One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Current state of the games [Rant] » 2018-04-25 07:40:59

Replies: 15

I didn't mind the new updates at first but my attitude has changed. I no long look forward to playing because of the rapid changes to game play mechanics.

I'm not having fun anymore because the game is no longer simple. It's supposed to be hard, not complex. I liked the apocalypse update because it gave me the chance to be someone who started the civilization off. The only people who seem to complete the tech tree are the ones who keep re-spawning in the same area and live multiple lives working on the same goals. I don't like being born or even wandering into these abandoned cities because there's nothing worth doing. Look at me I've got a crown and a horse that someone else obtained! Look at my ridiculous stone wall that isn't finished and serves no purpose! What's this locked door? Sorry you can't get in because some asshole ran away with the key and died behind a tree in the middle of nowhere.

My current breaking point was trying to make compost. Normally it was just reed and mashed carrots + berries, add water and wait. Then it was add worms to the wet compost... Fine. Now I have to use straw instead of reed and I have to shovel dung onto the pile? This is way to obscene for something that humans never had to do. People didn't carry baskets of dirt to grow crops, they tilled the dirt that was already there until all the nutrients were used up!

Why are you trying to make it impossible to farm? All I want to do when I play is to provide for my family, advance the tech a bit, and not step on a rattle snake. Now I don't have time for any of it! I'm sick of having to relearn how to farm. All the best locations are already populated with old cities and it's just too boring. I want to start a town, or add to one, and when the last person dies I wish that whole town was just wiped clean.

And speaking of items decaying, how are pies and carrots staying edible after hundreds of years?!?

I'm going to have to take a break from the game now because it's a hot mess. I want to play it again if the mechanics are ever cleaned.

#2 Re: News » End of the apocalypse, and lag fixes today » 2018-04-08 04:28:23

I'm so happy for the apocalypse! You're absolutely right about stale game-play and griefers, something had to be done. And I wouldn't worry too much about a few people being upset, its not worth keeping a broken game.

I like being distinguished as a great player, someone who survives on the lowest rung of the ladder. However, some of the comments are correct about the beginning becoming repetitive. Find 5-6 berry bushes, make a hatchet, make a fire-bow, make a fire, raise a family, make a snare, make clothes... but here's the catch, I'm always the last one standing. Kids don't spawn when I need them too, 80% die off anyway, so their is no one to pass the legacy onto! For once I would love to spawn in a village right around when 2-3 sets of clothes have been made and a farm is being established.

Either the game is too hard for new players or their needs to be a way of invoking babies to spawn and I bet its the latter. I understand their needs to be some spontaneous player generation but why not prioritize those who want it? For instance, I just spawned in my ideal scenario (as described above) however my mother and sister died very quickly. I was born a boy and was not about to work in a village by myself with no offspring on the horizon. Therefore I killed myself.

Which brings me to my next point, male vs female characters. I have heard it so many times "Sry, no boys". Either boys need to be able to produce offspring or they need a mechanical advantage like being faster or a greater max hunger limit. Men producing babies makes as much sense as a lone eve producing babies and It would solve the last man on earth scenario. 

Thank you for the great game and keep up the good work! Best $20 I ever spent.

#3 Re: Main Forum » People will find a way to ruin the game. Must have a report feature » 2018-04-01 06:16:36

No I agree, I came on just to let others note that something has to be done. I spent all game chasing someone who started trolling by trying to take all the arrows out of town. Then when he was big enough he ran around with a shovel and dug up every berry bush he could find WHILE I'M CHASING AND SHOOTING ARROWS AT HIM! I swear he was also using hacks because half the time I was chasing him his character would veer off suddenly, glitch, and disappear.

I love the game but this griefing needs to stop. I don't want to play anymore if this is what I have to look forward.

#4 Re: Bug Discussion » invisible people » 2018-03-22 23:41:06

This bug just pissed me off.

Was carrying a bow and arrow to protect village, wandered away to put it down and eat. invisible person picked it up and shot me...

#5 Re: Bug Discussion » Oscillating back and forth. » 2018-03-22 22:29:45

Yeah of all the bugs this one is the worst. painful to watch yourself slowly starve and being helpless to do anything about it. Not a lag issue either as other characters busy themselves around you.

#6 Re: Main Forum » The lack of storage problem! » 2018-03-20 06:45:59

This big problem with clutter is that nobody organizes it at all. Everyone just runs about with their task in mind and doesn't realize you need someone sorting all the odds and ends. The big basket is a good idea but I feel it would take away from the box. Until a silo is released for food storage, I have more pressing things to worry about.

#7 Re: Main Forum » Seriously, why is murdering people so ridiculously easy in this game? » 2018-03-20 06:34:51

I agree griefing has become a problem. Now that cities are being connected by roads it very easy for one person to run to each town and instantly murder everyone. I like the idea of losing hunger, losing max hunger, or just making it a two shot with the bow.

griefers are the only ones having fun atm.

#8 Bug Discussion » Objects and players flying around » 2018-03-14 18:40:16

Replies: 1

I've heard this may be due to lag but I'm not so sure. Grandma, grandpa, and their tools are zipping across the screen. This is happening all the time and I never see them come from one way and zip back, its always a one way zip.

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