One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Favorite moments » 2018-03-14 00:04:11

I was born to a loving mother, she was alone before my arrival. She fed me and my now 4 siblings all by herself in a dead hunting village. When I was old enough I started to help with the farm, I watered the plants, looked for and found many carrot seeds. It was only one problem, we had no milkweed in our surrounding area. We were all naked and desperately needed clothes.

I decided to go looking for the rare plant at the tender age of 17, I had a kid myself now that mother took care of. I took a basket full with carrots and my mother wished me good luck with a "don't die out there".

It was a tough adventure, I was living on the edge, barely finding enough berries to stay alive. I gave birth several times but had to abandon them to the wolves.

It was quite some time before I found some milkweed but there in a large clearing I finally found them. I filled the empty basket I had been carrying for years with seeds.

The journey home was equally as challenging and the wolves was after me, they had developed a taste for human meat after all the babies I left behind. Seriously they were behind every tree.

I finally came home on the edge of starvation, I put down the basket and starting to eat carrots my now grown up siblings had farmed. I was much older and did not look like I did when I left but was still naked as the rest of the village except my beautiful Mom.

I saw my Mom, she was the only one with a set of clothes she found in the hunting village. With tears rolling down my cheeks and the words "Mom, I'm back with seeds!" about to leave my lips, she shot me with a bow...

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