' button is there (I think like right click, but didn't find it working even with this setting on)
I need to figure out how to compile for Windows / Mac yet.
PS.: Maybe I would be able to play game without mouse all together. I know Jason said MAYBE to moving game to smartphones:
https://mb.reddit.com/r/OneLifeSuggesti … artphones/
What controls would be there?
Hi! Until your problem is resolved You could play with me on my private server. We can speak over Discord or just in game. I can teach You basics, so You are ready to go on official servers when You can. If someone else also want to join I'm happy to help
It's great. Thank You
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