One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Translations » Translation - Tool » 2018-03-28 20:28:17

Hi emucat thank for your help !
I'll check that as fast as possible, and there's some french word cause it's my files so I was testing.
Copy your object folder and erase mine.

You can zip your files and post them, that the only way right now. I'm currently working on a way to deal with that cause it's a strange method.

The application is currently in development so you may face other issue !
Hope you can work without bugs.

I uploaded a new version of the app, try with this one and tell me if you face the same issue.
Don't forget to copy your folder before using the application it's more safe, remember the app is still in development.

#2 Re: Translations » Translation - Tool » 2018-03-19 22:09:35

Thanks you llap !
This application allow you to translate, but the goal is to share your work with others player so everyone can contribute.
I know that archaic but, you can share your objects dir with other people.
I'm currently working on how to handle the case we share our translation so everyone can contribute easily !

I hope my app will help you !

#3 Re: Translations » The situation with translations » 2018-03-19 17:27:33

You just need to replace some text file and also some tga file wich are written in english, just like the pop up saying you'r full or hungry !

#4 Translations » Translation - Tool » 2018-03-19 01:39:36

Replies: 8
OneLife - Translator


  1. Presentation

  2. How it work ?

  3. Download links

  4. Updates


Hello everyone,
I'm Gijutsu a french programmer and also a player of One Hour One Life, today I'm here to share with you my work.
Currently it's difficult to find some translation of the game, people are working hard but it take so much time to handle all those text files ... I know that cause I wanted to create a french translation of the game, so my friends can really enjoy playing this game ! It was really boring.
So i decided to create an application that will faster the process !

This application is open source, everyone can modify it as long as you mentioned me in the main file.
In this topic you can report every faced error, i'll try to patch them as fast as possible.
Furthermore, you can propose every idea you find usefull.

How it work ?

There's two versions of the application, an Executable and a python version. To avoid any difficulties I reccomand you to use the Executable one.
Don't worry i'll explain both cases,

Case Executable:
It's pretty simple, you juste have to download the build application and launch the Executable.
It's really easy to use, you may clicked on items at the left, and then modify is name in the textbox. When you'r done typing, just press enter and move on an other item.

Case Python:
For those who want to help developing this application, or the others that doesn't trust unknow .Exe, i'll explain how to use the app thank to the source code.
First you need python 3, you can download it here. You also need the source code, you can download it below.

Then follow my instructions,

  1. Right click on and Edit with IDLE

  2. Press F5, or click on Run then Run Module

Now you can use the application or modify it.

Download links
Python version V0.1
Executable version V0.1

Executable version V0.2


03/19/2018 V0.1
  - Better GUI 
  - Editing post (More clear)
  - Release build version
  - Fixed some bugs
03/20/2018 V0.1
  - Separate list, Objects And Translated Objects
  - New menu bar
03/28/2018 V0.2
  - Load button (Choose directory objects to translate)
  - Exit button
  - Count of translated objects 

I'm currently working on a way to fusion translated objects directory (Only work if you translate game objects with the application). This will allow people to work together, you just need to send your game objects directory to the other translator. Thanks to the application he can fusion both translation and continue to work.

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