One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Main Forum » Bush's turning into pies WTF » 2018-04-01 04:26:23

Replies: 3

hello i took a took a short break from this game about 4 days, i jump back on today just to see people picking up whole water ponds like that's possible, then when i restart as an eve i to to pick a berry bush only for it to turn into a pie, what happened to this game over the past few days, i have a few pictures but it doesn't seem like you cant upload on this forum

#2 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-19 12:42:02

Casdir wrote:
Xuhybrid wrote:
Casdir wrote:

Don't let knives laying around in the open. Or better yet, don't craft any to begin with. If you see one, get rid of it and hide it somewhere good.
Or arm yourself with it and be the white knight of your camp.

I mean, I don't even know what the knife is really used for. Is it really that important to craft one right now?
Like, is it really worth crafting one for the risk of having someone kill an entire civilization?

I doubt it's worth it.

That doesn't stop any griefer from crafting them and you're expecting people to carry the weapons around at all times? A griefer can easily hide any weapons that would stop them before they start killing... Remind me why PvP is in this game?

With the current combat system you'll never be able to stop someone from killing at least one person. That's a given. But as soon as you see the killer, you'll be able to kill him if you happen to have a knife yourself in your pocket.

World PvP adds another layer of fun and realism to a survival game such as this, as well as immersion. I don't see why you wouldn't want world PvP in a game like this? It's not implemented well as of right now, but I don't want it to be completely gone.

Look, I'm more of a PvE guy myself. PvP games tend to tilt me real hard nowadays. Mostly team based PvP games that is. Overwatch for example.. *cough, cough*
But some people enjoy PvP a lot. To some of them it's the biggest reason to play these kind of games. They just like the fantasy of being a Murderer or of making up a group of bandits to terrorize villages and plunder them.

Isn't that cool? instead of having NPC bandits like you see them in games like Skyrim, you can have REAL PEOPLE being those bandits. That's so much more intriguing in my opinion.

totally agree man, not good atm but if worked on could be great. this game really reminds me of the game Haven&Hearth i used to play it's so similar, it's about homesteading it's perma death multiplayer , and pretty much requires a wiki to play well just like this game.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-19 01:41:16

yeah totally agree with you guys, it cant be turned off atm becasue you have to kill poo brain villagers sometimes,  shouldn't be eliminated it needs a layer or layers of complexity, making the mechanics better will improve the game so much, like adding voice chat, wasd controls, armor, proper walls with watchtowers and gatehouses for bowmen, locks and keys, some kind of identity like being mothers being able to name kids in-game and clan tags, signs we need signs so bad so we can write down rules and faq's for new kids to read, this game is fun but it came out in a very exploitable state

#4 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-18 12:53:15

Joriom wrote:
PooManCHU wrote:

Just got off OHOL, was in a village were i was making compost and planting milkweed, was teaching someone to make compost and while i was typeing an infant who had just learned to grab items killed me in one hit, probs went on to kill a another 4 or 5 people after me, an infant comeon people that just stupid and impossible irl

Actually - you're lying. Teenagers (just after being able to grab items) are unable to pick up weapons and hand carts. He must have been older or you're lying about everything.

sorry was busy typing at the time when i was killed i cant type and look at my screen at the same time so i only so him for a split second, he was naked so i just assumed a baby my bad, but since when am i lying about everything a made a mistake, it's called human error mang clam down

#5 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-18 12:49:51

Mate griefing with no consequence is what the dev wanted it's his vision, otherwise he would have had pvp disabled on the official server by default, pvp is part of the game it's just atm the combat system is really bad and need to change, it currently gives you no way to counter or block it's just who ever gets in first insta kills, which is so annoying and not fun in the slightest. it's a problem with human nature it will not stop, the games needs to changes it systems, but not by banning just by getting better combat and defensive buildings.

just minutes before i was in game i was an elder male in the village trying my hardest to keep things together i was saying to the mums :you have to have kids we have no baby's we need a permanent mother to rise new young no kids no chance, then a player who over the last ten minutes i had seen stealing our milkweed to make arrows i had been takeing said arrows and hiding them, came up to me and said this guy wants to enforce gender roles and chased me down with a knife, i had a knife also as my uncle had given it too me but i wasn't quick enough he insta killed me, man the combat is so bad. sad thing is he probs took the arrows my my pack too and used them with the bow he had made to kill the entire village

#6 Re: Main Forum » Best experience I ever had [Love you mom and brother] » 2018-03-18 06:35:42

lucky your brother didn't kill you with a knife or bow, that happens alot now a days

#7 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-18 06:01:37

Just got off OHOL, was in a village were i was making compost and planting milkweed, was teaching someone to make compost and while i was typeing an infant who had just learned to grab items killed me in one hit, probs went on to kill a another 4 or 5 people after me, an infant comeon people that just stupid and impossible irl

#8 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-18 05:00:10

Are you saying that most murderers actually contribute to the village for a good15-25 minutes but then just as there getting older they get bored and kill people? i think the only way for advance villages to stop griefing from there own population is to have strict rules, so when a new baby come along, you ask it it has read the guide on the wiki and wants to join and participate to the village, and that it is not about what they want to do all the time, you may be given a job to job and it must be done after the old people die for the betterment of the village. imo i think most griefers and new players that don't know how to play they cant do anything so they get bored than start killing. only problem is it is hard to communicate a message like this in game becasue the text system, that's why i think we need voice shat in this game for big villages to work.

the game also needs some kind of lockable container that isnt that hard to craft that way you could put all weapons and valuables inside, big villages will need guards but currently they don't work well we need a better combat system, there needs to be armor both fabric and metal in the game so guards don't die in one hit and shields to block attacks too. talking about fabric armor reminds my of something else, why is there only milkweed for thread in the game, why not flax, hemp, cotton, mulberry trees for silk farming, yucca and agave for a new desert biome, fabric takes alot of fibers we need more than just milkweed. also proper walls like earthworks and palisade with adobe lining and watch towers for your archers to sit in and snipe off any intruders.

you see im not for taking away pvp actually I'm all for it, it's just currently the combat system is nether balanced or rewarding we need deeper combat thats fun, the game having simple controls doesn't means the combat cant be fun, here's my idea i will talk about armor later for now melee weapons, if holding a melee weapon right click no longer insta kills instead it initiates combat, once in combat your cursor gets bigger and changes to a sword and arrow controls change too right click no longer puts down what your holding and left click doesn't pick things up, instead left click attacks simply clicking the left click would perform a quick jab while holding it down until a sound effect or visual queue played would perform a slash, right click would be to hold up your shield, timed blocks could be performed becasue jab and slash would have tel tail animations letting you know when the opponent was about to strike, holding down a slash past the sound effect or visual queue would make you fumble giving your opponent the chance to riposte, that way players cant just hold back a slash and wait for there player to put there shield down. in the same vain jabbing someone who has there shield up at the time would cause you to stun yourself for a second. up it's fun becasue you cant hold back a slash while holding your shield up at the same time, you have to wait until the right time to strike then drop your guard to jab or slash all about timing, i know it's alot but imo would make the gamer alot more fun i dint talk about armor becasue i have done enough typing for now.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Griever killing everyone with knive » 2018-03-18 02:04:25

As far as the bow and arrow is concerned, the elders could just hang onto all the arrows in there backpacks rendering the bow useless unless the griefer makes his own, that way if someone wanted to use the bow they would just ask the elders, and if deemed trustworthy by them it would be given and then returned, i think a big problem is when you are being griefed you cant communicate with your people very well at all, the game is so zoomed in it makes it so that unless you are standing very close to one another you cant talk, and for people that are slow at typing they will already be dead before coordinate a counter attack, i think some kind of voice chat would really help not only with griefing but just village coordination in general

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