One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Free account. » 2019-08-04 07:03:55


Good luck to you, Tarr, wherever you go!

#2 Re: Main Forum » Dear jason, please stop being a stubborn a*hole » 2019-07-02 04:45:18

testo wrote:
Amon wrote:

Right after the limited lives update living was ... near perfect. You only gained a life back after an hour. No dead babies, everything was a lil bit more peaceful, living was great.
Not that lives replenish every 20 minutes...which is way too much in my opinion, you'll practically never run out.

My thoughts exaclty. Replenish rate is way too high, for me 12 lives +1 each hour was the best in terms of selectivity, you actually had it hard to /die and be picky about your camp/town/city. Having *3 lives/hour means you get 3 free times to select your game each time you play.

I agree completely! My lives have been so much better since the limited lives update!

And I also have mixed feelings about 1 life per 20 minutes. Too much wiggle room for choosing where to live.

#3 Re: Main Forum » South Qin Memorial Garden - The true tale of a magical garden » 2019-07-02 04:10:19

Aww what a great story!

I hope to see this garden someday!
I've seen a few small gardens and burial shrines that are really lovely. <3

#4 Re: Main Forum » Using the name "Hope". » 2019-07-02 02:53:51

Jojigirl wrote:

I agree, it is overused, but I just go with the flow on names, most of the time I don't even check what my name actually is until I look at my family tree, or someone keeps calling out a name.. Then I'll check to see if they are speaking to me lol Other than that, a name is a name to me.

I can relate with this! I have such a hard time remembering my name xD

But yeah there are some names that are overused.
Hope has definitely been one of them for a long while now!

#5 Re: Main Forum » The OHOL realism of her life! Jason could get ideas from her channel! » 2019-07-01 00:23:46

I think my heart just burst a little watching her make that wool cloak all the way from sheep to cloak.
These videos are so SATISFYING!

#6 Re: Main Forum » One Life » 2019-06-30 23:08:29

Ilka wrote:

The only time wasted is the time in which we do something that we do not enjoy - time of boring duties, time of waiting, time in which we think: "When will it finally end?"

Sometimes it might feel like wasted time, though it is all about how we perceive it.
I have grown to appreciate those moments for what they are and what they teach me:

Boring duties and times of waiting can feel boring and slow, because they are the mundane things that aren't particularly exciting or challenging.
House cleaning, yardwork, errand running, waiting for a doctor appointment etc.
These moments are great for learning and practicing self reflection, imagination, and patience.
Many of my best ideas and thoughts come during these moments!

I definitely do not enjoy deep cleaning the bathroom.
But I appreciate the opportunity to try and create my own fun while doing it. big_smile

Ilka wrote:

The time of fun is always something we gain, we do not lose.

This is 100% truth!
Unless we count sleep..
I tend to lose sleep when I'm hooked on a game. tongue
No regrets!

#7 Re: Main Forum » Idea: Demo version of the game with 1 life per 3 days » 2019-06-30 11:56:52

Tarr wrote:
Kitaelia wrote:

Originally Jason's sales plan was $1.00 per one hour / one life.

I wonder if it would be viable to still sell one hour for $1.00
That way people wanting to test the game can buy a life (or a few) try it cheap.
Then if they enjoy it they buy it.

No idea how this would be implemented, but it would get more people to try it. smile

Can you imagine buying a life and getting a horse cart mom? Or someone just dumps you on a snake as you're born? If he was going to do anything free why not just let people try the tutorial? Sure you could fly someone out but that's a lot of effort (for example it takes me like 20 minutes to break out and make a landing strip).

A new player eve would only get like 25 minutes of real play in the game if all the hoops were jumped through and otherwise at best they'd get broken out and shown to a tutorial town.

Yes it would be a terrible business model to pay $1.00 and then die instantly using up your one life.

I was more using the phrase "buy a life" loosely.
Ideally they would get at least 60 minutes of playtime for their $1.00

The game in itself is already sorta a free demo since it's open source and you can just get the files from someone else to make your own server, or have a friend make one.
But that is not practical as a demo because that's a lot more effort than a demo should be.

Whether they are paid or on a "free lives" timer like mentioned above:
I think it would be really nice if we had a different type of lives. Separate from the 12/12 we get over time.
That could be given/gifted to other people so they can try the game.
Streamers could give out a few lives on their streams so curious viewers could demo before they buy.

#8 Re: Main Forum » One Life » 2019-06-30 08:26:47

Morti wrote:

All you willing to go 'overboard' with anything, I thank you.
Your courage and disregard for convention, are stars in the sky.

I went back and forth over whether to reply to Jason's comment here OR create a new thread.
I didn't wish to detract from or derail Morti's thread, because I tend to get a bit whimsical and wordy now and then..
However after re-reading Morti's post, I decided that my reply to Jason could be at home here. smile

jasonrohrer wrote:

As we near the millionth hour that human beings have spent playing¹ OHOL ...

... I can't help but wonder how a million hours of intelligent human ingenuity² could have been better spent.

1. Play is essential for creativity to thrive. Play helps us learn how to learn.

2. Creativity is essential for putting human ingenuity to use in creating beneficial advancements in society.

No matter what, humans are going to play.
And I believe that is wonderful because it means we will continue to grow.

I like to think of playing video games as similar to listening to music.
I can turn on my favorite streaming platform, put on a random playlist, and ingest songs like fast food or fine dining.

- Some songs I can listen to haphazardly and not really give much thought to the experience in the moment.
- And then I can listen to a song that suddenly soaks into the very fabric of who I am and awakens my soul.

Movies, books, and video games have also given me experiences like this.
Some are fast food. Some are fine dining.
All are experiences we are having within ourselves and with each other.

You have mixed feelings about one million hours people have spent playing OHOL, and that's good!
Humans are messy and mixed and terrible and wonderful!

One million hours playing One Hour One Life gives me so much hope for the future and evolution of gaming.
Niche games that make you think as much as OHOL does have been desperately needed for so long.
And I don't mean "A + B = C" type of thinking. I mean "open up my soul and figure out what makes it tick" type of thinking.
The deep stuff. The human stuff.

OHOL may only be a game. But this is only life. And we are only human. Even virtual.

One million hours nurturing each other.
One million hours angering each other.
One million hours learning with each other.
One million hours failing with each other.
One million hours feeling emotions with each other.
One million hours building with each other.
One million hours hating each other.
One million hours growing with each other.
One million hours dying with each other.
One million hours loving each other.
One million hours inspiring each other.
One million hours achieving with each other.
One million hours experiencing life with each other.
One million hours being human with each other.

That is something to be celebrated!

So thank you, Jason, for sharing your art and soul with us and letting us experience it with you.

"You will simply become completely absorbed in sound,
and therefore you will find yourself living in an eternal now,
in which there is no past, and there is no future,
it all becomes one doing, one happening"

"When we make music, we do it to improve your mind,
to improve your character, and brings us into a state of peace
where we can understand that the point of life is simply here and now.
The journey itself is the point.
The playing itself is the point."

-Alan Watts via Rameses B - Meaning of Life

#9 Re: Main Forum » Family Tree Graphs - now online » 2019-06-30 03:47:01

wondible wrote:
Kitaelia wrote:

This is pretty cool! Does it only show older lives? I don't see any of my recent lives or any of my relatives I try to search for.

As with the map, this is based on the lineage logs. They are posted at around 08:30 UTC daily, and I believe the data server begins fetching them around 09:00 UTC.

Oh, that makes more sense! Thank you! smile

#10 Re: Main Forum » Idea: Demo version of the game with 1 life per 3 days » 2019-06-30 03:29:07

Originally Jason's sales plan was $1.00 per one hour / one life.

I wonder if it would be viable to still sell one hour for $1.00
That way people wanting to test the game can buy a life (or a few) try it cheap.
Then if they enjoy it they buy it.

No idea how this would be implemented, but it would get more people to try it. smile

#11 Re: Main Forum » Disability representation in OHOL » 2019-06-25 07:12:55

WalrusesConquer wrote:

Would you rather spend a token, or deal with some irritating thing for an hour

Would you rather live the same life nearly every life, or take on a unique challenge for an hour

Now, I know that nearly every life is hardly the same, because it is what we make of it.. I'm no stranger to creating my own fun if I'm feeling a bit bored with whatever pattern I might feel stuck in. I just wanted to word my above response similarly to your question as an example of differing opinions. What you may consider irritating, others may see as a fun challenge that forces them to get creative with how they solve problems.

As an example.. Being handicapped with some kind of speed/strength penalty due to an old injury/sickness would give a player more of an excuse to sit around town and teach the children.
I am a huge advocate for teaching because it is one of the major reasons the human species has advanced as well as it has.
However in OHOL I've gotten a bit shy about teaching due to all of the times I've been yelled at for "Standing around wasting food just to talk" because the passerby saw me standing there for literally 10 seconds while I was typing instructions for compost or something... lol

And of course handicaps that give us the excuse to stand around and teach can also be abused. Some will just stand around and not contribute anything.. But some people already can and do this.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Signs That You Might Play OHOL » 2019-06-25 06:41:46

I've developed the occasional cooking time management anxiety! Where I begin to lay out everything on the counter in preparation, because my subconscious is telling me I'm going to be able to finish making my food if I take too long and the stove suddenly goes cold!

RodneyC86 wrote:

Also, I almost tilted after I placed some chopped onions on a plate - my subconscious OHOL mind leaked out and told me I lost the plate forever

^ This feeling also temporarily freezes my brain for a moment during my above process! xD

#13 Re: Main Forum » Twin Eve are different families BUG? » 2019-06-25 06:25:56

FulmenTheFinn wrote:

... before Jason more or less reverted it to the old behaviour.

Huh, really? Is that change posted anywhere? In the #live-dev-changes the next update with the keyword "Eve" after the ones I mentioned above was this:

"Disabled latest Eve spring grid placement close to civ, and re-enabled old Eve spiral."

I read that as meaning only the locations that Eve's spawn at was reverted, not the number of Eves. If I missed a post somewhere, I'd love to see it if you know where it is. I like to try to stay at least somewhat informative xD

#14 Re: Main Forum » Twin Eve are different families BUG? » 2019-06-25 03:59:05

FulmenTheFinn wrote:

EDIT: I found out after writing this post that with the current system you can actually easily /die through all 12 lives without getting an Eve spawn once. This must change ASAP.

One of the reasons the limited lives on a timer was implemented was to purposely discourage people from /die'ing over and over and encourage them to live the life they were born into. You can also no longer /die to force Eve spawn even if you had more lives. This is intended.

This is in the #live-dev-changes channel in the official discord server:

"Changes to function of /DIE.  Can no longer use it to cycle through all families and force yourself to be an unecessary Eve.  Eve only spawns if there are really no available motehrs for an incoming baby.  /DIE adds this family to your family skip list.  If you eventually cycle through all families, so that you've skipped them all, and none are left, your skip list is cleared."

That's when families started getting way too big and we ended up with the same 2 families lasting days and being the only option. Then Jason made this change:

"We now add a new Eve whenever existing families have more than 15 players each on average."

You can still play as Eve on one of the empty servers if you wish to.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Family Tree Graphs - now online » 2019-06-25 03:41:41

This is pretty cool! Does it only show older lives? I don't see any of my recent lives or any of my relatives I try to search for.

#16 Re: Main Forum » is there a bigserver 1? » 2019-06-16 00:37:56

I did a quick search for "bigserver1" in the OHOL discord and found this:

UncleGus on OHOL Discord 1/30/2019 wrote:

so, there was a bigserver1 that Jason commissioned but it was assigned an IP address that was banned in Russia
so he made a new server

#18 Re: Main Forum » 10 Minutes One Dog Life » 2019-06-15 12:21:10

This suggestion should be on the /r/OneLifeSuggestions subreddit so people can vote if they like the idea! big_smile

#19 Re: Main Forum » lots of eves » 2019-06-15 12:15:04

There was a server update. smile

Some info on the game's servers for people who may not know how they work:

There are 16 servers in total, but we all mostly play on one main server.
When there needs to be an update to the game, servers have to restart.
Half of the servers are updated and restart at a time.
First the Odd numbered servers. They enter what is called "Children of Men" mode.
Children of Men mode means nobody can have babies. Everyone is infertile.
Anyone trying to be born during this time will spawn on the top Even numbered server.
The main server that mostly everyone plays on is an Even numbered server, so they are generally unaffected by this first phase.
Once everyone on the Odd numbered servers has died, the servers will restart and update.
Then the Even numbered servers enter Children of Men mode. Even servers are now infertile.
Now anyone trying to be born will spawn on the top Odd numbered server.
Once everyone on the Even servers has died, they will restart and apply the update.
NOW everyone will go back to being defaulted to the main server when the updates are done.
^ Because of this, the people who spawned on the top Odd numbered server are practically infertile because the game will be defaulting new spawns back to the main server. The only people who will spawn to this server now are people who set their spawn settings specifically to this server in the settings section.

Here is a link to the live server list:
OHOL Servers

#20 Re: Main Forum » I get really frustrated when... » 2019-06-15 10:33:21

Often times when people try to help it is because they don't fully understand the job and wish to work with a pro so they can better learn the job.

This is a direct result of lack of communication as a whole.

If someone is trying to "help" you try asking them if they are new and wish to learn [insert your current project job here].

If their answer is "not new" or "sorta new" (ie: they've done a little before) then ask them to do something that both gets them out of your hair, helps you with your job, AND helps them feel useful.
- Building Road?   "Can you get me boards?"
- Smithing? "Can you get more kindling and stack it over there?"
- Baking? "Can you get me the mutton from the sheep pen?"

If their answer is "yes new" then tell them to just watch and ask questions if they have them.

Because of this experience they will be more likely to communicate first and ask before barging into someone's job.

Society needs communication.
If you're a Master. Teach.
If you're a Student. Ask to learn.

#22 Re: Main Forum » how dare you (Jason says: "this is the other Eve thread") » 2019-05-28 11:08:05

jasonrohrer wrote:

"What happens if there's only one available mother, and 10 people joining.  Will she get 10 babies?  That's insane"

10 would be insane, yes...

But what if she got 2, 3, or 4 babies?

How about if we add in a low % chance for births with natural multiple babies? Twins/Trips/Quads.

Not the "Friends" option that we can choose, but could possibly borrow the same code to be modified/merged with the current birth rate / Eve spawn system.

Having only one baby at a time should still be mostly the 'norm' because we don't want to overdo it..

Which is why it would start out as a very low % chance that increases when certain factors are met:

How young is the mother to be?
How full is she?
How warm is she?
How fertile is she?

I found this article to be fascinating and we could borrow ideas from it for birth rates: … ving-twins

A few snips from the article that could translate into code:

Nearly 4 percent of babies in the United States are now born in sets of two, three or more, with the majority — about 95 percent — of these multiple births being twins.

(If)You're an older mom-to-be. As you age, your chance of conceiving twins increases. Researchers have found that women over 35 produce more follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) than younger women, which may cause more than one egg to drop at ovulation.


That way we could lower the chance of random Eves, making them rare and special again. Extras can still spawn if no fertile mothers are available or everyone is on birth cooldown, but I think the twins/trips/quads would help ease the Invasion of the Eves quite a bit... Without removing the possibility of a new family sprouting up nearby (gotta get new blood somehow to marry our kin off to! tongue)

Plus the thought of being surprised with an unexpected sibling, born at the same time as me, is thrilling!

I also like ideas others have had that would go nicely with this:

Mother-to-be gets Pregnant Belly instead of babies just popping out right away.
Pregnancy lasts for 1 minute and the future baby's player is carried in the belly for that 1 minute.
Mother-to-be can continue working, give village tour, and talk to unborn baby(s) about what life is like.
It's a fantastic learning opportunity for new players even if the mother decides not to say anything.

Adding in your idea with a twist (see below) could also add to this.

jasonrohrer wrote:

Another option:

Instead of /DIE resulting in a lineage ban, it results in some other state... a SKIP family state, where you add this family to your SKIP list (list of families you skipped).  If you run out of families, you don't become Eve.  Your SKIP list is cleared, and you start over again, going through the families.

My twist:

Using /DIE in the Pregnant Belly
- Would behave as it currently does and Lineage bans player from that family/Area.
- The Eve that spawns from doing this is AREA BANNED and spawns somewhere in the wild.
- This lets people wanting to legitimately play as Eves play how they like.
- Reduces the amount of Greifer Eves.
- Reduces the amount of Baby Bones.

Using /DIE after being born
- Would add family to the SKIP list.
- If people run out of families, they don't become Eve.
- Their SKIP list is cleared, and they start over again, going through the families.
- Running out of families for the second time does NOT clear the SKIP list.
- Instead they get a temporary, non-cursed visit to Donkey Town for one hour. (No permanent record)

#24 Re: Main Forum » Baby Crisis » 2018-11-19 09:59:32

gabal wrote:

It makes you appreciate it when you get a competent mom who is caring for you.

I have been searching for videos of people playing for the first time and they feel genuine joy and awe when they get born to a player who knows how to play and takes good care of you.

Took the words right out of my keyboard! I remember being new and feeling frustrated over being abandoned over and over. Yes, it can be frustrating. Especially if you are playing with the mentality of "This is a game therefore I must feel complete JOY during my entire play experience."

This game is more of a society and civilization simulator and you are supposed to feel a mixture of all of the emotions while playing it. The good lives make the bad ones feel so worth it.

When I finally found my first mother who kept me, raised me, took the time to actually teach me a few things.. Oh boy was I super excited! After cycling through several moms who couldn't keep me, it felt really special to finally be kept and cared for.

So far OHOL is a pretty damn spot on society and civilization simulator when you really really think about it. Not many babies (or mothers) survived back in the caveman days and early civilization.

That's just my two potatoes. smile

#25 Re: Main Forum » town bulletin boards » 2018-10-02 08:26:30

That would be pretty cool! It could function as a job board / search ads ^_^

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